The Buddhist Forum Volume VI

The Buddhist Forum Volume VI. The Institute of Buddhist Studies. Tring UK, 2001


Contents List of Illustrations ............................................................. ix Preface ................................................................................ xi The Historical Spectrum of the Bodhisattva Ideal........... 1 Bodhisattva Vow by Bodhibhadra .................................... 15 Sevenfold Practice of the Dharma by Śākyaśrībhadra ... 23 Mental Attitude During Daily Activities ............................. 25 Eulogy of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha ..................... 31 Two Eulogies of the Eight Great Caityas ........................... 37 Hymn to the Thirty-five Buddhas of Confession .............. 57 Presentation of Offerings to the Ḍākinīs ........................... 65 Offering Butter Lamps ......................................................... 81 Three Types of Evocation (sādhana) .................................. 83 Self-generation as a deity .................................................... 88 Visualisation of the victorious vase ................................... 109 Visualisation of the maṇḍala at the front ......................... 112 Funeral Rites for Rebirth in the Sukhāvatī Abode ............ 137 Transference of consciousness .......................................... 145 Liberation through hearing in the intermediate state ..... 154 The cremation ceremony ..................................................... 156 Ritual with an effigy-card (byang chog) ............................... 172 Jyotirmañjarī of Abhayākaragupta ....................................... 183 The Saṃpuṭa-tantra: Sanskrit and Tibetan Versions of Chapter Two ................. 223