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2015, Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies
This paper deals with the challenges imposed by the Teaching of Law contemporarily and points to its improvement through the use of new instruments of education, typical for the digital era. Due to the impossibility of neglecting the breakthroughs of technology in the 21st century, the proposal consists in taking advantage of these resources as allies to the transmission of legal knowledge. This proposal has been executed by the research group Observatório para a Qualidade da Lei (a research group linked to the Postgraduate Departament of the Law School in the Federal University of Minas Gerais), through the Legistics Ning Platform, which has been used as a tool in the subject of Legistics, in the Law Major of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. is a social net created to enhance the debate on the elaboration of Law and Legislation, and brings together academics of law, members of technical bodies in various legislative houses throughout the country, as well as Executive members, Parliament members and regular citizens interested in the dialogue over the quality of law. Because it is an interactive tool, it promotes autonomy of the individuals, as they may upload, initiate and choose the content to be discussed; it promotes a collaborative attitude and enhances critical thinking. Besides, it keeps scholars and professionals of law tuned to the most recent events providing them with constant updating and the possibility of assessing the acquired knowledge in real life. The Legistics Platform is a pedagogical innovation that goes along with the evolution of our time, and enjoys what technology has to offer, in order to promote an empowering and inclusive learning environment.
Latin american law review, 2023
The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the debate on the adoption of new technologies in legal education. It discusses Professor Daniel Bonilla Maldonado's criticism against the legal literature's main responses in his essay Legal Education and Technological Innovation: A Critical Essay. This paper offers two claims to substantiate the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in legal education from a Brazilian perspective. The strong claim is that digital technologies are essential to teaching present-day law students. The weak claim is that digital technologies are useful and desirable in certain circumstances. Both claims try to respond to four weaknesses pointed out * Cassia Nakano Hirai holds a Master´s Degree from FGV Business School, Brazil (2018) and an LL.M. Degree from Fordham University, USA (2008).
European Journal of Law and Technology, 2011
Cite as: Ruschel A.
Apertura, 2020
The purpose of this article is to present the findings obtained regarding the advantages of the learning process of the law students of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez through online education. The article derives from a broader investigation in which a qualitative methodology with an interpretive approach was used. The development of skills in reading ability and comprehension, writing, as well as the capacity for analysis and synthesis through the preparation of essays, mental and conceptual maps, were identified as learning advantages under this educational modality. Also the development of library skills by searching for information on platforms and strengthening digital skills through the use of applications to develop materials and work that promote learning. In addition, it was found that learning law in virtual environments constitutes alternatives for people with disabilities or with health problems. It is concluded that the traditional teaching of law must be confronted to transmute to one characterized by the use of Information and Communication Technologies and the digital culture.
The article is structured as follows: initially considers the change in the orientation of the teaching of jurists, exemplified by the demands of the Bologna process; examines, in a second section, the limitations of the discussions on Legal Informatics that have taken place in the last thirty years; next Section discusses the possibilities of undertaking a critical, dogmatic juridical approach whose content is exclusively focused on the study of legal texts; the last Section argues that a wide-ranging framework of reflection, debate and support for social needs and competences can result in a communicative theory of Law.
Despite the law knowledge presumption, Jurisprudence has not always considered the effects introduced by the communication of law in the transition from the print to the electric revolution, using here concepts and ideas of McLuhan´s theory. The use of Internet by Brazilian Courts (on line transmission of trials, the digital process, transformation of courts in source of news on what concerns their decisions) is an interesting example of how the new medium interferes in the substance of the message of law, since the movement of the messages must be considered to understand the epistemological domain of law. New elements are introduced by the new media and interact with the old meanings, concepts and processes of law and of the old media and can themselves bring new conflicts that are relevant to the comprehension of the complete and real dynamics of Law
Rev. direitos fundam. democ., 2023
Através desse artigo, pretende-se investigar acerca da possibilidade de utilização de mecanismos consensuais online e a sua aplicabilidade como resposta adequada aos conflitos de interesses, a partir da aplicação da política pública instituída pela Resolução n. 125/2010 do CNJ. Sendo assim, questiona-se: o que são os mecanismos online de resolução de conflitos? Seriam eles uma opção legalmente viável no cenário jurídico brasileiro? Como se daria a sua adequada utilização? Parte-se da hipótese de que é possível a utilização dos meios consensuais online de tratamento de conflitos, pois são instrumentos capazes de facilitar a comunicação entre as partes e encontram respaldo na legislação brasileira. Alinhado ao problema de pesquisa e hipótese, está o objetivo geral, que consiste em investigar o que são os online dispute resolution enquanto mecanismos de acesso à justiça no Brasil diante da aplicação da Resolução n. 125 do CNJ. Em decorrência do objetivo principal foram elaborados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) descrever a Política Judiciária de tratamento dos conflitos de interesses no Brasil e analisar o princípio fundamental de acesso à justiça; b) explicar o que são os ODR’s, analisando a legislação que dá suporte à sua aplicação no direito brasileiro; c) ponderar acerca da implementação dos mecanismos online no Brasil, examinando alguns aspectos relativos às transformações sociais experimentadas a partir da era da informação. Com a finalidade de cumprir com os objetivos propostos, utilizar-se-á o método dedutivo e o método de procedimento monográfico.
Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Provision of quality education has become a leading challenge in the world today. In 2005, world university population was 138 million. In Cameroon’s state universities, the student population of the universities of Yaoundé University II and Ngaoundéré for example, was respectively some 27,000 and 23,000 in 2017/18. These numbers pose problems of cost, geography, infrastructure and educational delivery platforms that the confines of traditional university and its departments cannot accommodate. This article attempts a definition of the legal educational platforms and the disciplines of the future in Cameroon. The article was prepared through a combination of archival and internet search, and expert consultation. Archival and Internet research was carried out through an analysis of the existing literature in the domains of web technologies, online learning courseware, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as of legal disciplines and delivery platforms. Expert consultat...
Brazil is the country that has the largest number of law schools-around 1.3 thousand-and a large amount of law graduates-around 830 thousand licensed lawyers and another 1.5 million unlicensed law graduates, according to the official statistics. Not only that, but also the number of law schools in Brazil is greater than the sum of all the other law schools around the globe (just as an idea, the United States has 205 law schools and Australia has as few as 36). Our numbers are impressive and give us an enormous research potential-at least in terms of " human resources ". However, there is consensus that legal education and legal research in Brazil is still poor and obsolete. The majority of law schools uses only the system of lectures as a standard for teaching. And most of the research is just a matter of analysis of the legal text without any support from empirical data. Certainly, there are other inputs that influence this negative scenario, for instance, the increasingly massification of the Brazilian universities into profitable business models-e.g. we have the largest educational holdings in the world. All these-and others-inputs will be more deeply analyzed throughout this paper. In this sense, in legal education, the result is that only a small part of the Brazilian students achieve to be lawyers, as per around 80-90% of graduates fail the National Bar Examination. Even among those who pass, the legal knowledge is not exemplary. From the legal research standpoint, the results have also been disappointing. The optimistic side is that whilst most of " mass schools " still suffer from anachronistic and
Latin american law review, 2023
The current technological transformation of legal education, including computer-based, interactive, and online modes of instruction, represents "one of the most dramatic technological revolutions in history, if not the most dramatic." 1 As the AI-based technological revolution accelerated dramatically in the 1990s, many commentators responded to the "commercial spread of the Internet" with utopian faith in its potential to equalize and democratize knowledge and power. This faith gave way to a second wave of comments criticizing the "damages… to historically subservient groups", the threat of "disinformation" and polarization of democracy, the consolidation of power in Big Tech and authoritarian governments, and the threat to privacy in general. 2 Today's commentators are challenged to determine if and how to address these harms while realizing the potential benefits of AI-powered technology, especially given the impact and use of technology during the forced experimentation that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, IATED, 2010
A negative effect of globalization on society is that people now have more control than ever over their immediate environment but have no control over processes such as European integration that are marking their futures. These processes are happening beyond their environment, and understanding them requires a high degree of knowledge and operating control of the information systems and new information technologies. Law degree teachers help their students to acquire sufficient knowledge of these systems but they need new resources to achieve better results for the operating control of information systems and new information technologies within the European Union framework. For the past three years, the University of Huelva has supported an innovative teaching project which I direct, called: the EUROPEAN UNION LAW OBSERVATORY. This is a virtual and lecture-based resource for all compulsory or optional courses taken by third-year Law students whose study programmes include European Union (EU) Law
This article presents the work carried out by the university extension project “Aprender Direito no Ensino Médio (ADEM)”, which takes basic notions of law to secondary education, in accordance with the Federal Constitution of 1988 and other norms of the national legal system, with the premise that education is everyone's right and that the teaching of law is fundamental for the exercise of citizenship. Undergraduates make constant adjustments in the planning of their activities, under the commitment to present, in an accessible and attractive way, the proposed content to their target audience. Tangent to this, the "Timeline of the Rights of the Human Person" was developed, aiming to facilitate the understanding and exposition of the Law, relating it to the facts of everyday life in society, so that, in the end, the public served by the project becomes capable of better exercising its citizenship and reproducing the knowledge acquired at ADEM.
11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy
The effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on education is already obvious. Where higher education institutions are concerned, the impact of these changes may vary based on the scientific field encompassing those academic programmes. This article presents the impact of switching to blended learning, and later online-only education, in the field of Law study programmes, an area where face-to-face learning might be considered essential, given the specifically oral nature of legal professions. The research tools for this article are (i) a case study based on (ii) a survey on the Law students at Transilvania University of Brașov, following (iii) a review of specialized literature, taking into account the specific conditions with available specific conditions which would facilitate the process of teaching-learning-assessment. The survey focuses on the following core issues: (i) the interface, the tools and the level of accessibility for the e-learning platform; (ii) evaluation of teaching resources in terms of their formal aspect and usefulness in the learning process; (iii) teaching-learning process in terms of the optimal content and way of teaching of the didactic materials, and in terms of the students' involvement and increased interest; (iv) identifying the optimal assessment methods in a comfortable climate, as well as ensuring the fairness of the examination; (v) the teaching staff's skills of online teaching on the e-learning platform, and the students' skills of accessing and using this platform. An analysis of the responses would allow identifying the weaknesses and strengths in the new teaching tools and methods, their efficiency in the learning process, the effect felt by students on personal performance, as well as their appreciation of the online examination methods. The results of the survey also show that the professors need to reposition themselves based on the new teaching conditions and demands created by the current and future situation, as well as the technological facilities and tools provided by online platforms. The article will be concluded with the presentation of the challenges and opportunities identified in online teaching and assessment, which, despite being specific to the legal science, can also be extended to other fields, at least where humanities are concerned.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
This article examines the importance of conducting effective learning for non-law faculty students who study law comprehensively. The problem that occurs is during the covid-19 pandemic where lectures are required to be carried out online. The learning process carried out by lecturers to students in practice cannot be carried out optimally, so there is a need for a solution to solve this problem, especially in the study of legal science clusters which are essentially a course that examines the gap between das sollen and das sein and compare the results of the analysis with existing laws and regulations. Legal knowledge is a very important element to build a legal awareness, a legal culture based on strong legal knowledge will create a character of a law-abiding society. The basic legal method is a legal learning that focuses on the development of legal knowledge, in this study researchers and the research team are trying to develop scientific learning in legal education, one of which is by applying the E-Case approach, where students are not only introduced to only normative elements but also practical elements that may be different from previously studied theories. It is hoped that with this research, a new learning model will be born that can accommodate the needs in legal learning
Transparency and effectiveness are emphasized as two positive consequences of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Courts. Indeed, ICT expanded the possibilities of access to information and judicial decisions, as well as its use especially in acts of distrainment, have given greater transparency and effectiveness to the judicial acts. In Brazil, federal, state and labor courts have web sites where judicial information is disclosed and their decisions are published. Moreover, they have agreements with the Federal Revenue Secretariat, the Central Bank and the National Register of Automobiles that allow them to implement all acts of distrainment. However, not all Courts are at the same stage as to the use of ICT because, on one hand, their web pages do not have all the features available and, on the other hand, their users are unable to explore the full potential offered by the new technologies. Delivering a diagnosis of the existing offer in the Courts' web sites and of the use of their agreements with other public services is the first task that is being proposed here. This paper intends to examine how such things are changing the judicial function and, in particular, the figure of the judge, in addition to contributing to a new insertion of the Judiciary in the society.
Objectives: We sought to study the main reflexes of the digital economy that influence legal education, and some of the operational suggestions that accompany criticisms of that process. To this end, some of the main suggestions made by experts in law and education to transform legal education in the face of the technological ubiquity scenario were observed. In a second moment, the transformations that higher education has been undergoing with the introduction of AI in the market and in universities were specifically analyzed. Finally, both the reflexes of AI in legal education and suggestions related to transformations that legal education must undergo were studied. Methodology: The hypothetical-deductive procedure method was used, with a qualitative and technical approach of bibliographic-documentary research, in this exploratory and interdisciplinary research. Results: It was identified that legal education will have to move away from a retrospective epistemological stance, and evolve towards a prospective and projective stance, incorporating knowledge from technological areas and quantitative methodologies, without neglecting the exercise of traditional normative skills, communicative and narrative values that are highly evaluated by law professionals, thus emphasizing the need to foster student creativity. It is also concluded that higher education courses should incorporate coding in their curricula, in parallel with encouraging students' creativity and their communicative skills — however, a regulation should be developed in parallel, which must take into account the ethical risks of the use of AI in teaching. Finally, it is clear that the legal professions are not yet under a very pressing possibility of substitution by AI, but universities must make students aware that there are specific tasks in the legal professions that may be replaced by AI tools in order to advise them to focus on tasks that cannot be replaced by machines.
Journal Equity of Law and Governance
The paradigm shift in Legal Education in Indonesia is currently being felt by academics, practitioners, students and the public, namely the technology-based learning pattern. As previously known, the pattern of learning in Indonesia is still done conventionally and conventionally on reading literacy. However, under current conditions, academics, practitioners and the public in Indonesia are expected to be able to adapt to current technological developments. The aims research to know how is the application of technology and information in providing information and legal education to the younger generation and society and to know how will the e-learning development model as a digital-based forum and source of legal information contribute to increasing public knowledge and legal awareness in the future development of national law. The research method used in this study is the normative legal method. obtained are by developing digital-based e-learning which is expected to be able to he...
SHS Web of Conferences
This article explores law and legal relations in the digital age, considers bills of various data in the development of the digital environment in legal relations and legislative systems of public administration. The article analyzes such concepts as “digitalization of legal relations” and “digital form of law”. The topic of this article is relevant, because the digital form of law is currently being integrated into all branches of management and human activity, and the study of this phenomenon is a priority issue in modern jurisdiction. It also touches upon the program of artificial intelligence, considered as a full-fledged subject of legal relations. In the course of the study, general scientific research methods in jurisprudence were used.
European Journal of Law and Technology, 2010
The present work shows the changes that have been happening in the learning process, where the relation professor/student stops being hierarchized vertically as it used to be in the past, where the professor spoke ex cathedra; focusing on the aptitudes that the students should be capable of acquiring, so that the professor becomes a guide in charge of conducting the student through the appropriate ways amid the big entanglement of asystematic information supplied by the so-called Information Society. Thus, the appropriate use of the new technologies has capital importance in the learning process. It is in this context that PUCPR developed the system called EUREKA, which has been improved each day, with the intention of providing its professors and students, among which the law course is included, an instrument capable to decisively contribute to the attainment of that new teaching paradigm. In order to achieve that, the mere adhesion of the learning process participants to the system is not enough, as this phase has already been achieved by PUCPR; above all it is important to have an appropriate and efficient use, what demands training and continuous formation of professors, being that the current challenge of the institution, especially in the case of the Law School, where the professors have predominantly been using the traditional methods of teaching, underutilizing the technological instruments that are already available.
CODESRIA Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 2017
Education is a top ten leading problem of today’s world. In 2005, world university population was 138 million. Of Cameroon’s state universities, the student population of the universities of Yaoundé University II and Ngaoundéré for example, was respectively some 27.000 and 23,000 in 2017/18. These numbers pose problems of cost, geography, infrastructure and educational delivery platforms that the confines of traditional university and its departments cannot accommodate. This paper attempts a definition of the legal educational platforms and the disciplines of the future in Cameroon. The paper was prepared through a combination of archival and Internet search, and expert consultation. Archival and Internet research was carried out through an analysis of the existing literature in the domains of Web technologies, online learning courseware, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as of legal disciplines and delivery platforms. Expert consultation was attained through qualitative interviews and exchanges with university administrators. The results show that Web technologies, the Internet, MOOC, edX and Coursera hold solutions to some of the problems of platforms. Robotics and AI now enhance courseware delivery while dictating where policy, legal disciplines and the law should go. Robotics and AI have also disrupted the concept of ‘labour’ and ‘rights’. Similarly, machines and AI rely on personal and corporate data to function but attacks on network confidentiality, availability and integrity have given birth to new legal disciplines inter alia the laws of cyberwarfare, datagovernance, digital intellectual property, e-commerce and electronic contracts.
Journal Of Higher Education in Africa (JHEA/RESA Vol. 15, No. 2), 2017
Education is a top ten leading problem of today's world. In 2005, world university population was 138 million. Of Cameroon's state universities, the student population of the universities of Yaoundé University II and Ngaoundéré for example, was respectively some 27.000 and 23,000 in 2017/18. These numbers pose problems of cost, geography, infrastructure and educational delivery platforms that the confines of traditional university and its departments cannot accommodate. This paper attempts a definition of the legal educational platforms and the disciplines of the future in Cameroon. The paper was prepared through a combination of archival and Internet search, and expert consultation. Archival and Internet research was carried out through an analysis of the existing literature in the domains of Web technologies, online learning courseware, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as of legal disciplines and delivery platforms. Expert consultation was attained through qualitative interviews and exchanges with university administrators. The results show that Web technologies, the Internet, MOOC, edX and Coursera hold solutions to some of the problems of platforms. Robotics and AI now enhance courseware delivery while dictating where policy, legal disciplines and the law should go. Robotics and AI have also disrupted the concept of 'labour' and 'rights'. Similarly, machines and AI rely on personal and corporate data to function but attacks on network confidentiality, availability and integrity have given birth to new legal disciplines inter alia the laws of cyberwarfare, datagovernance, digital intellectual property, e-commerce and electronic contracts.
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