Designers as agents of Sustainable Change


This paper concentrates on the roles of designers as agents of sustainable change in communities. It was drawn from my research, which I completed with a community of people with physical disabilities in a semi-urban area of Thailand. This research put people at the center of development. The main goals were to generate sustainable change and enable them to attain sustainable livelihoods in their community. It was designed to support the participants and their community in continuing to improve their capabilities, so they could reach their full potential long after the research findings had been implemented. A sustainable change occurs when the community creates and implements their own ideas rather than accepting and implementing ideas which have been created for them. To attain this, designers need to change their own mindsets and attitudes, together with those of the participants. The designers are no longer providers of a solution but become agents of sustainable change with multiple roles as facilitators, enablers, innovators, and disseminators. They also need to provide the people or community participating in the research process with an opportunity to investigate their own situation and themselves create a project, which would be implemented in their community.