Mechanical behaviour of polymers at high rates of strain

2006, Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings)

The stress-strain behaviours of polycarbonate (PC) and polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) have been measured over a range of strain rates at room temperature and a range of temperatures at high strain rate. Both materials show an approximately bilinear dependence of yield stress on strain rate over the rates examined. The experiments at different temperatures allow the high strain rate glass and transitions to be identified in PC, and the melting point and glass transition to be identified in PVDF. These can be confirmed by comparison to Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) measurements on the materials. Applying a timetemperature superposition to the data shows that these transitions are the cause of the bilinearity in the strain rate dependence of the materials. The behaviour of nominal (or engineering) stress in PC is also examined.