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In the Hilbert spaces domain, it is discussed in this work under which conditions weak convergence implies convergence.
In order to generalize the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, a weaker notion of convergence is introduced. The results presented are in the domain of real Hilbert spaces.
This paper provides a sufficient condition to guarantee the stability of weak limits under nonlinear operators acting on vector-valued Lebesgue spaces. This nonlinear framework places the weak convergence in perspective. Such an approach allows short and insightful proofs of important results in Functional Analysis such as: weak convergence in L ∞ implies strong convergence in L p for all 1 ≤ p < ∞, weak convergence in L 1 v.s. strong convergence in L 1 and the Brezis-Lieb theorem. The final goal is to use this framework as a strategy to grapple with a nonlinear weak spectral problem on W 1,p .
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2003
In this paper, we prove that if a Nemytskii operator maps Lp( , E) into Lq( , F), for p, q greater than 1, E, F separable Banach spaces and F reflexive, then a sequence that converge weakly and a.e. is sent to a weakly convergent sequence. We give a counterexample proving that if q = 1 and p is greater than 1 we may not have weak sequential continuity of such operator. However, we prove that if p = q = 1, then a weakly convergent sequence that converges a.e. is mapped into a weakly convergent sequence by a Nemytskii operator. We show an application of the weak continuity of the Nemytskii operators by solving a nonlinear functional equation on W1,p( ), providing the weak continuity of some kind of resolvent operator associated to it and getting a regularity result for such solution.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1997
We discuss three forms of convergence in distribution which are stronger than the normal weak convergence. They have the advantage that they are non-topological in nature and are inherited by discontinuous functions of the original random variables-clearly an improvement on 'normal' weak convergence. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the three types of convergence and go on to give some applications which are very hard to prove in a more restricted setting.
In this paper a study on duality, weak convergences and weak sequential compactness on í µí°¿ space. A new generalized í µí°¿ space is investigated from the weak sequential convergence. Some more special types and properties of í µí°¿ are presented. Few relevant examples are also included to justify the proposed notions.
Demonstratio Mathematica, 2006
In this paper we discuss the weak convergence of the sequence of successive approximations for a generalized para-nonexpansive mapping in a reflexive Banach space that satisfies Opial's condition.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
The equivalence of the weak (pointwise) and strong convergence of a sequence of inner superposition operators is proved as well as the criteria for such convergence are provided. Besides, the problems of continuous weak convergence of such operators and of representation of a limit operator are studied.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1989
We provide some new results on the weak convergence of sequences or nets lying in L,((T, & r), X) = L,(p, X), 1 <p < co, i.e., the space of equivalence classes of X-valued (X is a Banach space) Bochner integrable functions on the finite measure space (r, z, I"). Our theorems generalize in several directions recent resuls on weak sequential convergence in L,(p, X) obtained by M. A
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2011
In this paper we study non-complemented spaces of operators and the embeddability of ℓ∞ in the spaces of operators L(X, Y), K(X, Y) and Kw*(X*, Y). Results of Bator and Lewis [2, 3] (Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math.50(4) (2002), 413–416; Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math.549(1) (2006), 63–73), Emmanuele [8–10] (J. Funct. Anal.99 (1991), 125–130; Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.111 (1992), 331–335; Atti. Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena42(1) (1994), 123–133), Feder [11] (Canad. Math. Bull.25 (1982), 78–81) and Kalton [16] (Math. Ann.208 (1974), 267–278), are generalised. A vector measure result is used to study the complementation of the spaces W(X, Y) and K(X, Y) in the space L(X, Y), as well as the complementation of K(X, Y) in W(X, Y). A fundamental result of Drewnowski [7] (Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 108 (1990), 523–526) is used to establish a result for operator-valued measures, from which we obtain as corollaries the Vitali–Hahn–Saks–Nikodym theorem, the Nikodym Boundedness theorem and a Banach s...
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1978
Let A" be any topological space, and C(X) the space of bounded continuous functions on X. We give a nonstandard characterization of weak convergence of a net of bounded linear functionals on CiX) to a tight Baire measure on X. This characterization applies whether or not the net or the individual functionals in the net are tight. Moreover, the characterization is expressed in terms of the values of an associated net of countably additive measures on all Baire sets of X; no distinguished family, such as the family of continuity sets of the limit, is involved. As a corollary, we obtain a new proof that a tight set of measures is relatively weakly compact.
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, 1999
J. K. Brooks and P. W. Lewis have established that if E and E * have RNP, then in M (Σ, E), m n converges weakly to m if and only if m n (A) converges weakly to m(A) for each A ∈ Σ. Assuming the existence of a special kind of lifting, N. Randrianantoanina and E. Saab have shown an analogous result if E is a dual space. Here we show that for the space M (P(N), E) where E * is a Grothendieck space or E is a Mazur space, this kind of weak convergence is valid. Also some applications for subspaces of L(E, F) similar to the results of N. Kalton and W. Ruess are given.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
We establish weak (strong) convergence of Ishikawa iterates of two asymptotically (quasi-)nonexpansive maps without any condition on the rate of convergence associated with the two maps. Moreover, our weak convergence results do not require any of the Opial condition, Kadec-Klee property or Fréchet differentiable norm.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2007
The main object of this paper is to introduce a new concept of weak statistically Cauchy sequence in a normed space. It is shown that in a reflexive space, weak statistically Cauchy sequences are the same as weakly statistically convergent sequences. Finally, weak statistical convergence has been discussed inlpspaces.
We discuss the notions of strong convergence and weak convergence in n-inner product spaces and study the relation between them. In particular, we show that the strong convergence implies the weak convergence and disprove the converse through a counterexample , by invoking an analogue of Parseval's identity in n-inner product spaces.
A bounded sequence of functions in H1 which converges in mea- sure on a set of positive measure of the unit circle converges weak .A n example is given to show that weak convergence cannot be replaced by weak convergence. The following result appears in the paper (2) of Jones and Journ e. Theorem. Supposeffng is a sequence of H1(Rd) functions such thatkfnkH1 1 for all n and such that fn(x)! f (x) for almost every x2 Rd. Then f2 H1(Rd), kfkH1 1 ,a nd Z Rd f ndx! Z
Scientiae mathematicae Japonicae, 2011
In this paper, we first obtain a weak mean convergence theorem of Baillon's type for generalized hybrid mappings in a Hilbert space. Further, using an idea of mean convergence, we prove a strong convergence theorem of Halpern's type for generalized hybrid mappings in a Hilbert space.
We discuss some basic properties of polar convergence in metric spaces. Polar convergence is closely connected with the notion of Delta-convergence of T.C. Lim known for several years. Possible existence of a topology which induces polar convergence is also investigated. Some applications of polar convergence follow.
Abstract. A uniformly continuously integrable sequence of real-valued measurable functions, defined on some probability space, is relatively compact in the σ(L, L) topology. In this paper, we link such a result to weak convergence theory of bounded measures as exposed in Billingsley (1968) and in Lo(2021) to offer a detailed and new proof using the ideas beneath the proof of prohorov’s theorem where the continuous integrability replaces the uniform or asymptotic tightness.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1986
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