Class definition in discriminant feature analysis



The aim of discriminant feature analysis techniques in the signal processing of speech recognition systems is to find a feature vector transformation which maps a high dimensional input vector onto a low dimensional vector while retaining a maximum amount of information in the feature vector to discriminate between predefined classes. This paper points out the significance of the defini- tion of the classes in the discriminant feature analysis technique. Three choices for the definition of the clas- ses are investigated: the phonemes, the states in context independent acoustic models and the tied states in context dependent acoustic models. These choices for the classes were applied to (1) stan- dard LDA (linear discriminant analysis) for reference and to (2) MIDA, an improved, mutual information based dis- criminant analysis technique. Evaluation of the resulting linear feature transforms on a large vocabulary contin- uous speech recognition task shows, depending on the technique, ...

Key takeaways

  • In this paper, three choices for the definition of the classes -the phonemes, the states in context independent acoustic models and the tied states in context dependent acoustic models -are applied in combination with two discriminant analysis techniques, namely standard LDA and MIDA [6].
  • The resulting features are decorrelated using the algorithm described in [12] (with the gaussians in the acoustic models as classes).
  • The different class choices in the discriminant feature analysis are (1) the 39 phonemes, (2) the 115 context independent states, (3) the 575 context dependent tied states used in the acoustic modelling and (4) the 2246 tied states obtained from a larger decision tree.
  • However it is not clear from the above experiments why the result improves with more classes: more classes also means more gaussians and thus a better modelling of the acoustic data.
  • For standard LDA 575 tied states are sufficient, the MIDA technique can do with 115 context independent states as classes.