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This article is stylistic analysis of Blake's poem "Night". For this analysis stylistics devices are used and the analysis is made under the aspects of graphological, syntactical, semantic and phonological patterns. This analysis would be helpful in understanding the basic concepts of poem that is actually a contrast between this world, in which nature is red in tooth and claw, and a "New World" in which distinctions between predator and prey cease to exist.
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Sciences- ISSN-23492872, 2017
Linguistic stylistics systematically analyses the language of a text, it objectively accounts for the meaning of a text. However, this objective scrutiny of a text is often criticised by many literary critics. They find stylistic analysis of a text is too mechanistic and cerebral in operations and instead of helping readers appreciate the text, it actually impedes the whole process of reading and appreciating literature. According to Gower (1986), "when a text is put under a microscope and readers' attention is drawn to the analytical procedures, aesthetic qualities of the text are diminished and the readers who work under such laboratory conditions fail to appreciate the emotional appeal of the text." Carter et al (1989) have very convincingly pointed out how a literary stylistic approach enhances the literary experience of the readers. Linguistic stylistics provides the readers with necessary tools and techniques to understand the aesthetic qualities of the text and also sensitise them to the intricacies of literature which may help them in interpreting the text in a better way. The aim of this paper is to explore different perspective to analyze a poem and what are the techniques and tools that the reader should keep in mind while reading or interpreting a poem? The author looks into perspectives of Stylistics and analyzes William Blake's 'The Lamb'which appeared in 'Songs of Innocence' (1789).
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2019
In this paper I will try to describe how the meaning in the poem is constructed by means of seven standards of textuality (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). This study looks for seven standards of textuality in "Holy Thursday" from Songs of Experience by William Blake (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). The article focuses on linguistic analysis of the selected poem. An actual use of language is called a text (Widdowson,2007:7). Communicative purpose is an important factor for a text; by means of actual use of language there is a connection between reader and the text. (Widdowson,2007:11). A text includes the above mentioned standard, if these seven standards of textuality cannot be realized in a text, it means that the text is not communicative; texts which are not communicative are called nontexts. (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981). Seven standards of textuality are important factors for perceiving and understanding the written text because they reveal meaning in a text. (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain,2000). Accordingly, written text is an important element of conveying message. By means of written texts, writers and poets can express their ideas, opinions and share knowledge and values (Crowhurst,1990). In order to achieve a well written text, writers or poets construct organic unity and reader can understand writer's or poet's ideas and intended messages easily (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain,2000). From this perspective, this study focuses on linguistic analysis. The poem is an important part of work of art. Poem is one of the written text types. It conveys meaning like other text types. Poetry carries ambigious sentences (Trask,2007). It means that it is difficult to understand the poems because they can have many meanings and interpretations, that's why this study focuses on seven standards of textuality in "Holy Thursday" from Songs of Experience by William Blake, in order to construct meaning. Halliday and Hasan's theory (1976) will be referred in this analysis for interpretation of the poem also the research paper focuses on De Beaugrand and Dressler's hypothesis (1981) "Seven Standards of Textuality" (cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, intertextuality). De Beaugrand and Dressler (1981) suggest that if any of them is not realized in the text, the text will not be communicative text. Based on this assumption, functions of language used in the poem will be examined according to Roman Jakobson's model (Jakobson,1960). According to Jokobson, the functions of language are divided into six categories, and they are different functions of language. Referential function, emotive function, conative function, phatic function, metalingual function, poetic function are important for a word, a text or an image (Jakobson,1968). Because the characteristics of language is identified acoording to the functions of language (Jakobson,1968). Method Forms of words, phrases and sentences in the poem will be examined in this sense descriptive qualitative method will be used in this study. The researcher uses William Blake as the subject of the study. This study will focus on these research questions;
This paper attempts a stylistic study of a poem. It targets to unveil the deeper underpinnings of semanticity in condensed literary pieces, particularly in poetry, as a consequence of the style employed by an author. Among other findings, the study uncovered the peculiar use of lexis and the features embedded in such peculiar use. It brings to the fore, the heavy use of deviation and parallelism in drumming home the theme of the poem. And finally, a fundamental literary feature used which is worthy of note and which the study has clearly drawn attention to in the analysis, is the foregrounding of the entire literary piece, which gives it a unique outlook. On the surface, one might not notice the effect of this literary technique but the study has meticulously pointed this out. Article visualizations:
Poetry is defined as spontaneous overflow of feelings recollected in tranquility by one of the remarkable poets of the romantic age William Wordsworth. Human beings are conditioned by emotions and feelings that come out in varied forms like paintings, sculptures, poetries etc. An artist absorbs elements that prevail around him and effuses in art forms. An artist is adept at reading the nuances of socio economic and political impact of the society and shares his/her thoughts through their artistic products. Unless there is a balance maintained between the emotional and intellectual quotient, an art cannot reach the audience. Critics speculate the language and the content of poetry. Language is a channel of expression where the poets try to exploit to reach the audience effectively. William Blake is one of the remarkable poets of the Romantic age and the paper attempts to unveil the submerged consciousness of the poet reflected through his poems. Short poems are pecked for the study to illumine the impact of the contemporary society on the psyche of the poet. Literature mirrors a society and aspiring scholars can certainly accrue knowledge by perusing the literature of the past. The elements of romanticism in Blake's poems are elicited and the poetic devices reflect in his poems are explored. Blake's poems reflect multi layered emotions firmly anchored in ethos and pathos that permeate in the social lives of the people. The elements of romanticism in his poems are discussed.
This paper aims at the stylistic analysis of Robert Frost’s poem Acquainted with the Night. It will analyze the poem from four levels of stylistic analysis, i.e. graphology, phonology, grammatical level and lexical level. The theme of the poem and its form has also been discussed in detail. Keywords: stylistics, syntax, acquaint, graphology, phonology, style
Abstract This paper presents a stylistic analysis of two poems of well-known poets of the English literature, namely; E.E. Cummings and the Irish noble laureate Seamus Heaney. The researcher's attempt here is to approach Cummings‘s poem ―maggie and milly and molly and may‖ and Heaney‘s ―A Kite for Aibhín‖ from the stylistics‘ point of view. The paper also analyzes the poems using the tools of linguistics with a view to make their meaning explicit. It is worth noting that stylistics as a scientific discipline is really beneficial to those who are teaching and studying English language and literature. No matter whether English is the native, second or the foreign language. Not only foreign students but also the speakers of the English language can benefit from stylistics. They can get linguistic beside literary competence. Nowadays, stylistics with its tools and methods of linguistics can help to a logical and scientific understanding of the literary texts based on linguistic evidence.
This is an analysis of three selected poems by a great poet, William Blake. The poems entitled A Dream, Poison Tree, and Ah Sunflower.
Holy Thursday I is one of the poems that Blake wrote in his book called Songs of Innocence in 1789. The poem describes a ceremony called Ascension Day in England and the presence of children in a cathedral to celebrate and do their singing activities. So, this term paper aims to analyze stylistically Blake's poem “Holy Thursday” in terms of phonetic, phonological, graphological, grammatical, lexical levels and figures of speech.
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture (Linqua- IJLLC), 2014
Style varies from text to text depending on various factors like the form, meanings, grammar and structure. Stylistic analysis examines various aspects of the style of a text. This article aims to analyze William Blake’s poem “A Poison Tree” from a stylistic point of view. The analysis is made under the aspects of graphological, syntactical, semantic and phonological patterns. This analysis is helpful in understanding the basic concept of poem that is human beings, along with the ability to reason and question, possess the capacity to hate, and yet also to forgive. Furthermore it highlights the difference between ordinary languages used in daily life compared to the literary language that is used in poetic text. This depicts the variation in style and the impact of this variation on the reader.
Hilton (1983) regrets that while for Blake the vision is literal, its criticism has too often been abstract. This is partly true, most of the studies on Blake up to the 1980s are based on his visionary universe. Nevertheless, from then on many studies have been made on the formal aspects of his poetry. In this paper we propose an analysis of the Songs based on the relationship between both aspects, meaning and form, according to Blake's theory of " organic unity ". He believed in the organic unity of poetry by means of which meaning and form are identified. When he claimed that the sensual perception of a poem leads directly to its meaning, he was giving us a clue to interpret his work. After the definition of the concept of " organic unity " in Blake it will follow the description of Blake's notions of " innocence " and " experience " and how they are integrated into an " organized unity ". Then, we will analyze the formal aspects of Songs of Innocence and Experience in order to see the correspondence of meaning and form in this collection of poems.
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