Dorykleion, Dorykleioi e Dorieis

2011, «Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale» LIII/1, 99-106.

This paper offers a plausible explanation for the unique term Dorykleion, which appears in an inscription from Athens with reference to a sacred space dedicated to Athena and situated in the Attic deme Lamptrai. It does so by connecting Dorykleion to the Dorykleioi mentioned by Pausanias (1.40.5) as well as to the theory according to which the name "Dorians" derives from dory, "spear". Pausanias’ passage focusses on the war between Megara and Athens for the control over Salamis; under these circumstances, a group of Megarian exiles, known as Dorykleioi, would have betrayed their homeland in favour of Athens. I argue that these Dorykleioi were members of a genos that was exiled by Doric Megara and that received hospitality and patronage in Attica as a reward for supporting the Athenians in taking Salamis away from Megarian hegemony. A sanctuary was subsequently established for the Dorykleioi in Attica, which, accordingly, became known as Dorykleion. This hieron was dedicated to Athena, the patron deity of Athens and Attica and the quintessential "fighting with the spear (dory)" goddess.