The performance of hardened wet-process sprayed mortars

2000, Magazine of Concrete Research


This paper, which reports on part of a three year research project into wet-process sprayed mortars and concretes for repair, investigates the hardened performance of wet process sprayed mortars. Seven commercially available pre-packaged repair mortars were pumped and sprayed through a worm pump, three through a piston pump and two through a dry spray machine. A laboratory designed mortar was also worm and piston pumped. The properties measured included compressive and flexural strength, tensile bond strength, hardened density, modulus of elasticity, air permeability, sorptivity and drying and restrained shrinkage. In-situ test specimens were extracted from 500mmx500mmx100mm deep sprayed panels. Tests were also conducted on corresponding cast specimens and, where possible, on specimens that had been sprayed directly into a cube or beam mould. A new test to quantify the degree of reinforcement encasement has been developed and an initial investigation into the measurement of the restrained shrinkage of in-situ repairs is presented. The compressive and flexural strengths of the laboratory mix were comparable with the best of the commercially available preblended mortars. The values for modulus of elasticity, when compared with the compressive strength, were lower than published formulas for this relationship would suggest, especially at lower strengths.