Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches

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The paper discusses the appropriate uses of qualitative research within the fields of civil and environmental engineering. It outlines various qualitative research methods, such as the Delphi Method, and contrasts these with quantitative approaches. The differentiation stems from ontological and epistemological perspectives, where qualitative research focuses on understanding human constructs and subjective experiences, while quantitative research relies on objective reality discovery. Ultimately, it asserts that a mixed-methods approach may yield the most comprehensive research outcomes.

Key takeaways

  • In qualitative research, the why and how of decision making are studied.
  • Researchers are always encouraged to explore all reasonable and objective options for the collection of such data before considering a qualitative method such as Delphi.
  • Ellis work is a classic example of how qualitative Research approach was applied in civil & Environmental Engineering.
  • In qualitative research, data largely comprises of texts and pictures while in quantitative research, the data are in numbers and empirical in nature.
  • Qualitative research methodology often relies on personal contact over some period of time between the researcher and the group being studied.