Biodiesel production from Dunaliella salina

2011, Current Opinion in Biotechnology


First-generation bioethanol, produced by the fermentation of sugars from agricultural crops, is controversial due to food-versusfuel debate. A better alternative is the bioethanol production by the fermentation of sugars from the waste of agricultural, forestry or industrial processes. Sniace is a chemical industry which main business is the production of cellulose and viscose. A spent liquor containing a high concentration of sugars is obtained in the pulp production process. The sugars of this residue, mainly pentoses, could be used as fermentation substrate for the production of bioethanol by Pichia stipitis. During the pre-treatment stage, the production of compounds, other than sugars, can occur. These compounds may inhibit the fermentation stage, and their influence must be taken into account. Furfural is one of this compound. In this work we have studied the effect of increasing concentrations of furfural in the spent cooking liquor to be used as a substrate for fermentation by P. stipitis. Our results showed that furfural concentrations above 1 g/L inhibit the growth of the strains.