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O que a nossa época descobriu é que, no momento em que uma pessoa está mudando, ela se s É impossível ir tão longe que se sinta o desejo de voltar para casa. Agora percebo, no momento desembarcar, que não gosto de viajar -que eu só gosto do movimento. Ele é a única verdade, beleza. Eu não terei vergonha da minha vida enquanto ela for móvel. O único ponto fixo: a idéia [2]
Para uma leitura dos estudos sobre a história da alimentação na região do Algarve (Séculos XV a XVII
Revista Letras, 2004
Agustina Bessa-Luís e o Brasil: diário de viagem. Este trabalho analisa Breviário do Brasil (1991), relato que é fruto de viagem empreendida ao Brasil em 1988, por ocasião do ciclo Os portugueses ao encontro da sua história. O trabalho aborda o gênero do relato de viagens no contexto da prolífera obra da autora e suas impressões no contexto do tema do simpósio, a saber: relações luso-brasileiras: entre o ressentimento e o fascínio. Agustina Bessa-Luís and Brazil: dairy of a journey. This article analyses Breviário do Brasil (Brazilian Breviary) (1991), book that is the result of a trip of the author to Brazil in 1998, by the occasion of the cycle The Portugueses meet their history. The analyses studies the genre of traveling report within the large work of Agustina Bessa- Luís and her impressions of Brazil within the context of the theme of this symposium, resentment and fascination.
Revista de estudos literários, 2020
Este artigo pretende centrar-se na fi gura da protagonista de O Mistério da Estrada de Sintra, buscando analisar os motivos e processos de singularização desta fi gura. Na verdade, Luísa, Condessa de W., é a primeira e única fi gura feminina que, na sua fi cção, Eça investiu do poder autodiegético e autocrítico. Estas faculdades dotam esta personagem de uma ideologia e de um estilo propriamente queirosianos-talvez excessivamente queirosianos.
In this thesis, we can observe, through a visit to the historical studies of pedagogy in the Western world, that the predominance of education along the lines of "banking" has always been present in the different currents and conceptions of each historical period. The dialog was not the core of such pedagogies. Paulo Freire, opposing this logic of education as a transmission of knowledge, proposes another perspective a dialogical, horizontal, and conscientious education. Therefore, Freire's pedagogy has dialog as the main category, and in this thesis, it is investigated from the pedagogical perspective. The following research question was posed: How is dialogue epistemologically constituted in Paulo Freire's pedagogy? This thesis emphasizes the understanding of education as a human social practice, inserted in a historical process always in transformation, with pedagogy as the mother Science that thinks, articulates, and organizes the conditions of subjects' educability, focusing on the ethical-political imperative of their emancipation. In this way, it is a pedagogy that is necessarily critical. Epistemologically, it is based on the Freirean perspective and Franco's proposals with Critical Pedagogy. The objective of the research was focused on unveiling the entanglements of dialogue, its meanings, and senses, in Freirean pedagogy, conceiving it as a device for humanizing pedagogical practices. In parallel, it sought to understand the historicity of dialogue and its epistemology, as well as to criticize educational situations that generate domination/alienation/barbarism allowed through uncritical pedagogical processes. It focuses on the construction of a pedagogical dialogue as a fundamental principle for the formation of critical human beings, active subjects, capable of promoting transformations. Methodologically, this is a qualitative research in the form of a critical bibliographic essay that used dialectical hermeneutics to synthesize and systematize data from the bibliography, in which Paulo Freire is the main source. Other contributions were also used, among them: Cambi, Jaeger, Franco, and Paolo Vittoria. After a critical analysis of the data, this thesis endorsed the following (re)constructions of knowledge about pedagogical dialogue: it is political, because it transcends a conversation, problematizing the daily reality with the subjects involved, enabling the emergence of awareness; it is not a method, it is a collective spiral process that, by collectively carrying out the reading of the world by the pronouncements of those involved, unleashes possibilities of transformations and recreations and reinventions of the world; It promotes bonds and belonging, recognizes the knowledge acquired by the experiences and makes them scientific, propitiating the ecology of knowledge; being pedagogical and critical, it is, therefore, a space of utopia, where the unheard viable may emerge. This work reaffirms the thesis that the Pedagogical Dialogue provides conditions for the development of critical thoughts and, only with the inversion of the order from verticality to the horizontality of education, do the practices become effective as pedagogical, allowing critical interventions and the emergence of autonomous beings in their thoughts, resistant to domination and persistent in freedom. Finally, this thesis recommends that facing the barbarities of the contemporary world, the pedagogical dialogue, understood as a counter-hegemonic potential, should be a movement of resistance.
Se me permite um lugar comum-comum, o amor é cruel e não se pode fazer nada quanto a isso, ele nunca reflete o nosso verdadeiro caráter.
A obra narra questões apresentadas sobre o tratamento de águas residuais de indústria de laticínio, seus métodos de tratamento utilizando biofiltros e o sistema convencional de lagoas.
De modo especial, agradeço a meu orientador, Professor Doutor Enrique Ricardo Lewandowski, pelo diálogo ao longo de todos esses anos, mais precisamente desde quando eu ainda me preparava para elaborar meu projeto de mestrado, também defendido na Faculdade de Direito da USP sob a sua orientação.
Revista do Centro de Estudos Portugueses, 2011
Agustina Bessa-Luís apresenta a figura feminina como temática recorrente em sua obra. Dotadas de um caráter universal e cósmico, as personagens femininas agustinianas realizam um questionamento acerca do papel da mulher no mundo. Acreditando que a trajetória e a caracterização das personagens femininas em Bessa-Luís refletem uma proposta de redimensionamento dos valores canonizados da sociedade patriarcal, o presente artigo pretende estabelecer a representação da condição feminina na obra da autora. Agustina Bessa-Luís, fait de la femme la thématique la plus fréquente de son oeuvre. Doués d’un caractère universel et cosmique, ses personnages féminins mettent en question le rôle de la femme dans le monde. Admettant que la trajectoire et la caractérisation de ces personnages renvoient, chez Bessa-Luís, à une nouvelle dimenstion des valeurs canoniques imposées par la société patriarcale, cette étude se propose de définir la condition féminine telle qu’elle se présente dans l’oeuvre de ...
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FONTES, João Luís Inglês (dir.); GOUVEIA, António Camões; ANDRADE, Maria Filomena e FARELO, Mário (coords.), Bispos e Arcebispos de Lisboa, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2018, pp. 691-701, 2018
Conimbriga, nº XXX II-XXX III, 1993
Al-madan, 2021