The Dätgen trousers


To compare the trousers of Daetgen with other excavated trousers from the first millennium AD, a new study of the pattern-cutting and the analyses of the material and weave was conducted. The reconstruction of the history of the conservation turned out to be necessary to figure out understand the original seams. The study of the pattern cutting shows that the cut of the Daetgen trousers differs from the other woolen trousers found in Northern Germany, which have a more developed cut. However, the cut of the trousers is similar to linen trousers from Egypt and Syria (6th – 7th century AD). On the basis of a replica, the fit and the size of this exceptionally preserved garment was examinated. In: K. Grömer and F. Pritchard (eds.) 2015: Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era. NESAT XII. The North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles, 21st – 24th May 2014 in Hallstatt, Austria. Archaeolingua Main Series 33. Budapest 2015.