Tail estimates for sums of variables sampled by a random walk


We prove tail estimates for variables of the form $\sum_i f(X_i)$, where $(X_i)_i$ is a sequence of states drawn from a reversible Markov chain, or, equivalently, from a random walk on an undirected graph. The estimates are in terms of the range of the function $f$, its variance, and the spectrum of the graph. The purpose of our estimates is to determine the number of chain/walk samples which are required for approximating the expectation of a distribution on vertices of a graph, especially an expander. The estimates must therefore provide information for fixed number of samples (as in [Gillman]) rather than just asymptotic information. Our proofs are more elementary than other proofs in the literature, and our results are sharper. We obtain Bernstein and Bennett-type inequalities, as well as an inequality for subgaussian variables.