Universities as civic spaces: learning to think together


Between the state and the individual stand the institutions that comprise civil society. We take these institutions for granted, but they have been hard won and have in their time held their ground against the incursions of authoritarian states and rampant individualism. The university comprises one such institution that stands betwixt and between the corporate state and the isolated individual. It is a space in which we learn not only to think together but to think together about our shared world. To understand why the university matters is to understand why thinking matters: not thinking in its more specialised and refined forms but thinking as ordinary and commonplace. To think is to extend our mental reach, our communicative horizons, and our understanding of what constitutes our shared world. In pursuing these ideas I follow in the tracks of two great public educators: Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers, both of whom hammered out their thinking on the tough anvil of 20th Century totalitarianism.