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2014, Arquivos do NEHILP
447 pages
1 file
ABSTRACT This work consists of two parts. The first one is the semidiplomatic edition of De Magia (Ms. Or. Laud 282, Bodleian Library), an unedited astrological guide in 15th century Portuguese, written in Hebrew characters. The establishment of criteria for transliterating Hebrew characters for Latin ones allowed a better understanding of the processes of graphematic representation of the Old Portuguese from De Magia, and it also helps the comprehension of old Portuguese in general. Therefore, this edition makes it possible for the text to reach a broader audience, especially diachrony linguists who cannot read that Semitic alphabet. The second part is a glossary consisting of all romance words present in this this astrological guide. The words in Castilian and the only word in Mirandese were not forgotten. In the glossary, the entry for each headword is followed by its current form - in Portuguese, Castilian or Mirandese - in addition to its etymology, its morphological classification and its location in the original document. All the words were quantifi ed. Lexicography, associated with the use of technology, fulfills the main objective of this work, which is a publication of a reliable and accurate glossary for language studies. Keywords: Old Portuguese; Textual criticism; Glossary; Lexicon; Etymology
Caligrama: Revista de Estudos Românicos, 2010
Résumé: On présente la description codicologique d´un guide astrologique en aljamia en portugais ancien du XVème siècle, le Ms. Laud Or. 282, Bodleian Library, également appelé De magia. Les aspects les plus importants concernant la préparation de la matière de ce codex sont présentés et caractérisés: datation, histoire, reliure, matériel, composition, mise en page et identification des descriptions précédentes. Mots-clés: Codicologie; manuscrit; aljamia; portugais ancien. Keywords: Codicology; manuscript; aljamia; Old Portuguese.
Analysis of the writing of the second handwriting of the codex De magia (Ms. Laud Oriental 282, Bodleian Library), an astrological guide in Portuguese but in Hebrew characters, dating from the 15th century. Besides classifying the writing system, the graphematic representation of the manuscript is also explored – simple graphemes, nexus, digraphs and trigraphs –, taking Bernheimer’s (1924) theoretical and methodological proposal. Besides that, a coherent system of transcription from Hebrew characters to Latin ones is presented , which results in a not only consistent but also economic graphematic system.
Filologia e Linguística Portuguesa, 2012
Resumo: Análise da escrita do códice De magia (Ms. Laud Oriental 282, Bodleian Library), guia astrológico aljamiado em língua portuguesa e caracteres hebraicos, datado do século 15. Além de feita a classificação da escrita, analisa-se a representação grafemática do manuscrito -grafemas simples, em nexo, dígrafos e trígafos, sinais diacríticos, de valor numérico, de pontuação, de correção e anulação -e propõe-se um sistema de transcrição coerente e detalhado dos grafemas hebraicos em latinos.
Filologia e Linguística Portuguesa, 2012
Resumo: Este trabalho analisa a escrita do códice De magia (Ms. Laud Oriental 282, Bodleian Library), guia astrológico aljamiado em língua portuguesa e caracteres hebraicos, datado do século 15. Além de feita a classificação da escrita, analisa-se a representação grafemática do manuscrito -grafemas simples, em nexo, dígrafos e trígrafos, sinais diacríticos, de valor numérico, de pontuação, de correção e anulação -e propõe-se um sistema de transcrição coerente e detalhado dos grafemas hebraicos em latinos.
De magia (Ms. Laud Or. 282, Bodleian Library, Oxford): edition and glossary, 2014
This work consists of two parts. The first one is the semi diplomatic edition of De Magia (Ms. Or. Laud 282, Bodleian Library), an unedited astrological guide in 15th century Portuguese, written in Hebrew characters. The establishment of criteria for transliterating Hebrew characters for Latin ones allowed a better understanding of the processes of graphematic representation of the Old Portuguese from De Magia, and it also helps de comprehension of old Portuguese in general. Therefore, this edition makes it possible for the text to reach a broader audience, especially diachrony linguists who cannot read that Semitic alphabet. The second part is a glossary consisting of all romance words present in this this astrological guide. The words in Castilian and the only word in Mirandese were not forgotten. In the glossary, the entry for each headword is followed by its current form - in Portuguese, Castilian or Mirandese - in addition to its etymology, its morphological classification and its location in the original document. All the words were quantified. Lexicography, associated with the use of technology, fulfills the main objective of this work, which is a publication of a reliable and accurate glossary for language studies.
Boletim do Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2011
O presente trabalho visa analisar o conceito de magia na Antiguidade e as implicações sociais e legais associadas à prática desta atividade, punida gravemente na época, através da obra “Apologia”, do escritor latino do século II Apuleio de Madaura. Esta obra contém o discurso de defesa do próprio autor, acusado de praticar a magia para conseguir os favores de uma rica viúva. Uma a uma, ele vai mencionando as acusações que sofre e os argumentos de defesa. Os poucos testemunhos existentes da época referidos à magia, ao ser uma atividade ilegal, fazem que esta obra seja uma peça fundamental para conhecer o pensamento e as atitudes das pessoas, naquele tempo, acerca da magia.
[EN] Analysis of the writing in the codex De magia (Ms. Laud Oriental 282, Bodleian Library), an astrological guide written in the Portuguese language as aljamia, with Hebrew characters, and dated to the 15th Century. As well as a classification of the writing, this study analyses the manuscript’s graphemic representation – simple graphemes, in nexus, digraphs and trigraphs, diacritics, number values, punctuation, corrections and cancellation marks – and proposes a coherent and detailed transcription system of Hebrew into Latin graphemes. [PT] Este trabalho analisa a escrita do códice De magia (Ms. Laud Oriental 282, Bodleian Library), guia astrológico aljamiado em língua portuguesa e caracteres hebraicos, datado do século 15. Além de feita a classificação da escrita, analisa-se a representação grafemática do manuscrito – grafemas simples, em nexo, dígrafos e trígrafos, sinais diacríticos, de valor numérico, de pontuação, de correção e anulação – e propõe-se um sistema de transcrição coerente e detalhado dos grafemas hebraicos em latinos.
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2018
MARRONE, Rita Catania, "Magick in Theory and Practice de Aleister Crowley: Uma (re)descoberta na Biblioteca particular de Fernando Pessoa" (2018). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 14, Fall, pp. 330-372. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 14 Magick in Theory and Practice de Aleister Crowley: Uma (re)descoberta na biblioteca particular de Fernando Pessoa [Aleister Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice: A (re)discovery in Fernando Pessoa’s private library] RESUMO Apresenta-se aqui a (re)descoberta de um volume da Biblioteca particular de Fernando Pessoa: uma cópia de Magick in Theory and Practice, de Aleister Crowley, que até 2016 esteve numa coleção particular. A cópia é extremamente valiosa, pois, ao contrário da outra já conhecida, apresenta marginália do próprio Pessoa. Para além de se reconstruir a história deste exemplar, apresenta-se uma série de documentos, parcialmente ou totalmente inéditos, que remetem para a leitura de Magick. ABSTRACT We here present a (re)discovery related to Fernando Pessoa’s personal library: a copy of Aleister Crowley’s 'Magick in Theory and Practice', which until 2016 was in a private collection. The copy is particularly valuable because, unlike the one already known, it offers Pessoa’s marginalia. Besides reconstructing the history of this copy from Pessoa’s legacy, we present a series of documents – partially or wholly unpublished – which refer to the reading of 'Magick'. BIBLIOGRAFIA CONDE, Elsa (1996). “Biblioteca de Fernando Pessoa”, in Tabacaria, n.º 0, Lisboa, Fevereiro de 1996, pp. 63-119. CROWLEY, Aleister (1929-1930). Magick in Theory and Practice. Paris: Lecram Imp. (CFP, 1-151). _____ (1929). The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. The Spirit of Solitude. An Autohagiography subsequently Re-Antichristened. London: The Mandrake Press. 2 vols. (CFP, 8-131). _____ (1929b). The Stratagem and Other Stories. London: The Mandrake Press. _____ (1909). 777 Vel Prolegomena Symbolica ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticae Viae Explicandae, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientiae Summae, London and Felling-on- Tyne: The Walter Scott Publishing Co. (CFP, 2-1). [publicado de forma anónima] FERRARI, Patricio (2008). “Fernando Pessoa as a Writing-reader: Some Justifications for a Complete Digital Edition of his Marginalia”, in Portuguese Studies vol. 24, nº 2, pp. 69-114. [Special number dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, Review of the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, King’s College London, published by the Modern Humanities Research Association. Jerónimo Pizarro and Steffen Dix, guest editors]. HOWE, Ellic (1972). The Magicians of the Golden Dawn: A Documentary History of a Magical Order 1887- 1923. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. PESSOA, Fernando (1999). Correspondência. 1905-1922 | Correspondência. 1923-1935. Edição de Manuela Parreira da Silva. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. 2 vols. _____ (1998). Cartas entre Fernando Pessoa e os Directores da presença. Edição e estudo de Enrico Martines. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional- Casa da Moeda. Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa. Coleção “Estudos”. PESSOA, Fernando; CROWLEY, Aleister (2018). La bocca dell'inferno. A cura di Marco Pasi. Saluzzo: Federico Tozzi Editore. _____ (2010). Encontro Magick, seguido de A Boca do Inferno (novela policiária). Compilação e considerações de Miguel Roza. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. PASI, Marco (2012). “September 1930, Lisbon: Aleister Crowley's Lost Diary of His Portuguese Trip”, in Pessoa Plural – A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 1, Primavera, pp. 253-283. Veja-se: <>. _____ (2002). “The Influence of Aleister Crowley on Fernando Pessoa’s Esoteric Writings”, in The Magical Link, vol. 9, n.º 5, pp. 4-11. _____ (2001). “The influence of Aleister Crowley on Fernando Pessoa's esoteric writings”, Ésotérisme, Gnoses & Imaginaire Symbolique: Mélanges Offerts a Antoine Faivre. Caron Richard, Godwin Joscelyn, Hanegraaff Wouter J. e Vieillard Baron Jean-Louis (eds.). Leuven: Peeters, pp. 693-711. PIZARRO, Jeronimo (2013). “Editar lo oculto: los textos esotéricos de Fernando Pessoa”, La filologia d'autor en els estudis literaris. Joan R. Veny-Mesquida e Jordi Malé (eds.). Lleida: Aula Màrius Torres & Pagès Editors, pp. 71-83. SILVA, Jaime Herculano da [1980]. “Fernando Pessoa’s Library”. [Texto policopiado]. [Trata-se do “Appendix A” da Dissertação de Doutoramento intitulada “Fernando Pessoa and the English Romantic Tradition”, nunca defendida nem publicada]. WAITE, Arthur Edward (1924). The brotherhood of the Rosycross: being records of the house of the holy spirit in its inward and outward history. London: William Rider and Son. (CFP 0-21) WITTEMANS, Frans (1925). Histoire des rose-croix. Paris: Adyar (CFP 0-24).
Seneca was one of the most important spreaders of Stoic philosophy in Imperial Rome of the first century. The author wrote fourteen philosophical works, one Menippean satire and nine tragedies. Though inspired in Greek authors, Seneca's tragedies have a peculiar trace, that is, they show the Stoic precepts defended by the author. The tragedy Medea is one exemplum of the consequences caused by the lack of attention with oneself, in other words, the furor felt by Medea leads the protagonist to give in to the impulse of using magic with evil purposes, what shows her lack of mastership over reason, act which opposes Stoic ethics. In this sense, we notice that Seneca's tragedies acquire a pedagogical function, as they send a Stoic message to their listeners.
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Pequeno tratado sobre arte e magia, 2018
Silva, Semíramis Corsi, Marquetti, Flávia Regina, Funari, Pedro Paulo Abreu. Magia, encantamentos e feitiçaria. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2023
Revista de Estudos Filosóficos e Históricos da Antiguidade, Campinas, SP, v. 41, n. 00, p. e024007, 2024, 2024
Linguagem: Estudos e Pesquisas
Revista do Centro de Estudos Portugueses, 2011
Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 2021
Magia, Encantamentos e Feitiçaria, 2023
Ensaios sobre filosofia antiga e estoicismo. Instituto Quero Saber. Coleção do XIX Encontro Nacional de Filosofia da ANPOF, 2024
TRÍVIA estudos interdisciplinares sobre as práticas da magia na Antiguidade, 2023
Revista MIMESIS, 2015
Revista Medievalis
O Estudo Acadêmico da Magia, 2013