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The text discusses the implications of new technologies, particularly video games and digital media, in shaping human experiences and environments. It explores how these mediums can reflect and redefine our understanding of humanity and bodily experiences in both physical and digital contexts. The introduction presents themes of evolution, body modification, and the challenges of oppressive discourses in digital spaces, while the concluding remarks reference theoretical frameworks about life, death, and the cultural significance surrounding these concepts.
Posthumanity : Merger & Embodiment (ISBN 978-1-84888-018-4), 2010
As a result of the international cooperation between cultural institutions, The Games Europe Plays – Body <> Tech brings to The Stephen Lawrence Gallery the work of six European artists and collectives who deal with ways the virtual world and technology can effect the human body and our perception of it. Interactive installations allow the public to experiment themselves, and sometimes to be intimately disturbed by the pieces. Interactivity has been a controversial subject within New Media Art [1], but the works on display demonstrate that a coherent engagement with the viewer-user is still possible. These works don’t simply exist in the world of aesthetics – as experimentation on the consequences of interaction between the human and the digital. Anna Dumitriu and Alex May, Ivor Diosi, Marco Donnarumma and Blast Theory stimulate reflection on identities, provoking a response towards pieces that can be perceived as disturbing or intrusive. Meanwhile, Designswarm and Grendel Gam...
The advance of digital technologies and evolution of cyberculture have rejuvenated Modernity's Cartesian dream of the pure mind achieving an unconditional freedom by leaving the body behind. The body, now more than ever, is perceived as another object in the external materiality where, as the lineage of Western thought so obstinately insists, the Truth is to be found. Eastern traditions like Sufi mysticism, on the other hand, offer a stark alternative: the physical reality is dismissed as illusion, the search for the Truth is essentially internal, and the self is not a segregated and detached entity but is an ever-interconnected part of the whole. We argue that leveraging both on the ancient wisdom of the East and the immense success of science and technology of the West, cyberculture can foster a new human condition of re-embodiment, interconnectivity, and re-unity. We maintain that contemporary arts, particularly in performative and collaborative forms, have much to contribute to this endeavor, and emerging technologies like biomechatronics and neuroprosthetics, which are acclaimed by some for their assumed contribution to the ideal of disembodiment, might be exploited by artists to promote a new understanding of embodiment and humanity's interconnectedness with the rest of the existence.
Thanks to its scope and associative power, the Web has become a new channel not only to release art projects, but also to make them viable in terms of production: both as producer (which allows the interactive creation and building of an opened art work) or as the disseminator of the message to be broadcasted. Part of the artistic production on the Web, unlike literature, theatre, and film, cannot be transferred to another means of communication without losing its primary characteristic: certain "products" only have a place in cyberspace. Nonetheless its dynamics are influencing all other means. With this in mind, artistic production -digital and contemporary -will be analysed considering the perspective of Nicolas Bourriaud, who considers the artist, Web surfer, and intellectual in the beginning of the third millennium as a "semionauta." The analysis will be focused on what the author calls "postproduction" and "relational aesthetics," and further concepts like "road map" and "deejaying," coined by him. Earlier references like Marcel Duchamp (ready-mades) and Andy Warhol (serial production and consumption: from the museum to the supermarket) compose an illustrative theoretical framework. Basically, the debate will be the reason why contemporary art involves a constant process of deconstruction / reconstruction. A process of recreation, even if the raw material is original, since there is already a base to create from (although it is not structured). The registered reality is re-built, or rather the fragments of this cropped reality. It is possible to change its order and narrative, its times and spaces. In the postproduction process, this fragmented reality will be manipulated and, inevitably, reframed. It could even contradict itself, denying its essence. As levels of manipulation are endless, neither do those of redefinition. Instead of questioning about where we are going, it would be better trying to identify where we are.
The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 2016
In What is Posthumanism? Cary Wolfe insists "the nature of thought itself must change if it is to be posthumanist." 1 Our argument, made manifest by this special issue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing, is that it is not only our ways of thinking about the world that must change if they are to be posthumanist, or at least not simply humanist; our ways of being and doing in the world must change too. In particular, we view the challenge to humanism and the human brought about by the emergence of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, robotics, bioscience, pre-emptive, cognitive, and contextual computing, as providing us with an opportunity to reinvent, radically, the ways in which we work, act, and think as theorists. In this respect, if "posthumanism names a historical moment in which the decentering of the human by its imbrication in technical, medical, informatics, and economic networks is increasingly impossible to ignore," 2 then it generates an opportunity to raise the kind of questions for the humanities we really should have raised long before now, but haven't because our humanist ideas, not just of historical change and progression (i.e. from human to posthuman, to what comes after the human), 3 but of the rational, liberal, human subject, and the associated concepts of the author, the journal, and copyright that we have inherited with it, continue to have so much power and authority. Our use of disruption in this context thus goes beyond the usual definitions of the term. This includes those characterizations of technological disruption associated with Clayton Christensen and his colleagues at the Harvard Business School, and with the rhetoric of Silicon Valley. It is not our intention to try to sustain and develop the current system for creating, performing and circulating humanities research and scholarship, its methodologies, aesthetics, and institutions, by emphasizing the potential of disruptive technologies to generate innovations that are capable of facilitating the production of a new "digital" humanities, or even "posthuman Humanities studies." 4 As the title of this special issue indicates, rather than helping the humanities refresh themselves with what Joseph Schumpeter
By incorporating mixed-reality technologies in everyday experience, designers endeavour to overcome physical limitations and surpass human abilities, exceeding the realms of the feasible. Experience design involves the creation of the content and the context for meaningful and satisfying experiences to unfold among those participating. In parallel, contemporary notions of aesthetics embrace a pragmatic perspective, supporting aesthetics as aesthesis that emerges while interacting within particular physical and artificial worlds. The posthuman philosophy aspires the transcendence of human presence and experience on account of technological advancement, offering a thorough “view of the body as field of relational forces in motion and of reality as immanent embodied process of becoming”, as presented in the Posthumanist Manifesto. Based on Hassenzahl’s view on experience, in the context of this paper, we will analyze how human experience is modified in the contemporary mixed-reality world, and how design, and experience design in particular, are influenced by integrating the physical, the potential, and the unexpected, through a posthuman perspective.
With the enormous chaotic changes taking place today, contemporary artists are showing us a vast and mystifying range of artworks that show glimpses of nascent worlds coming into being and just as quickly disappearing into oblivion. In Part One the author explores a world that seems to be gaining some traction-the world of the post-human. Contemporary art is showing glimpses of this still-forming world in artworks produced from a collision between, or interpenetration of virtual reality and empirical reality, giving rise to weird, horrific, and sometimes strangely beautiful forms. In Part Two the author seeks to penetrate "behind" this post-human art to the activity of the artist, in order to find the original "bringing forth" (Heidegger) of post-human artworks. This move reveals the fundamental place of revelation and prophecy as the origin of any artwork and thus indicates the essential nature of the post-human world.
Qualitative Research, 2016
The turn to the body in social sciences has intensified the gaze of qualitative research on bodily matters and embodied relations and made the body a significant object of reflection, bringing new focus on and debates around the direction of methodological advances. This article contributes to these debates in three ways: 1) we explore the potential synergies across the social sciences and arts to inform the conceptualization of the body in digital contexts; 2) we point to ways qualitative research can engage with ideas from the arts towards more inclusive methods; and 3) we offer three themes with which to interrogate and re-imagine the body: its fragmenting and zoning, its sensory and material qualities, and its boundaries. We draw on the findings of an ethnographic study of the research ecologies of six research groups in the arts and social sciences concerned with the body in digital contexts to discuss the synergetic potential of these themes and how they could be mobilized for...
From representation to abstraction and from the materiality of the object to the fluidity of experience, the trajectory of the artistic object from the beginning of the 20th century up until today has subjected it into a constant questioning of its material substance and an incessant expansion of its communicative means. As contemporary artists realize their work through time-specific –hence fleeting- actions, temporary installations and intangible bytes and pixels, the question of the immaterial rises as a challenging enigma that poses a new question to every answer attempt: Can we talk about immateriality and visuality within the same discourse? Can the immaterial be linked to the intellect and the corporeal at the same time? How can we experience it with the body? (Doctoral thesis in English and Spanish. See links for each language)
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 2017
This paper explores the extension of the body through the technological architecture of interactive art installations. It incorporates and builds upon Don Ihde’s postphenomenological philosophy of technology to argue how tools extend and limit the human body. This work expands upon Ihde’s hypothesis to consider how technologically mediated bodies adapt to and co-create interactive experiences. Through a methodological framework of postphenomenology, this work uses Jeffrey Shaw’s The Legible City (1988) and Dennis Del Favero’s immersive artwork Scenario (2011) as case studies. Through application of Ihde and an interview I conducted with Del Favero in 2014, this paper examines how the body is mediated, extended and reduced into his artwork through motion sensing technology. It also considers Ihde’s concept of bodyhood as well as his specific ideas on human-technology relationships, which I argue can be broken down as a way to consider the composition of interactive art. Overall this paper considers the human body’s negotiation with technology as an interface that co-composes experientiality where users become postphenomenologically extended in interactive environments.
Our current relation to physical and social bodies betrays a deep uneasiness in our society, engendered by altered definitions of physical identity and increasing mediacentric behavior. Obsessive violence, the notion of invincibility, and recurring themes of the survival of the fittest in film and TV combine with sensationalistic news reports of genetic progress, and manipulation of human longevity, health, appearance, and reproduction to foster the concept of disposable bodies and physical reality. Cloning is an established fact; genetic engineering has become the stuff of newspaper headlines. The now-famous predictions of Guy Debord (1) in the late 1960's about a reality that would be transformed into a myriad of spectacles have proven true. The continuous and tremendous impact of broadcasting technology has contributed to re-engine our perception of physical reality as a soap opera complete with logo, specific design and commercial breaks. So, too, have communication networks turned into appendixes to our lives, as faxes, modems and e-mail increase the dissociation from experienced reality. Digital communications also promote an ideology of transcendence in regard to the plurality and diversity of cultures, politics and histories that overcome space and time, offering the promise of an open space of equal exchange based upon a non hierarchical structure. On the one hand, the creation of a global network and space subverts unilateral systems of information by de facto opening transnational/transcultural connections, while on the other hand, it allows the restructuring of geo-political boundaries into an ever-expanding market of limitless access. The latter aspect demonstrates the shift away from the dominance of national economic and cultural interests that characterized modern capitalism to a next phase, that of post-modern, transnational pancapitalism. Pancapitalism better operates under the guise of a " global " identity, for which otherness is as good as it offers new marketing concepts, distributed through the virtual corporate
Art in the Age of the Internet, 1989 to Today edited by Eva Respini, 2018
The essay critiques the term Post-internet art as capacious reference to the ways that experiential, multisensory installations treat images as inherently variable and reproducible, and—in the most benign cases—as mutable works, equally at home in the space of the museum or on a webpage. In contrast, however, this essay argues that Barry, Birnbaum, Hershman Leeson, Scher’s and other post-internet art antecedents introduced in the 1990s suggest new affinities with what can be thought of as other perceptual systems and subjectivities. In doing so, their multimodal and multiplatform artworks offer a feminist methodology for contemporary art history that contests and re-inscribes existing modernist predecessors.
Art Journal, 2020
Subjectivity, 2018
In the wake of post-structuralism and posthumanism, contemporary theory has struggled to conceptualize the subject without reproducing the human/ technology dichotomy. Building on Deleuze and Guattari's machinic ontology of desiring-production as synthesis, we develop the concept of synthetic subjectivation as an alternative. Synthetic subjectivation is a conjunctive event within a dynamic and recursive process that both results from and intervenes in a composition of material elements and embodied potentials, including organic, technical, and social elements. The subject is a subject of the composition, not of the organism or the technical machine. Deleuze and Guattari's work serves as the basis of this approach, but, drawing on the media analysis of Friedrich Kittler, we rethink the syntheses as investments in a sociotechnical field. A case study of a university makerspace illustrates the concept. At stake in makerspaces, and in any context of subjectivation, is the autopoietic capacity of the composition to pilot desire and produce active, joyful subjects.
For visual artists, the incipient elements of the posthuman identified in this article signal change in how art is produced and under whose agency, what human art means, and even what being human means—given the blurring of how we define the concept of " human " in a rapidly changing posthuman environment.
Culture & Psychology, 1998
Computers and Composition: An International Journal, 2019
We begin with a differentiation between the body and embodiment-two distinct but interwoven concepts: the body as abstraction and generality; and embodiment as particular, corporeal process and experience. The body is a marked site/cite; that is, it is written. The body is composed (and decomposing). The body is delimited, though never in a fixed or static sense despite any desire toward, as N. Katherine Hayles (1999) asserted, "an idealized form that gestures toward a Platonic reality" (p. 196). When we write of the body, however, through and with our actual bodies (embodiment), we are always already speaking of and with a composition-a mark, a text, an ever-penultimate elaboration. But we are also speaking of a decomposition. As a rhetorical event, embodiment is the process of the revision, a practice of becoming. "In contrast to the body," Hayles (1999) noted, "embodiment is contextual, enmeshed within the specifics of place, time, physiology, and culture, which together compose enactment. . . . embodiment is the specific instantiation generated from the noise of difference" (p. 196). Put differently, the body is abstract and normalized; embodiment is specific, of difference, nuanced, lived, and felt. The body is a noun (product/being); embodiment is a verb (process/becoming). The body is our name; embodiment is our breath. Embodiment, Anne Frances Wysocki (2012) claimed, "calls us to attend to what we just simply do, day to day, moving about, communicating with others, using objects that we simply use in order to make things happen" (p. 3). If material bodies constitute what we are, then embodiments constitute what material bodies do. Digital technologies have complicated and compounded the compositions and decompositions of the body and embodiment as such.
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