Posthumanity: Merger and Embodiment Critical Issues Series Editors



The text discusses the implications of new technologies, particularly video games and digital media, in shaping human experiences and environments. It explores how these mediums can reflect and redefine our understanding of humanity and bodily experiences in both physical and digital contexts. The introduction presents themes of evolution, body modification, and the challenges of oppressive discourses in digital spaces, while the concluding remarks reference theoretical frameworks about life, death, and the cultural significance surrounding these concepts.

Key takeaways

  • A quick survey of Malaysian bloggers who assume historical identities to represent themselves in their blogs shows that parts of history remain contemporaneous and dynamic in narrating the nation, more so in cyberspace.
  • Key Words: Architecture, 1960s, community, cyberspace, utopian visions.
  • What is extremely peculiar is that the main emphasis is made again on the real reality connection, for cyberspace, still being treated as Reality, may be referred to as augment reality or annotated reality revealing thus the notion being somewhat supplementary.
  • The game (thanks to the players efforts!)
  • In digital terms, an avatar is the digital (graphical, textual, or otherwise) representation of a human controller within a cyberspace.