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(Madkour LH)
Madkour, Loutfy H. 6701732721
cy UJ.ecrneHHYIO AJJH couHaJJbHOH H KYJJbTYPHOH Tpa.n HUHH HHcf>OpMaUHIO 0 6pa4HOM nose.neH HH , Op HeHTHPYH c n OMOUJ.blO n porpaM M-cTepeoT ttn os. Pa3yMeeTCH, caM H HOCHTeJJH KYJ1 bTypb1 -ttc n oJJHH TeJJ H 3THX nporpaMM HH B npOWJlble, HH B HblHeWHHe BpeMeHa He o6peMe HHJJ H ce6H H3JJ H WH HMH p ecf>JJeKTHB Hbl MH yc ttJJ HH MH no noso.ny MOAeJJttposaHHH csoero nose.neHHH. CcwnKa Ha no.no6Hbl H npeueAeHT c MHcf> H4 eCKHM npe.nKOM, Ha CHTyaUHIO B M Hpe 6oroB HJIH 3nH4eCKHX repoes, ,ll.OnOJJ He HH aH 3KC KypcoM B "o6JJaCTb ,L1.xapMb1,-caMOAOCTaT04 HbIH apry-:\1e~T, H MeBWHH pewa10 m y10 ,ll.OKa3aTeJJbHYIO CHJJy. l.JeM 6JJH)!(e AeHCTBHe K apxeTttny, TeM OHO npaBHJJhHee. B o npoc « n o4eMy MHcf>H4eCKHe npe.nKH nocTynaJJH Ta K , a He HH a 4 e» He B03HH KaJJ H He Mor B03HHKHYT b . CJJeAoBaTeJJbHO, Mbl c noJJ HbI M npasoM MO)!(eM y Tsep)!(,ll.aTb, 4TO 6o)!(ecrneHHbI H 6 paK 6b1J1 MO.UeJJb lO 11.JIH 4 eJJ OBe4eCKOro: B BOCnpHHTHH HOCHTeJJe H KYJlbTypbl : na MO.UeJJb H CHMBOJI H4 eCKH, H OHTOJIO rH 4eC KH npe.nweCTBOBaJJa Bocn p OH3Be,ll.eHHHM .
C.V. Loutfy Hamed Madkour, 2024
Loutfy H. Madkour is a Professor of Physical Chemistry and Nanoscience at Tanta University, Egypt. He received his BSc, MSc, and PhD in physical chemistry from the Cairo, Minia, and Tanta universities in Egypt, respectively. He has published 200 peer-reviewed original research articles, 26 review articles, 11 books and 3 book chapters. His name has been listed in the top 2% of the most distinguished and influential scientists globally according to the ranking and database of Stanford American University of Scientists globally. He is an editorial board member of several international journals, including International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC-Springer), International Journal of Ground Sediment & Water, Global Drugs and Therapeutics, Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science, Journal of Targeted Drug Delivery, UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences, Global Journal of Nanomedicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research, Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Research, LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research, CPQ Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal, Japan Journal of Research, Organic & Medicinal Chemistry International Journal, Nanotechnology & Applications, Materials Science Journal, Journal of Chemical Science and Chemical Engineering, United Journal of Nanotechnology and Medicine, Clinical Practice (Therapy), Journal of Materials New Horizons, Journal of Radiology and Medical Imaging (MedDocs Publishers), World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Material Science and Technology Research, Ecronicon: EC Clinical & Medical Case Reports (ECCMC), Medical Research and Health Sciences, and Acta Scientific Women's Health Journal, PHARMACOGNOSY Journal, Journal of Community Medicine and Health Care Management, Environmental Degradation of Materials of Frontiers in Materials, Journal of Cancer Therapy and Research, Journal of Materials and Polymer Science, Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Investigation, Radiology & Imaging Journal, International Journal in Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS), EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports, BOHR International Journal of Pharmaceutical Studies (BIJOPS), General medicine and Clinical Practice, Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Disorders, International Journal of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, ACTA SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, Medvix publications LLC, International Journal of Cardiology Research & Reviews, International Journal of Nursing Care and Research and International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention (IJMSCI).
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