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1998, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
17 pages
1 file
We present a method to produce a hierarchy of triangle meshes that can be used to blend different levels of detail in a smooth fashion. The algorithm produces a sequence of meshes 0 0 , 0 1 , 0 2 , ..., 0 n , where each mesh 0 i can be transformed to mesh 0 i+1 through a set of triangle-collapse operations. For each triangle, a function is generated that approximates the underlying surface in the area of the triangle, and this function serves as a basis for assigning a weight to the triangle in the ordering operation and for supplying the points to which the triangles are collapsed. The algorithm produces a limited number of intermediate meshes by selecting, at each step, a number of triangles that can be collapsed simultaneously. This technique allows us to view a triangulated surface model at varying levels of detail while insuring that the simplified mesh approximates the original surface well.
Highly detailed geometric models are rapidly becoming commonplace in computer graphics. These models, often represented as complex triangle meshes, challenge rendering performance, transmission bandwidth, and storage capacities. This paper introduces the progressive mesh (PM) representation, a new scheme for storing and transmitting arbitrary triangle meshes. This efficient, loss-less, continuous-resolution representation addresses several practical problems in graphics: smooth geomorphing of level-of-detail approximations, progressive transmission, mesh compression, and selective refinement. In addition, we present a new mesh simplification procedure for constructing a PM representation from an arbitrary mesh. The goal of this optimization procedure is to preserve not just the geometry of the original mesh, but more importantly its overall appearance as defined by its discrete and scalar appearance attributes such as material identifiers, color values, normals, and texture coordinates. We demonstrate construction of the PM representation and its applications using several practical models.
The FanGrower algorithm proposed here segments a manifold triangle mesh into regions (called caps), which may each be closely approximated by a triangle-fan. Once the caps are formed, their rims, which form the inter-cap boundaries, are simplified, replacing each fan by its frame-a fan with the same apex but fewer triangles. The resulting collection of frames is an approximation of the original mesh with a guaranteed maximum error bound. As such, it may be viewed as a powerful extension of Kalvin and Taylor's super-faces, which were restricted to nearly planar configurations and approximated by nearly planar fans. In contrast, our caps simplify to frames that need not be planar, but may contain convex or concave corners or saddle points. We propose a new and efficient solution for evaluating a tight bound on the deviation between a cap and its approximating fan and frame. We also introduce a new solution for computing the location of the apex of a fan as the point minimizing Garland and Heckbert's quadric error for a set of planes defined by the vertices of the cap and their normals. We discuss several capgrowing approaches. Finally, we propose a compact representation of a triangle mesh from which one can easily extract the frames and execute selective refinements needed to reconstruct the original caps in portions of the mesh that are closer to the viewer, to a silhouette, or in an area of interest. Some frames are automatically upgraded to partly simplified fans to ensure a watertight transition between frames and application-selected caps.
Proc. of 16th International …, 2008
Meshes used in real-time applications are usually composed of sub-meshes which contain vertices with different sets of attributes. This kind of mesh cannot be used directly in the current graphics pipeline architecture because meshes for interactive applications usually duplicate vertices to ensure that every vertex has a single set of attributes. This fact causes apparently contiguous surfaces to be split into pieces or patches, and so traditional simplification error metrics will fail in any attempt they make to simplify them. Here we present a method for this kind of mesh which is based on edge collapses and takes into account the information about attributes that contribute to obtain a more realistic appearance of the object, like normals and texture coordinates, in the error metric and recalculating this information after the simplification steps.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
Multiresolution modelling of polygonal surface meshes has been presented as a solution for the interactive visualisation of scenes formed by hundreds of thousands of polygons. On the other hand, it has been shown that representing surfaces using sets of triangle strips or fans greatly reduces visualisation time and provides an important memory savings. In this paper we present a new method to model polygonal surface meshes. Like the previously explained Multiresolution Ordered Meshes (MOM), this method permits the efficient management of an ample range of approximations of the given model. Furthermore, this method utilises the triangle fan as its basic representation primitive. Experiments realised with data sets of varying complexity demonstrate reduced storage space requirements, while retaining the advantages of MOMs.
Computer-Aided Design, 2009
This paper proposes a user-assisted mesh simplification method applied to CAD models converted to triangle meshes. This work offers the possibility of simplifying each subobject independently and at different levels of detail. This way, the user can simplify the whole model and then modify some parts, by simplifying more or by refining the desired subobjects. This can be performed while the total number of triangles in the simplified model is maintained. In this method any error metric based on an edge collapse operation can be used. Boundaries between subobjects are preserved and important attributes in the final aspect of simplified models, like normals and texture coordinates, are also considered.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2006
This paper presents a new procedure to improve the quality of triangular meshes defined on surfaces. The improvement is obtained by an iterative process in which each node of the mesh is moved to a new position that minimizes a certain objective function. This objective function is derived from algebraic quality measures of the local mesh (the set of triangles connected to the adjustable or free node). If we allow the free node to move on the surface without imposing any restriction, only guided by the improvement of the quality, the optimization procedure can construct a high-quality local mesh, but with this node in an unacceptable position. To avoid this problem the optimization is done in the parametric mesh, where the presence of barriers in the objective function maintains the free node inside the feasible region. In this way, the original problem on the surface is transformed into a two-dimensional one on the parametric space. In our case, the parametric space is a plane, chosen in terms of the local mesh, in such a way that this mesh can be optimally projected performing a valid mesh, that is, without inverted elements. Several examples and applications presented in this work show how this technique is capable of improving the quality of triangular surface meshes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The performance of a walkthrough over terrain models is deeply influenced by the real scenario high level of details. To guarantee natural and smooth changes in a sequence of scenes, it is necessary to display the actual height field's maps at interactive frame rates. These frame rates can be accomplished by reducing the number of rendered geometric primitives without compromising the visual quality. This paper describes an optimized algorithm for building a triangular mesh, the terrain model, which combines an efficient regular grid representation with low cost memory requirements, using a bottom-up approach.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 1996
There are a set of properties which are highly desirable This paper describes a sequential multiresolution surface for a multiresolution surface modeling algorithm. For exmodeling technique. The initial model consists in a surface ample, the resulting model should be defined in an objecttriangulation resulting from the integration of a set of range centered reference frame and non-uniform sampling of views. Thereafter, a hierarchical triangulation algorithm iterathe object surface should be allowed. For triangle-based tively removes vertices of the triangulation, always minimizing representations, the surface triangulations should be equithe retriangulation error. The equiangularity of the surface angular in 3-D space in order to increase the upper bound triangulation is optimized in 3-D space throughout the optimion the curvature of sampled surfaces. Finally, the algorithm zation process. Besides compressing surface information, the should preserve the topology of the object as well as the proposed technique preserves the topology of the triangulation surface orientation discontinuities. Few of the previously and surface orientation discontinuities. Experimental models reported multiresolution techniques possess all these propbuilt from complex multipart objects with holes are presented. © 1996 Academic Press, Inc. erties. Quadtree approaches are domain-dependent representations and require regular sampling . Hierarchical triangulation approaches are more interesting since they
International Conference on 3-D Imaging and Modeling, 2001
Subdivision schemes are commonly used to obtain dense or smooth data representations from sparse discrete data. E. g., B-splines are smooth curves or surfaces that can be constructed by infinite subdivision of a polyline or polygon mesh of control points. New vertices are computed by lin- ear combinations of the initial control points. We present a new non-linear subdivision scheme
Computational Geometry, 1998
A comprehensive study of multiresolution decompositions of planar domains into triangles is given. A model introduced that is more general than other multiresolution models proposed in the literature. The model is based on a collection of fragments of plane triangulations arranged into a partially ordered set. Di erent decompositions of a domain can be obtained by combining di erent fragments from the model. Theoretical results on the expressive power of such a model are given. An e cient algorithm is proposed that can extract a triangulation from the model, whose level of detail is variable over the domain according to a given threshold function. The algorithm works in linear time, and the extracted representation has minimum size among all possible triangulations that can be built from triangles in the model, and that satisfy the given level of detail. Major applications of these results are in real time rendering of complex surfaces, such as topographic surfaces ight simulation.
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Future Generation Computer Systems, 2004
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010
IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, 2004
Computer Graphics Forum, 2011
Proceedings. First International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, 2002
Sistemas y Telemática, 2008
Graphical Models, 2003
The Visual Computer, 2003
Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable, 2011
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 1995
Mathematics and Visualization, 2003
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2005
International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization, 2003