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This publication intends to offer new perspectives for the analysis of the Phoenician presence in the Iberian Peninsula. Tartesos is here proposed to be understood in a wide geographical way, better than in its traditional historic-cultural meaning. A number of topics were proposed to the authors for their reflections: the diversity of origins and identities of the “Phoenician” communities, the homogeneity and heterogeneity factors among them, their specific evolution in the colonial and post-colonial landscapes, the making of new political and ethnic identities, the ways in which the Greeks and Roman perceived and recorded them, the criteria for the identification of “indigenous” and “colonial” in the archaeological record, or the role of religion among the Phoenicians in terms of unity and diversity. All these subjects are approached in a wide and multidisciplinary range of focuses and perspectives.
M. Bendala y M. Belén (eds.), V Congreso de Historia de Carmona. El nacimiento de la ciudad: la Carmona protohistórica, 195-223, Carmona, 2007
This paper argues that Tartessos was the result of Phoenician colonialism in the south of the Iberian Peninsula arranged by temples as political and economic agencies of the Tyrian palace. Problems of identity are discussed, as well as the nature, often in conflict, of the imposed and forced coexistence between Phoenician settlers and the colonized native people.
J. M. Campos y J. Alvar (eds.): Tarteso: el emporio del metal. Córdoba, Almuzara., 2013
Tartessus has been defined in many different ways throughout the history of research. This paper reviews the historiographical tradition about Tartessus identifying two main ways of defi ning it. One perspective identifies it with the indigenous culture of the SW. of the Iberian Peninsula, existing before the arrival of the Phoenicians. The other perceives it as a historical process conditioned by the Phoenician presence in the area and, therefore, contemporary with it. These differences are explained by the inherent difficulty related with the process of filling with historic and archaeological content a term which meaning is complex and variable even in the ancient tradition, and that is also external to the world we try to define.
Commercial amphoras, sturdy containers for food, indicate commercial relations between the Phoenician metropolis Carthage and the south of the Iberian Peninsula during the VIII and VI c. B.C. Along with these amphoras, pottery of Hispano-Phoenician and Tartessian productions arrived at Carthage. Bronze fibulas from the South of the Iberian Peninsula suggest the existence of a small Tartessian community in the commercial port of Carthage.
Se ubicaron entre las estribaciones de los montes Líbano y el Mediterráneo, en costas del Asia Menor, en una pequeña y estrecha faja geográfica de unos 200 kilómetros de largo y 40 kilómetros de ancho, llamada Fenicia que significa "País de las Palmeras". Su asentamiento se dio entre los siglos X y V a.C.
CIPOA, 2, 2014
The recent archaeological findings in the city of Huelva have supposed an important turn in the investigation on the first contacts of the Phoenicians in the Iberian Peninsula, now dated in the last years from century X a.n.e. This circumstance allows us to consider a fluid commercial relation between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, through Straits of Gibraltar, before which until now it was possible to be defended. Nevertheless, in some areas of the interior of the peninsular southwest objects and cultural manifestations of clear Eastern origin are detected previous to the Phoenician presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, which takes to us to propose a route of continental penetration previous to the Phoenician colonization from the south-east French, where some products of clear Cypriot origin would be introduced, case of the found ones in some deposits of the Portuguese Beira or the represented ones in the stelae of warrior. After the Phoenician colonization of the peninsular southwestern coast a territory of more or less homogenous culture will be formed that the Greeks denominated Tartessos, and that must be understood as the amalgam arisen between the powerful original culture of the Eastern Mediterranean introduced by the Phoenicians and the native, of Atlantic origin.
Panta Rei, I, 1995
Hodder l., Interpretación en Arqueología. Corrientes actuales. Edición ampliada y puesta al día.Ed.Crítica. Barcelona 1994.233 pp.1.s.B.N. : 84-7423-669-X.
Revista de Estudios Extremeños, 2017
El presente trabajo sintetiza la trayectoria que ha seguido la investigación sobre la cultura tartésica en Extremadura, y más en concreto en el valle del Guadiana, donde se concentran los yacimientos más importantes y donde se puede ensayar un patrón de asentamiento coherente entre mediados del siglo VI y principios del IV a.n.e. También presentamos los significativos avances que se han producido en los últimos años gracias a las excavaciones realizadas en el cerro del Tamborrío y en los túmulos de Cerro Borreguero y Casas del Turuñuelo, que han enriquecido sensiblemente nuestro conocimiento sobre la cultura tartésica.
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Actas Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos. Modelos Culturais462-470, 2013
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P. Bádenas de la Peña, P. Cabrera Bonet, M. Moreno Conde, A. Ruiz Rodríguez, C. Sánchez Fernández, T. Tortosa Rocamora (eds.) Homenaje a Ricardo Olmos. Per speculum in aenigmate. Miradas sobre la Antigüedad. Estudios y Textos de Erytheia, 7. Madrid. 2004. p. 249-255.
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