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We still need to embrace agriculture extension to realize positive results in agricultural production
PREFACE Distinguished Colleagues, The ESEE is a biennial event that is organized in rotation by European countries for training and research in the purpose of communication for agricultural and rural extension. The first seminar was organized in Finland 40 years ago. This year, the 21st ESEE took place between September 2 to 6, 2013 in Antalya, Turkey. As it known the story of ESEE starts in Helsinki. ESEEs have also a substantial history and tradition which began in Helsinki, Finland, in 1973. The success of the first venture in 1973 led to a decision to meet again after two years in a different venue within Europe for broadly, the same purposes, and this practice has been continued. In a way, the use of European experience and expertise in other parts of the world has become an associated issue with implications for the ESEEs. The main purpose of this seminar traditionally is to share the ideas and practices of the participants on participatory approach to agricultural extension works. As usual this year, we will see and list to the best practice in extension between public and private extension services around the world starting from Europe. We have the possibilities to discuss and argue and to adopt them in other countries, and to meet good friends during years. During these passed years we are the Extension Educators, Scientists and have met all around. The issue, "train trainers to train" is the same but the world around has changed. As it known, we need food, and the farmers are still providing the material for safety foods as well as they are most responsible of security of food. We, the extension educators are finding the innovations for new and less time consuming and easier work for agriculture. The seminar programme is added to the end of this book, as it can be seen during the seminar has implemented plenary and working group session, and parallel sessions, are part of brain storming and help all participants, to share their knowledge and experiences on extension and relevant subjects, and to organize technical and cultural tour activities. We hope that the proceedings book will be very good reference for all participants and others who are involved in rural extension and education and 21st ESEE has been fruitful for each participant. I would like to express our special thanks to the founders of ESEE initiative as Dr. Harri Westermarck, Dr. Maurice Rolls, Dr. Anne Van den Ban, Dr. Niels Röling, Dr. Volker Hoffmann and European and all other colleagues of who contributed to the profession and Seminar’s organizers. Finally, my thanks go to members of the scientific and organizing committees, moderation and distinguished participants for valuable collaboration and contributions. Sincerely yours, Orhan Özçatalbaş, PhD. President of 21th ESEE Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture Dept.of Agricultural Economics Extension Science 07058 Antalya/Turkiye
This article describes the international conference on extension education took place in Varanasi, India. The conference was organized by the Department of Extension Education of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU). Extension is a big field in India, with many professionals. The field itself is searching for a new identity, and searches for effective ways of eradicating poverty and increasing Agricultural productivity.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
The study aims to analyse the contents of articles published in Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. Volume 1 and 2 of 2014 was taken as a sample to analyse the various issues published in It. Volume 1 constitutes the 29 issue and volume 2 constitutes the 32 issues thus total 60 issues were reviewed. The main objective of this study was to find out the emerging research trends in extension education and to see the various important categories of research. The whole content were analysed in following heads title of the research/article, objectives, category of research, sample size methodology or tools and techniques. It was found that majority of research published was done on Adoption & Diffusion (7), Climate change (6) Training(6), ICT (5), Management (5), Entrepreneurship(4), Women Empowerment(3), SHGs (3), LPM (3), Agri. Clinics (2) Sustainable Ag.(1) and privatization (1), journalism (1) and remaining articles were come into other categories like one article was from home science, one from forestry etc. It was found that maximum number of researches was on adoption and diffusion, climate change, women empowerment, entrepreneurship etc. So on the bases of this, it was concluded that this is the emerging trend of researches in field of agricultural extension and communication.
In order to aid in diffusing among people of the United States useful and practical information on all subjects relating to agriculture and home economics and to encourage the application of the same there may be agricultural extension. Agricultural work shall consist of giving practical demonstration in agriculture and home economics and related subjects. Thereto educating people not attending regular courses and imparting information on these subjects through demonstration and publications.
Agricultural extension is a form of rural development that relies on non-formal education. It is an old curriculum that works hand in hand with applied and academic agricultural scientific research. There is a wide debate about the necessity of separating the skills of the researcher from those of the agricultural extension worker. This study demonstrates what a scientific specialist needs to be a crucible that combines academic foundation, research mastery, and agricultural advisor skills. In this popular article, a quick presentation of the contents of 11 academic lectures separated into 10 sections on agricultural extension targeting master's students in plant protection at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. In the summary, a skilled agricultural supervisor needs broad academic capabilities, integrated research, scientific applications skills, and social characteristics, as well as the use of various media to understand the needs of the local community and build extension p...
This study examined the educational needs and factors influencing the food security status of Nigerian small-scale farmers using Nasarawa State as a case study. Structured questionnaire and a multi-stage random sampling technique were used in collecting data from 100 respondents from four villages in two Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State. Descriptive statistic and logit model were used to analyse the data. The results showed that the leading educational needs of the farmers include adoption of modern technology, environmental management and pests and diseases control, but farmers’ education is facing constraints of inadequacy of trained extension agents, lack of logistic and fund and insufficient subject matter specialists. About forty-three percent (43%) of households are food insecure. Household size, economic asset, non-farm income and stocking of food negatively and significantly influenced the farmer’s food security status while remittance, savings and number of adults in a household significantly and positively influenced it. The study concluded that Nigerian small-scale farmers need effective training using most preferred extension teaching methods and significant factors influencing food security status should be manipulated to achieve food security. Young educated graduates should be encouraged to take up farming profession by providing them with the right agricultural education, credit facilities and effective extension service delivery for the nation to achieve food security. Keywords: extension education, food security, logit model
The ESEE is a biennial event that is organized in rotation by European countries for training and research in the purpose of communication for agricultural and rural extension. The first seminar was organized in Finland 40 years ago. This year, the 21st ESEE took place between September 2 to 6, 2013 in Antalya, Turkey. As it known the story of ESEE starts in Helsinki. ESEEs have also a substantial history and tradition which began in Helsinki, Finland, in 1973. The success of the first venture in 1973 led to a decision to meet again after two years in a different venue within Europe for broadly, the same purposes, and this practice has been continued. In a way, the use of European experience and expertise in other parts of the world has become an associated issue with implications for the ESEEs. The main purpose of this seminar traditionally is to share the ideas and practices of the participants on participatory approach to agricultural extension works. As usual this year, we will see and list to the best practice in extension between public and private extension services around the world starting from Europe. We have the possibilities to discuss and argue and to adopt them in other countries, and to meet good friends during years. During these passed years we are the Extension Educators, Scientists and have met all around. The issue, "train trainers to train" is the same but the world around has changed. As it known, we need food, and the farmers are still providing the material for safety foods as well as they are most responsible of security of food. We, the extension educators are finding the innovations for new and less time consuming and easier work for agriculture. The seminar programme is added to the end of this book, as it can be seen during the seminar has implemented plenary and working group session, and parallel sessions, are part of brain storming and help all participants, to share their knowledge and experiences on extension and relevant subjects, and to organize technical and cultural tour activities. We hope that the proceedings book will be very good reference for all participants and others who are involved in rural extension and education and 21st ESEE has been fruitful for each participant. I would like to express our special thanks to the founders of ESEE initiative as Dr. Harri Westermarck, Dr. Maurice Rolls, Dr. Anne Van den Ban, Dr. Niels Röling, Dr. Volker Hoffmann and European and all other colleagues of who contributed to the profession and Seminar’s organizers. Finally, my thanks go to members of the scientific and organizing committees, moderation and distinguished participants for valuable collaboration and contributions. Sincerely yours, Orhan Özçatalbaş, PhD. President of 21th ESEE Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture Dept.of Agricultural Economics Extension Science 07058 Antalya/Turkiye
A study was conducted in year 2009, to analyze the views of enrolled agriculture extension students about existing agricultural extension curricula in the agricultural universities of Pakistan. The main objectives were to provide information of students’ evaluation to the overall structure on the agricultural extension curriculum and to identify strengths and weaknesses in areas of the curriculum, which need improvement. Four agricultural universities of Pakistan were purposively selected as universe of the study. Data regarding curriculum objectives, contents, goals, relevance, understanding of challenges for jobs and field, technology effectiveness and overall satisfaction were collected from 142 i.e. 80% students of the agriculture extension out of 168 (70%) due to less responses through mail questionnaire. Findings of the study revealed that curriculum encouraged higher level thinking skills as 64% respondents agreed, developed student’s confidence as 69% strongly agreed to achieve and motivate to learn more while 55% of the respondents were clear about objectives of the curriculum. Students considered that purpose of each course was clearly explained, teaching methods were appropriate and presentations were understandable. The students also mentioned that quality of the content of curriculum was good, includes real life examples and complete the course with a good understanding of agriculture extension program and services as 65% were agreed. Teachers allowed questions from participants and involved them in discussion. The classroom was conducive to learning. Draw backs in the existence curriculum were that it did not providing much practical experience or practical application of theory, courses repetition, and lack of links between students and extension department. It may be concluded that the respondents were satisfied form the curriculum structure, objectives, ability to enhance skill and relevancy to the field of study. It was recommended to include modern concepts of extension in curriculum, linking the curricula with the newly innovation of extension methods, further improvement in the quality for building the capacity of students and creation of link between students and agriculture extension department.
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Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
Contemporary Social Sciences
GHG College, 2016
Plant Archives, 2022
Policy Research Working Papers, 1999
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 2000