FK 506 dose in transplantation: from theory to practice

2001, Transplantation Proceedings


T HE USE of drugs in common practice may substantially differ from guidelines issued from clinical trials. The reasons why usual doses prescribed in routine settings are actually either lower or higher than those recommended rely on different evidences. Specific characteristics of patients-in terms of age, co-morbidity, or concomitant absorption of other drugs-differ from those included in clinical trials; in addition, each individual presents his or her own specific variations in drug kinetics. Concerning the specific usage of FK 506 in transplantation, starting doses are recommended, although its pharmacokinetic properties can vary widely between individuals like for many other drugs. Dose regimens are consequently adjusted according to whole blood through drug concentration. 1 However, nothing compares to the daily experience of a physician with his or her patient. To assess the ordinary run of FK 506 usage in transplantation, an observatory study has been conducted in six centers in Paris, France.