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2000, Property management
The elements of sales comparison for residential property depend on a package of inherent attributes that are valued by consumers. These attributes can be classified into the following categories: structural, physical, neighbourhood and environmental. A model that incorporates adjustments for floor area, age, views and amenities such as availability of recreational facilities is presented and discussed. A multiple regression analysis with transactionsbased data, using weighted least square to determine the discrete estate-type induced price effect in the Hong Kong housing market, is also presented. The paper demonstrates how the view of negative housing attributes is capitalised into house prices. Specifically, it is shown that the residential property values are higher for estate-type housing properties, and lower for dwelling units with a cemetery view.
Purpose – It has been said that people's expectation towards their living space has been increased. They have a higher requirement not only for the facilities it provides, but also for the quality of property management services. Property management is now regarded as one of the important considerations of buyers in purchasing a property. This research paper aims to investigate the significance of the quality of property management to property buyers. Design/methodology/approach – ISO 9001 Certification and HKMA Quality Award (HKMAQA) are used as the measurement of the quality of property management. The paper used a hedonic price model to determine whether there is a relationship between property management and property price and the inference of property management on property price if there is such relationship. Seven private residential estates in Ma On Shan with similar locational characteristics were selected in the research. Findings – The empirical results show that property management has a significant and positive relationship with property prices. People are willing to pay 4.92 percent and 2.84 percent more on properties managed by a property management company that is ISO 9001-certified and HKMAQA winner respectively. Research limitations/implications – The implications of the results imply that well-recognized property management increases the value of a property and attracts secondhand property buyers, and quality property management adds value to properties and hence increases the property price. Originality/value – The research has contributed an indication of the amount a household would be willing to pay on quality property management services as a reference for investors, users, developers and property management services providers.
Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 2016
House acts as a basic shelter icon for all mankind. In recent years, property value has never stopped receiving attention in the market and has remained the topic of discussion and research on reputable property platforms and all around the world. Residential properties in Malaysia experienced significant appreciation in recent years and this creates anxiety among people. The real factors behind the tremendous rise of property prices in Malaysia however, are yet to be discovered. Structural and locational attributes are frequently discussed and have received uncountable attentions from the whole nation. This study intends to ascertain the factors affecting the property prices. The area of study comprised double storey terrace houses in Mukim Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia. Documentary analysis is conducted in this research with the real transaction data collected from JPPH. Using the regression analysis, various factors were included in the models to capture the particular effects on property values. In particular, builtup area is the most significant structural attribute; whereas shopping centre is the most significant locational attribute in determining the property prices. This paper serves as a guide for the developers and house buyers in decision-making for development and investments.
Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 2011
We investigate the adjustment between the user cost of housing capital, rent, and property value using the impulse response analysis. We find that in the Hong Kong residential property market, rent responds to changes in the user cost relatively fast. But the direction of the responses varies. About one third displays incomplete response, another one third over-responds, and the rest displays a negative relationship. Further work is called for to clarify such results.
Engineering Economics, 2017
When using sales comparison approach, it is crucial to apply adjustments based on the differences between the appraised and comparable properties. Estimating the significance of each adjustment is of key importance for performing credible valuation. Adjustments should include factors such as location, physical and functional characteristics of residential properties and external influential factors. The aim of the article is to determine importance of influential factors and to quantify adjustments that arise from selected factors. Analytical results about the importance of factors influencing the appraised value of residential properties as perceived by different experts are presented in the empirical part of the article. The following factors were included in the study: orientation, views from the property, noise, number of storeys, and the age of the building. Data needed in the study were collected through interviews with authorised real estate appraisers, court sworn appraisers and real property agents. The key scientific problem was to determine mathematical functions for adjustment that arise from the storey of an apartment and from the age of the building. The findings of the study indicate that the location in relation to the distance from the city centre is the most important influential factor on the property value, similarly as in other countries across the world. Furthermore, the survey results show that the impact of the views and noise on the residential property value in Slovenia is also comparable with other studies. Results on the quantification of adjustments expectedly show that prices rise per storey in case there is an elevator in the building, but the result is opposite in case there is no elevator in the building. Results also show the influence of age on the value of the building. Based on mean values a linear function of annual depreciation rate has been set, which is the key novelty of the research. This function and the adjustments presented in the article are usable in valuation practice.
Hue University Journal of Science: Agriculture and Rural Development, 2020
This study focuses on determining the impact of factors on property prices in Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province. The study used quantitative and qualitative analysis in SPSS to statistically characterize the investigated subjects; using Likert scale with five levels and regression method to evaluate the influences of relevant factors on real estate; surveying 115 samples in 03 wards of An Tay, An Cuu and An Dong of Hue city. The results showed that, 6 factors affecting real estate prices were identified, including: (i) Location, (ii) Topographic and shape, (iii) Legal, (iv) Social factors, (v) Infrastructure and (vi) Environment. The impact level of 6 factors on real estate prices are: Environment (0.416), Terrain (0.408), Location (0.225), Infrastructure (0.197), Legal (0.195) and Social factors (0.120). For factors affecting real estate prices, depending on the type of street that the factors affecting real estate prices have different roles. For streets with good business potenti...
Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 1984
A survey of a sample of homeowners in a North Carolina County provided twentytwo variables indicating qualitative aspects of housing. In addition, information about quantitative characteristics was obtained. Aggregate measures o f residential quality associated with individual housing units were derived by using factor analysis. Market values of housing attributes were estimated by regressing values of housing units on measures of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of housing.
Sustainability, 2018
The housing sales market in China has flourished and gained considerable interest, while the housing rental market has lagged behind and been ignored over the past two decades. With the acceleration of urbanization, the housing rental demand is rising rapidly. Exploring and comparing the influencing factors on housing sale prices and rental prices has significance for sustainable urban planning and management. Using house purchase transaction and rent transaction data in 2017, as well as the average housing price and rent data in 2016 in Beijing, China, this paper compares the spatial distribution and it employs the hedonic price model and quantile regression model to quantify the average and distributional effects of micro-level influencing factors on housing prices and housing rents. Results show that housing prices and housing rents both have a decentralized distribution with multiple centers, but rents of residential communities with high housing prices may not necessarily be hi...
Review of Economic Perspectives, 2011
Identifying Determinants of Residential Property Values in South London This paper advances the academic work conducted on identifying some of the determinants of residential property values in different countries. Such determinants might include positive factors such as access to amenities, or negative factors such as high voltage overhead transmission lines (HVOTL). The objective explored here is to extend this research in the UK by considering the particular case of residential property values in South London. A number of determinants is considered, grouped and a model which explains the effect of the determinants on value is produced. The elasticities between property values and the distances from different determinants were also analysed to help highlight relationships between the determinants and residential property values. The results showed a relationship between residential property values and the determinants, and a relationship between the determinants themselves.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Economy and Development (ICIED 2017), 2018
The emerging middle class in Indonesia at the moment have some potentials to be the largest consumers in housing sector which is middle class housing. The phenomenon happens in East Surabaya, even further after the opening access of Middle East Ring Road (MERR). Before buying a house, households make a bid based on their valuation of the housing attributes: physical attributes and neighborhood characteristics. However, developers usually cannot make exact calculation about the influences of those attributes on the housing price; causes the offered housing price is not optimal. The objective of this research is to identify the influence of housing attributes toward middle class housing price in East Surabaya. The respondents are society who bought middle class house in the period of 2011-2015. The data were collected by doing structured interviews with 100 respondents. This research uses multiple regression method in data processing. This research found that seven house attributes simultaneously influence significantly the housing price. The most significant housing attribute in affecting the housing price is the number of bedroom. This research is useful for housing developers, as it shows the influence of housing attributes towards housing price on consumers' perspective. In addition, hopefully, this research will be able to help the developers in calculating the middle housing price based on housing characteristics by consumers' perspective
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This paper is a part of an ongoing dissertation research that tries to analyze the relationship between housing prices, assumption of price, and external factors arising that influence the price. This paper acts as continuation study the same topic to validate the hypotheses. The findings suggest that design, brand, facilities, reputation, reinvestment value, pricing policy, and speculative behavior play a significant part as internal and external attributes in price definition for housing price in Jakarta Metropolitan Region.
Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 2021
is a metropolitan city. Owing to its historical background as a former British colony, it is characterised by a mixture of Chinese and Western cultures. While most housing estates' names are bilingual in Chinese and English, many recent large scale housing estates have an English name only. Do housing estates with an English name only associate with higher prices than bilingual ones? To the best of our knowledge, none have studied that before. We attempted to fill this research gap. Four large-scale residential projects in Yuen Long District were selected, two are bilingual and two have English names only. 253,605 data points, including macroeconomic variables and housing characteristics, were included in this study. The results of the hedonic price model showed that properties with English names only were associated with a higher price than bilingual ones. We also utilised a long short-term memory (LSTM) housing price prediction model to predict housing price. Our research results show that housing estates with English names only are associated with higher housing price. It provides a new perspective on real estate housing estates' brand management and provide a reference for real estate buyers in the future.
This paper examines the significance of structural and spatial characterstics of house contributing to the property value. Longitudinal data on property value over the last ten years and crosssectional data on house rent have been analysed using Hedonic Regressions Function to derive a house price index for the current housing market in Bangladesh. The trend of house price is increasing more rapidly with the demand driven housing market in Bangladesh. Real estate attracts a great deal of speculative investment, but there is no indication of the relative importance of various factors in this process. This paper hopes to make an initial dent into this problem.
The paper uses hedonic regression techniques in order to decompose the price of a house into land and structure components using readily available real estate sales data for a Dutch city. In order to get sensible results, it proved necessary to use a nonlinear regression model using data that covered multiple time periods. It also proved to be necessary to impose some monotonicity restrictions on the price of land and structures.
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2017
This study analyzed new residential property values of Xi’an City in March, 2014. Results show that accessibility indices, such as distance to CBD, have been well capitalized into the residential property values. Particularly, a within-zone housing unit is sold 9.4% more than if it was outside the attendance zone of a Key Primary School, i.e. home buyers have how much willingness-to-pay for the high-quality educational resource. Another corollary is got that the accessibility to subway stations has not significantly been capitalized, only with a low premium reflecting in the real estate market of Xi’an City. Considered that spatial local singularities caused by unobserved variables or estimation bias can be associated with multi-regression errors, this study herein has explored an unconventional viewpoint to residual problem, which combines the regional differences (coming from real world) and the spatial distributions of singularities (feedback from data). Furthermore, whole sample...
Journal of Housing and The Built Environment, 2007
This paper attempts to estimate real estate prices from a Hong Kong perspective. A hedonic price model is estimated utilizing housing transaction data during a period of relatively stable property price movements. Empirical results suggest that while a residential property of larger size, higher floor level, and better view commands a higher transaction price, a property lying closer to the mass transit railway station also commands a price premium. The nonlinear effect of floor level has also been confirmed to exert an impact upon prices. Furthermore, an apartment located on an ''unlucky number'' floor is not preferred by homebuyers and is usually transacted at a price discount.
This paper attempts to examine the impacts of neighborhood types, as defined by a gated-guarded neighborhood with landscape compound and a freehold tenure neighborhood on residential property values in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A weighted least squares method together with a heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator is used to estimate the coefficients of structural, locational, and neighborhood attributes of dwellings on house prices. Results show the gated-guarded neighborhood with landscape compound could increase residential property values by 18.1%. Additionally, the positive perception of a freehold property in the neighborhood could induce a price premium of 23.7%. It is reasonable to believe that neighborhood types play a role in determining residential property values. In order to meet the increasingly affluent and discerning house buyers, developers instead of just offering dream homes in prime locations, they should provide intangible benefits in the neighbo...
Housing is a country’s biggest asset. Hence, the pattern of the housing price index (HPI) is an important topic to gain insight into the housing market while identifying the prevailing housing issues. The determinants of housing price vary for each city and state based on the different characteristics in each location. Accordingly, HPI should consider the property’s quality differences. Besides, national HPI is insufficient and restricted to the housing price at the state level. Thus, the study focused on constructing a specified HPI model for different cities, districts, and states. Effective HPI can give parties a better idea of the current property market situation and act as an analytical tool in managing the sector. Specifically, the study aims to examine the relationship between the heterogeneity housing attributes and housing prices of the terraced properties in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Additionally, the study provides detailed information on the key determinants of the housing...
In modern portfolio theory, real estate can reduce substantially the total risk in a portfolio. Therefore, a flaw in the aggregate real estate index would cause a tremendous consequence for all the stakeholders in the industry. In general, there are two major approaches in producing property indices: the appraisal-based and the transaction-based approach. The transaction-index approach is more statistical or econometric in nature, tending therefore to be more formally explicit and objective or transparent in its application procedure. Hedonic regression model is considered as the most suitable for constructing cross-sectional quality adjusted house price indices. The author thus has chosen the hedonic regression model in the empirical part as the opponent method against the Official method, the one which is adopted by the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam. The results show the Official index has a different pattern compared to the indices derived from hedonic and other models. Due...
Decision Science Letters
The property is a unique product that cannot be contrasted with other commercial products due to pricing conditions. Property price determination is one of the crucial aspects of property development activities because of the profit margin made by the developer and the purchasing preferences. This study attempts to extend the literature that has largely focused on factors of housing prices in developed markets and provided recent evidence of housing price determinants in two countries (i.e., Indonesia and Malaysia). Thus, this study examines the factors affecting housing prices in Jakarta Metropolitan Region and Greater Kuala Lumpur. A quantitative approach was used involving two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. The data was collected using a survey questionnaire through purposive sampling. A total of 100 respondents (Indonesia) and 134 respondents (Malaysia) participated in this study. The data was analyzed using descriptive (frequency) and inferential statistics (chi-squa...
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 2017
The research was conducted to find the characteristics quality of houses in Malaysia. The aim of this research was to produce the ranking characteristics of house qualities, and determining its weightages. The methodology used in this research was primarily by using the Delphi Method to ascertain characteristics quality and also Analytical Hierarchy Process to determine the ranking of the characteristics quality. Data collection gathered through a structured questionnaire that incorporates the element of Saaty's Scale using variables outlined from review and interview. A theoretical framework of the research was established from this that will lead to future research model.
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