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This research aims to investigate the lean production tools and techniques in the oil and gas industry with a focus on the oilfield services industry. A combination of email and web based electronic survey, three plant trips to oilfield companies and an on-site interview from one of the survey respondents are used to analyze the usage of lean production tools in the oil and gas industry. The survey results and conclusions show that although there is a certain degree of awareness regarding lean production in the oil and gas industry, the level of lean implementation is still at a primitive stage.
Quality Management Journal, 2019
Lean manufacturing involves implementing a variety of tools and practices for the purpose of reducing waste and increasing an organization's overall productivity. The movement toward lean thinking that has gained incredible popularity in recent decades has changed the way businesses operate, and such tools have become essential for maintaining a competitive edge, both regionally and internationally. This article examines the application of lean tools in various U.S. industries to further clarify the impact lean processes may have on an American business's production and efficiency. To gather the necessary information and experiences of U.S. organizations, the authors executed a thorough literature review to secure topics and concerns that must be addressed in a survey. The survey derived from their findings from the relevant literature was distributed to U.S. industries spanning the nation, whose feedback provides a holistic view of lean process applications throughout the country. The analysis of the information collected from the survey demonstrates how lean tools have influenced American industries and allows one to see which lean practices contribute the greatest to overall company performance, as well as observe patterns in how company characteristics (that is, ownership, size, industry) may affect the successful implementation of lean processes.
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Zeszyty Naukowe, 2022
This paper aims to investigate Lean Manufacturing tools application in automotive companies with a special attention to their early stages of introduction. The scope and methodology of Lean tools implementation are identified. Conditions of their successful operation in company's manufacturing systems are attempted to be determined. Design/methodology/approach: The exploratory multiple case study method is employed in this study. It provides learnings through a real-life investigation in automotive multinational companies' plants. The qualitative data along with insights are gathered by following purposely designed research protocol applied to each investigated case, it consists of open interviews with managers, data and documents analysis along with observations in research objects. Findings: It was found that investigated Lean tools in three companies operate effectively and bring a lot of benefits. Lean tools need to have a clear vision of how they would contribute to the company's improvement concept before starting their implementation. Appropriate pace of introduction along with carefully considered steps are of special importance, they need to be adjusted individually to a company specificity. Observed tools are typically changed towards better usability and productivity during theirs use. The responsible team has to be lunched when starting tools implementation, empowerment is necessary, supervisors and line managers should treat Lean tools initiatives with personal involvement. The study discovers that final implementation effect depends on preparation stage and employee engagement. The study possesses all the limitations typical for the qualitative research method. The conclusions are based on fragmentary view of the three business objects. Studied companies are located in one EU country, Poland. In other regions/countries, the view of Lean tools might differ. Originality/value: The study provides an in-depth insight in Lean tools application and operation in automotive companies, the automotive industry is leading in Lean implementation. The observations, generalizations and concussions are unique in the literature, the study offers a research input to further studies, it also contributes to management practice.
— In the present global and competitive environment all organizations needs to perform efficiently with higher productivity. For performing efficiently with higher productivity there are so many tools and techniques. Lean is one of them it means using only what is necessary. Lean manufacturing techniques aim to significantly identify waste and eliminate it from the manufacturing processes. The paper is based on a discussion of literature review that shows how the completion of Lean could find importance to the organization processes and contribute for live in competitive environment by fast full benefits i.e. lead time, set-up time, reduction in inventory etc.
IOP Publishing, 2020
This study aims to understand the general perspective of industrial company operating in Sabah, regarding the implementation selected tools of lean manufacturing. The objectives of this paper are to evaluate the implementation of lean manufacturing and its tools among manufacturing company located in Sabah. Apart from that, it will also identify the problem and factor in implementing lean manufacturing tool as well as the benefits experienced after the adoption of lean manufacturing tools. The scope covers manufacturing company of any types of industry that is actively operating in Sabah, regardless of size. Instrument of study is a survey questionnaire that contains open and closed ended questions, sent out to target respondents. Data analysis is done using descriptive statistics to explain the trends in dataset and Cronbach's Alpha to test the internal reliability of the instrument. This study finds significant evident of the implementation of lean manufacturing and its tools among manufacturing companies in Sabah, as well as the problem faced in implementation, factors of implementation and benefits experienced after the adoption of lean manufacturing tools.
With lean methodology usage being the only way to stay competitive on nowadays market, it is important to implement it and spread it through the organization. In this paper, purpose of lean is explained, the most important definition and tools are given and differences between problem solving approaches are explained. It can be concluded that problem solving approaches are in first look different, having also different number of steps, but they are adapted to the company in which they are used and that they depend on the size, complexity and expected closing time of project.
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2010
Lean manufacturing as a set of principles is now fairly rooted in the literature. Barring some voices of discontent regarding the adoption and ultimate effectiveness of lean production, many case examples exist to demonstrate how companies are changing their production methods and management practices to become more lean and fit. The main aim of this study is to first collect information on fundamental lean
Globalised competitive market has forced every company to invest in manufacturing management programs, methods and technologies. Every manufacturing industry has put in continuous efforts for its survival in the current capricious economy. Keeping with the current trends and emerging demands, the manufacturers have adopted an advanced technique known as Lean Management for continuous improvement and sustainability. In this context, a meticulous literature review has been conducted to identify the Lean Management (LM) implementation in various manufacturing industry.
Cogent engineering, 2017
The main idea of lean manufacturing is actually simple and means relentlessly work on eliminating waste from the manufacturing process. However, after implementing these systems, many organizations find it difficult to achieve the desired results of them. Thus, the lean manufacturing remains an important area of research. For the importance of what was presented, this paper tries to investigate the critical issues affecting the success of implementing lean manufacturing programs in the iron and steel factories in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. To achieve this end, the mixed methods represented in a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews to collect the data in the framework of the case study were chosen. The questionnaire instrument already has been tested. The results of the study revealed that the importance of management commitment and allocate resources, ethical train the workforce and ethical instructions as the critical success issues of lean implementation. Based on the findings, the organization managements are recommended to provide financial and moral support to employees to enable a successful implementation of lean manufacturing aimed at obtaining the desired results of them.
Identifying and ranking the key dimensions of Lean manufacturing/services (LM can be considered the first step in implementing these systems in industry, because as long as the managers and staff have not action is to overcome these obstacles, failure of this project seems inevitable. In this study, after identifying the key dimensions to successful implementation of LM in the gas industry through literature review and interviews with experts, 7 main dimensions detected. Then, using SWARA (Stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis) technique, the final weight of dimensions was calculated and ranked in order of importance. The final result of research in assessing and implementing LM systems in the gas industry showed that Services improvement as the most important and Equipment and services process was detected in the lowest rank. Therefore gas industry by addressing and fostering these dimensions as an effective step in the successful implementation of the LM system and will be imp...
This paper presents a brief overview of Lean and Six Sigma use and success in the oil and gas industry by using principles of enhanced productivity, safety and environment as well as process quality management in a well-defined framework. A literature review is also presented, including negative and positive opinions about Six Sigma implementations in industry. Lessons learned from successful implementation of Lean in oil and gas industry are analyzed and summarized. A positivistic approach with case studies of Lean as practiced in some major oil and gas companies in Abu Dhabi is being used. Methodology and process of application of Lean is also described. The study shows the importance of Six Sigma and Lean applications in three of the most important areas in oil and gas: Service quality drilling operations, customer satisfaction, and supply chain. Two successful case study projects are provided with step by step details and are organized around three main parts: the problem, the methodology and the lessons learned. Despite some misconception that some managers have about the implementation of Lean, it will stay the most efficient methodology to apply in the oil and gas business. Success of Lean depends also on top management decisions. Also, the application of these methodologies when applied successfully to projects can produce rewarding results. This paper will outline successful applications of Lean and Six Sigma by two major oil and gas industries in the United Arab Emirates.
International Journal of Production Research, 2013
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In this paper, we will analyze the concept of lean manufacturing, starting from the example illustrated by TPS (Toyota Production System) which is renowned for its focus on the reduction of the original Toyota seven waists in order to improve overall customer value, in spite of the existence of varying perspectives on how this is best achieved. The steady growth of Toyota, from a small company to the world's largest automaker (Bailey, 2008) has focused its attention on how it has achieved this success. It is a starting template that was also developed by other automotive makers, and not only. We will also identify the main elements of lean philosophy and propose a typology of the fundamental concepts of lean, using data analysis from research findings across studies on lean manufacturing and lean production published in the past two decades.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), 2019
In competitive environment lean manufacturing is necessary in every industry. Lean production is a standard manufacturing mode of the 21st century All the manufacturing industries have put a continuous efforts for its survival in these current world. In order to handle the critical situations manufacturers are trying to implement new and innovative techniques in their manufacturing process. Later on lean was formulated and developed as the solution to the fluctuating and competitive business environment. Due to rapid change in business environment the manufacturing organization are forced to face challenges and complexities in the competition. The concept of lean manufacturing was developed for maximize the resource utilization and minimize the wastes. The main focus of the lean manufacturing is to satisfy customer demands for high quality and low cost. The technique not only identifies the reasons for waste but also helps in its removal through marked principles and guidelines. Lean Manufacturing is an efficient and fast growing approach in the world of competition. Lean manufacturing utilizes a wide range of tools and techniques; the choice of tools is based on the requirement. Many parameters contribute success of lean. Organizations which implemented lean manufacturing have higher level of flexibility and competitiveness. However, lean manufacturing provides an environment that is highly conducive to waste minimization. The majority of the study focuses on single aspect of lean element, only very few focuses on more than one aspect of lean elements, but for the successful implementation of lean the organization had to focuses on all the aspects such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Cellular Manufacturing (CM), U-line system, Line Balancing, Inventory control, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Pull System, Kanban, Production Leveling etc.,
In this paper, the study explores the benefits and advantages of Lean Practices or Lean Thinking in Job shop production/ Special job production/ Discrete production/ Batch shop production industries. The Lean Practices have been applied more compatible in Job shop production than in the continuous/ mass production because of several barriers and hurdles in the industrial context that influence the whole processes again and again, this happens due to the lack of knowledge about the wastes during the production of a variety of jobs or discrete manufacturing. This paper provides the guidelines to adopt and mentions to become Lean. In variety of production, it is very difficult to find out all the wastes during the processes from input to desired output, thus Lean techniques may be most suitable to minimize the wastage, time, inventory and assist to improve quality and become economical. These wastes may be managed by means of several Lean principles and techniques available. This paper...
Applying Lean manufacturing philosophy is one of the most important concepts that help enterprises to gain competitive advantage in the world market. Lean manufacturing or lean manufacturing is a manufacturing practice that emphasizes on the use of resources for work which add value for the end customer. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the lean principles, tools and benefits of lean concepts in manufacturing industries. Lean manufacturing is plethora of principles that focus on cost reduction by identifying and eliminating non value added activities. The fiercely globalized and competitive markets of 21st century demand for increasing high variety of products at lowest possible costs, lesser lead time and high quality. This changing market scenario calls for a new manufacturing that will enable us to compete in this global competitive market. This research addresses the application of lean manufacturing concepts to the continuous production/process sector with a ...
IRJET, 2023
In its most basic form, lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of waste from all aspects of an organization's operations, where waste is viewed as any use or loss of resources that does not lead directly to creating the product or service a customer wants when they want it. In many industrial processes, such non-value-added activity can comprise more than 90 percent of a factory's total activity. Nationwide, numerous companies of varying size across multiple industry sectors, primarily in the manufacturing and service sectors are implementing such lean production systems, and experts report that the rate of lean adoption is accelerating. Companies primarily choose to engage in lean manufacturing for three reasons: to reduce production resource requirements and costs; to increase customer responsiveness; and to improve product quality, all which combine to boost company profits and competitiveness.
European Journal of Service Management, 2018
There are numerous publications on Lean Manufacturing (LM) which extensively describe specific tools used in the lean framework, the necessary steps towards implementation of the concept as well as benefits following from its implementation. However, it appears that despite the expected positive results, the companies which implement LM increasingly cease further activity in this area. The causes have not been fully recognized and the reason for the situation can be both the superficial knowledge of the LM as well as a lack of consistency in the decisions taken. Thus the aim of this Article is to identify the barriers to their introduction among the companies which are currently struggling with the LM implementation and the companies which have already completed it. Based on a conducted CATI survey, an attempt has been made to identify both the internal and external barriers. Furthermore, the expertise of companies was examined in terms of knowledge of lean tools, including the awar...
The essence of lean production revolves around creating new business opportunities for manufacturing and service firms by total elimination of waste and non-value adding activities. This research paper investigates the opportunities, implications and managerial challenges of implementing lean in manufacturing, service, and office environment. The results show that management behavior towards changes is a key factor in the success or failure of lean experience.
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018
Growing competition, clients’ requirements as well as advances in technology make modern industrial enterprises search for a way of achieving and maintaining strong position on the market. One of the principal and at the same time necessary conditions to achieve this aim is continuous development of all of the processes in order to fulfil various clients’ expectations. Enterprises make use of different concepts and management methods which in significant way upgrade ongoing processes by raising their efficiency. One of such is the concept of ‘lean’ production - Lean Manufacturing. Management according to Lean Management rules allows to produce more with the use of less resources - at the same time approaching the aim which is to deliver clients the exact product they want. The process of resources use limitation is not easy to perform however, the concept of Lean Manufacturing by the application of chosen tools allows successfully and effectively to introduce ‘lean’ model of managem...
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