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The environment we live in for decades shape up our tradition and culture, these are reflected in our songs and dances, decisions and actions, and even in our arts and architecture. However strong foreign influences are the imprint of culture and tradition and this has clearly made confusion and turmoil in our architecture and way of living. (Bulaong, 2002) Architecture apparently is at a process of change, trying to ape western models that somehow have a different kind of architecture than we do, thus the context in which how they should be modeled have also been altered and somehow forgotten during the planning stage. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the rise on the technological inventions has introduced a new lifestyle to all people that dwell upon technology. Some of these technologies are used to help compensate for the design errors in our buildings that have not been designed in accordance to our natural climate; this has caused the increasing rate of environmental degradation to our natural environment. With the increasing concern for the environmental impacts of buildings and the quality of their internal environments, this has raised the debate on the role architects to pay attention in the environmental design of buildings. Designing Buildings by optimizing all the passive-mode design strategies and in low-energy design (lesser use on non-renewable sources) is called Bioclimatic Design. It aims at providing thermal and visual comfort through modification strategies (bioclimatic chart) of the local climate and makes use of the natural energy sources available (sun, air, wind, vegetation and water). It is vital to adopt this approach in order to reduce the negative consequences of our buildings. Even The development of Hotel buildings has been accompanied by an increasing interest in the application of sustainability to the building sector. The study focuses on an environmentally sustainable hotel building design. It will consider a range of completed and proposed projects of Dr. Ken Yeang, the father of bioclimatic skyscrapers, who has examined throughout the years of research with this bioclimatic approach. Moreover, the proponent will examine on particular the theories and strategies related to this approach based on the passive mode approach from other architectural authors. Keywords: Sustainability, Environmental design, Bioclimatic design, thermal comfort, visual comfort
Eco-Architecture V, 2014
The concept of planning more sustainable cities is a global concern, facing current prominent environmental chaos. The construction industry is, among others, responsible for the destruction of the environment, due to the extraction of raw material for the manufacture of construction elements, debris generation during the process of construction and high energy consumption throughout the life cycle of the buildings. Thus, this paper aims to propose a possibility of low environmental impact construction, proposing the incorporation of bioclimatic conditions in architectural works, minimizing environmental impacts. This research intends to promote the increase of buildings with reduced environmental impact and healthier cities, by employing systems for natural lighting and natural ventilation, as simple and cheap solutions, often seen only by formal feature (project design), without the use of high-cost technologies and complexity. A case study was conducted regarding the Spanish building Solar Hemicycle, due to its contemporary bioclimatic design that meets the current needs of society. The case study based on the Solar Hemicycle demonstrates the good Eco-Architecture V 3
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The city of Jaipur predominantly has hot and dry climate. Climate responsive architecture techniques of Jaipur are a result of optimisation of materials and construction technologies that have evolved over time and are still in an evolving stage. Contemporary architects in Jaipur nowadays pay very little attention to climatic consideration which is leading to reduced thermal comfort and higher energy consumption. The following research is an attempt to frame bioclimatic design guidelines for the city of Jaipur, which can act as a first stage design tool for architects, helping them to provide better thermal comfort and making buildings less resource and energy intensive. This has been facilitated by providing them with a set of passive strategies, incorporating vernacular features. Bioclimatic chart, mahoney table and psychometric chart have been used to frame the design guidelines. The guidelines have been validated using a case analysis.
Journal of architecture&ENVIRONMENT, 2011
Bioclimatic architecture as a design approach takes an advantage climate parameters to answer the problems of environment and energy. This approach is applied to optimize the quality of architectural design through the comfort and health of their environment. It was developed by simulating the design in the case of a middle apartment in Surabaya. To achieve its design goals is simulated: 1) transforming mass-form, 2) setting housing-unit plan, 3) making housing-unit facade, and 4) organizing overall layout. Simulation of this design is using several alternative designs to obtain an optimal design. Bioclimatic architecture is successfully implemented if it can optimize the potential of the existing climate. Bioclimatic quality is achieved when a middle apartment is designed to optimize penetration of natural light, cooling and air exchange building mass as well as minimize the acquisition of direct solar radiation. Bioclimatic architecture approach requires consideration of such architectural contexts: urban, economic and social aspects, because the technical nature.
The impact of climate change is increasingly manifesting in the functioning of cities and their lives, causing a series of problems. In the example of the conceptual design of a residential building in the settlement Karagača, in Novi Sad, applied principles of bioclimatic architecture were presented. The methodology will include research on relevant literature, an analysis of existing bioclimatic systems and the conceptual solution of the residential building. One of the work's goals is to explore the role and possible application of insufficiently used potentials and natural resources of the Vojvodina region for adequate sustainable architectural and urban planning and designing. The analyzed object will be discussed in terms of the implementation of passive solar systems, natural ventilation, and system solutions for reducing the ecological footprint. The research goal was to achieve adequate interior comfort with reduced energy consumption by applying the principles of bioclimatic architecture.
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013
The main objective in construction of a physical facility is to provide a place for humans (bio) in order to achieve their goals. Building as built environment with a particular physical form at a particular location is affected by climate. If the building design process ignores the climate considerations, the influence of climate can lead to interference human activities. Bioclimatic design is a concept of sustainable approach that consider of climate and human relations in reviewing the feasibility of a design. At this time, a growing number of designers, especially young architects that interested in using bioclimatic concept as sustainable approach in their design process. However, the application of this concept in the design process has not shown significant results in building operation. This paper elaborates the bioclimatic concept, in order to obtain a good understanding of bioclimatic design that can be used as a reference, especially for novice designers, in the application of sustainability concepts in the design of multi-story buildings in the tropical area. This paper also suggests a design method that utilizes a sustainable approach which is expected to help novice designers in applying the bioclimatic design concept.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2017
The contemporary demand for reducing carbon emission is changing the way architects design buildings, thus influencing a wide range of new solutions. In this paper, the author presents a method that intends to contribute for the discussion of recent strategies that lower the buildings' consumption of energy. The study establishes three priority parameters to analyze the façades based on the materials, the practices and the thermal behavior. Each parameter is measured separately scaled from artificial to natural building materials, local to distant practices and insulation to inertia. The design of façades has been evolving to follow complex regulations that aim to increase the required sustainable performance of buildings. Scientific data is measurable individually by each parameter, though the cross influence between parameters raise the level of complexity. Shading systems, solar passive energy influence the measurement but the growing use of renewable energies affects the measurements of energy consumption. Each design responds differently to climatic conditions, and requires complex analyses considering the specificity of the natural environment and cultural context. The discussion makes use of scientific data that influences architectural design, the research requires a broader perception thus including cultural aspects. Recent high tech insulating systems have an effect on design solutions that characterize biophilia (human love of nature). The wisdom of traditional local solutions tested over generations holds cultural aspects of biomimicry (nature as model). The aim is to discuss whether the framework based on biophilia and biomimicry is useful for the research.
Issue of sustainable development has been introduced as one of the most common and important issues throughout the world, turned to an important issue in all the specialized fields and encompassed economic, social, cultural and other aspects of human life. Sustainable development refers to a process during which the people of a country meet their needs and improve their life regardless of consuming the resources which belong to next generations. A growing world population has an adverse effect on the earth's natural settlements and urban sprawl has led to irresponsible consumption of energy, the gradual warming of the planet and the increase in environmental pollution. Yet, a high amount of energy loss derives from non-standard methods of buildings for heating and cooling and inconsistency with climatic conditions. Therefore, sustainable development and applied concepts for sustainable development have been consistent with aims and intentions of modern architecture, proposed as an effective factor to achieve aims of sustainability. This research is a qualitative study conducted via descriptive-analytical method. In this research, library sources have been used to examine principles of sustainable architecture design in crowded residential complexes with an outlook to resuscitation of nature in architecture.
The process of building renovation presents a good opportunity to increase the use of solar energy in existing buildings and to reduce energy demand and CO 2 emissions The introduction of innovatory technologies to optimize energy balance of buildings is frequently necessary to reduce thermal losses of inhabited wrapper below that ones allowed by Italian regulations. But the equipments linked up to new technologies could look as architectural themes conflicting with traditional canons of classic architecture. Such contrast increases in the particular case of restoration of existing buildings, showing well definite architectural characterizations, owing the difficulty to find "the right point of contact" between the beauty of the building and the equipments of the innovatory technologies reducing thermal losses. The presence and spatial distribution of glass surfaces in building facades are one of the tools frequently adopted by designers to give architectonic characterization of building volumes but such techniques, conversely, are sources both of increase of thermal energy consumption, because of low thermal resistance offered by glazed surfaces, and source of thermal discomfort for inhabitants. Likewise, one of the most significant tool of bioclimatic architecture is that one which uses particular devices making the most solar energy to supply energetic needs of buildings. To the aim to find previous "right point of contact", the designers of renovating of an important building of Kore University replaced part of wrapper built with traditional building materials with glazed volumes appropriately arranged in the main façade of building. The aim to design a kind of solar greenhouse that, by means of its energetic supply, can improve both the energy balance of building and, at one and the same time, the architectural beauty of building not appreciable indeed in the state of things. The paper wants to show:
JES. Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2019
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a remarkable historical heritage. It maintains architectural and urban evidence of great diversity in different parts of the Kingdom, and it reflects diversity due to climate variability and the topography and quality of the soil, resulting in the emergence of different architectural and urban styles, characterized by the diversity of traditional building designs and different building materials. Saudi Arabia is divided into five regions according to different topography and climate: central, northern, southern, eastern and western regions. Due to their exposure to surrounding environmental and climatic factors, traditional buildings are characterized by the uniqueness and diversity of their designs and the availability of thermal comfort. This research aims to study the impact of environmental and climatic diversity on the shape and design of traditional buildings in each of the five regions of the Kingdom, including the impact of traditional architectural treatments on the interior design of buildings and the extent of their ability to achieve thermal comfort. This shall provide an approach to maintain and develop traditional buildings to commensurate with modern times and set up foundations and criteria for achieving thermal comfort in the design of future buildings in each region
Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 2018
Different climates of different regions do not provide the required appropriate climatic conditions to ensure thermal comfort all year long. The goal to be pursued is to achieve the best interaction between climate, building and user behaviour. Bioclimatic buildings exploit climate in order to offer their occupants the most appropriate comfortable conditions. Especially, variations in hours of sunshine, in temperature, and rainfall of a particular climate signify establishing various strategies according to seasonal differences of a particular region. In wintertime assembling most of solar gain, and protecting the users from the cold (heating) is important. In summer; occupants/users need more protection from the sun (cooling). Thus, bioclimatic buildings reside in tune with these natural rhythms through consulting the most of natural lighting. This paper is aimed to enable architects to rediscover the principles of bioclimatic architecture and the modern technical and architectural...
Building construction and operation have an enormous direct and indirect impact on the environment. The issues of sustainable building design are multi-facets and highly lateral in nature. However building sustainability largely focus on the operation of the building and construction process. Bioclimatism is a critical parameter for achieving sustainability of modern architecture. This concept takes into account the solar passive techniques and micro-climatic conditions in building design; which improves the building artificial energy efficiency and thermal comfort conditions in the built environment. Vernacular architecture based on bioclimatism concepts were developed and used through the centuries by many civilizations across the world. A questionnaire based survey has carried out at seventy five functional vernacular architecture of north eastern region of India. Temperature, humidity and day lighting data both inside and outside of the buildings are collected at all these houses. We came across some interesting findings related to bioclimatism, socio-economic status, cultural setup and sustainability in this vernacular architecture. We found that social and cultural values are closely associated with building design style and function. So these parameters needs due importance towards comfort and sustainability analysis of buildings. We also found different solar passive features available in most of these houses related to temperature control and promotion of natural ventilation. These houses are constructed using locally available building materials. Since these materials have low embodied energy and are from the same climatic zone, they fit into the local environment perfectly and represent a unique example towards achieving sustainability.
Journal of Design Studio, 2020
Energy efficiency in buildings, comprises many things as mitigation effect of global warming and climate change, decreasing heat island effect in the built environment and also conservation of natural resources. Besides as a new phenomenon we should add biophilic design criteria to the green building tools to increase human productivity by considering human wellbeing. Biophilic design, which inspired by nature, is a new juvenile design concept that gains importance day by day because of its positive effects on human wellbeing mood and relatedly human productivity. Here some conflicts can be occurred between energy saving and human wellbeing; as natural ventilation and energy saving. Biophilic design comprises inherent human inclination to affiliate with nature. All sensations which help to be in contact with natural components as daylight, plants or some animal species like birds; plants occupy an important place in its definition. Biophilic design seeks to create good habitat for p...
Preliminary studies of twelve residential colleges located in the University of Malaya campus, Kuala Lumpur were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of their current implementation of bioclimatic design strategies, as well as their performance in terms of electricity usage. It was found that residential college buildings designed with an internal courtyard and balconies for each room achieve the most efficient electricity use, within a range of between 24 to 33 kWh/m2/year, while other residential college buildings recorded annual electricity use of between 40 to 125 kWh/m2/year. One of them, 5th residential college (5th RC) was selected for the case study due to its best implementation of bioclimatic design strategies that encourage efficient energy use. Furthermore, its uniform building layout minimises uncontrolled variables in further field investigation and evaluations. The satisfaction and perception surveys show that a majority of respondents at 5th RC are at a comfortable level. This is based on findings from all performance indicators of functional elements, thermal comfort and indoor air quality, as well as, visual comfort and landscape elements. The 5th RC is capable to provide a comfortable living space with indoor temperatures ranging from 28°C to 30°C with 70% to 78% relative humidity. Different locations have different effects on room conditions and higher temperatures were recorded at rooms on the top level of the building compared to rooms at the lower levels. There were no significant differences detected owing to different orientation of rooms which are largely due to the effects of the green landscape. Higher values of daylight intensity were recorded in the corridor compared to the daylight intensity in the rooms which even varies in amount at different areas within the same room. Further analysis show that night ventilation provides better thermal comfort for residents compared to other ventilation options like full-day and daytime ventilation or no ventilation at all. The living behaviour assessment reveals that residents of 5th RC have adapted well to maintain the comfort level in their rooms. Only light activities were conducted in the rooms which reduces the metabolic heat production. Ceiling fans were fully utilized at the maximum speed of five for maintaining air circulation in the rooms where the operable windows are closed most of the time due to the safety issues. Light clothing was worn at most times, especially on sunny days. In fulfilling the need for privacy, curtains have been overused and leading to the use of artificial lighting. The study concludes, residential college buildings that implement the appropriate bioclimatic design strategies, particularly to address natural ventilation and daylighting issues tend to achieve a desired comfort level and efficient electricity usage. With a well-planned design improvement, better results can be achieved without sacrificing the needs and comfort level of the residents.
Sustainable architectural design is the design of the age. It is based on the solution of environmental, social and economic problems of architectural design for providing resources and improving the quality of life for mankind. Sustainable solutions of architectural design result mainly from the principle of sustainability which is derived from natural systems and what they offer to humans. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the natural strategies of solving the problems of sustainable architectural design as an integrated approach for the knowledge of the secrets of sustainability. These strategies of sustainable architectural design derived from nature and interacting with it. The first strategy is inspired from nature by implementing the Biomimetic design which mimics the performance of nature and provides clean technologies. The second strategy is integrated into nature by using Biophilic design and its role in achieving human well-being and improving their perfor...
International Journal of Architecture, Planning and Building Engineering, 2015
-Bioclimatic architecture, it means the architecture that has a connection to nature. The word bio climatic deals with climate and living organism. The keystone of energy conservation is architecture. Building, as they are designed and used today, contributes to serious environmental problems because of excessive consumption of energy and other natural resources. More decisively, it can also be considered as a tool to raising people’s awareness of environmental protection or in other words a reaction to mother nature, which always cohabits and appreciates manhood. Presently the resources are not adequate enough to fulfill human needs in future. Sustainability is facing dual crisis due to global warming and depletion of fossil fuels. In today’s world the major consumption of energy is in building sector. Climate had the major impact on the performance of the traditional building architecture and its energy consumption in hot dry area of Kapurthala. Passive cooling, ventilation and heating were few techniques used in the past and more harmonious, with the Mother Nature. Materials used for the historical buildings in the past were energy efficient. The perspective of this paper is applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies and also enlighten the processes by which building and entire habitat were designed to respond to nature, with climate as the basic parameter of planning Moorish Mosque. Today’s contemporary world requires such techniques and these can act as a source of inspiration for sustainable development in futuristic evolution. In this paper, the author has examined various passive cooling techniques and locally available resources used in Moorish Mosque in North Indian climate, buildings and systems analysis, to find out passive and low energy cooling technologies potential.
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2023
Several mosques in Banda Aceh city have developed an artificial air conditioning system employing a cooling unit in the form of an air conditioner in order to create thermal comfort conditions for worshipers. The mosque's initial plan called for it to be open, but its closure was brought about by the adoption of this artificial air conditioning system. This reveals a flaw in the building's original design. Ideally, a climate-responsive bioclimatic architectural design strategy can be used to ameliorate this problem. One of the large mosques in Banda Aceh city that still use a natural cooling system is Baitul Musyahadah mosque. This study was done to find out suitability of the bioclimatic architectural design concept and the achievement of thermal comfort in the interior area Baitul Musyahadah Mosque. Data for this study were gathered through observation and interviews, using qualitative methodologies. The findings indicated that the majority of attendees believed the mosque's interior area to be warm and expected more air conditioning amenities. The results of the questionnaire on thermal comfort perception are generally consistent with the measurement results, which were based on the air temperature conditions in the mosque at the time it was not deemed to be at its most comfortable, but fell into the warm or hot comfortable category.
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 2018
The study of application of biomimicry on building envelope and its response to any building design challenge is the main structure of the research. It examines nature as one of the basis for resolving these challenges. It continues to discuss the application of possible strategies for establishment of an architectural configuration compatible to its structure. The incorporation of biomimicry idea in architectural design is believed to be more sustainable and efficient for reduction of energy usage and operating cost consumption along with design renewal in the future. The idea of inspiration from nature has developed the intention on this research to explore how the concept could be applied to overcome the challenges through design strategies. The paper concludes with the formulation of a design guideline with evident biomimetic principles that could be applied to any building design with reference to different contexts to achieve energy efficiency in building design.
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