Scriptwriting as a research practice: expanding the field

2015, TEXT Journal, Special Issue 29: Scriptwriting as Creative Writing Research II



The paper explores the emerging field of scriptwriting as a legitimate area of research practice, addressing the existing discipline bias that often sidelines scripts in favor of finished productions. It outlines the objectives of publishing unproduced scripts in a Creative Writing journal, arguing for their merit as stand-alone research works and as contributions to knowledge. By conducting further special issues on scriptwriting, the authors aim to establish scripts as deserving scholarly attention and to encourage more academic scriptwriters to publish their work, thereby solidifying scriptwriting as a recognized research practice.

Key takeaways

  • To address this discipline bias and take some steps towards answering the questions posed above, the first 'Scriptwriting as Creative Writing Research' issue published a range of scripts that, apart from telling a story, were also the products of creative and research practice concerned with disseminating new knowledge about their subject, and with experimenting with the script as a narrative form.
  • While a number of dramatic scripts have been published previously in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry, there have been few avenues available for the publication of dramatic scripts as creative writing, with particular attention paid to the aesthetic as well as academic contributions of the work.
  • These scripts explore the relationship between the script as research, between scriptwriting practice and the writer or reader, or the relationship between reading or writing scripts and bodily experience.
  • Dirty talk: Scriptwriting, script editing and the creative process is a multi-narrative work that weaves together the screenplay, the writing of the screenplay and the editing of another writer's screenplay, and in doing so draws attention to the creative and pragmatic decisions that influence the creation of a script.
  • The editors hope that this issue goes some way in consolidating the idea that scripts can and should be treated as research outcomes, and that scriptwriting itself, in the right context, can be seen as a legitimate and important research practice.