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Issue of women, especially during recent times both around the world and especially during recent two decades in Afghanistan, has become a very serious concern for scientists, governments and political circles. In the area of human rights and human development, major questions have been raised regarding women and their social status.
Women empowerment has always been a debatable issue especially in our country for last so many decades. Various laws and policies have been made for their welfare and upliftment, but still the results of such policies and laws are not up to mark as they should have been. Women are still being deprived of their basic, natural and inalienable rights. The rights of Women are recognized by different religions of the world as well and are enshrined in the Holy Books also; but one knows his/her rights and duties. As every religion provides for some basic rights as well as duties to all the individuals belonging to that very religion, in the similar way The Religion of Peace"Islam" also provides for various rights and duties to its followers and also for human beings. But there has always been a wrong notion and misconception about the Rights of Women in Islam amongst the people belonging to other religions and communities. It has always been considered that women do not enjoy any or equal rights in Islam, but the reality is otherwise. Islam provides for equality and justice. It provides fro equal rights to both men and women in one way or the other, but no one is aware of his/her rights and responsibilities. Therefore, it has become necessary for all of us to evaluate and analyze our religious scriptures and find out the real essence of our Holy Books. Hence, in this paper,an evaluation of a chapter on Women in the Holy Book "Qur'an" along with other relevant provisions in the said Holy Book is being presented, whereby the Rights of Women in Islam will be discussed in detail, which will help us to understand our responsibility towards Women, which in turn will lead to a discourse to enact amended laws and policies and better implementation of such laws, thereby giving a dignified status to the women in the present societyas well.
The essay considers whether the international human rights system is indeed universal and can contain all the different cultures, religions and sexes. It also considers whether the International Women’s Rights, as they stand today, are compatible with the Quranic women’s rights; and if so, why violations of Women’s Rights take place in Islamic states.
ACTA ISLAMICA Vol 7 Issue 1 June, 2019
The theme under discussion is not new in socio-religious debates but its importance is as novel as it was in the early days of Islam as some individualistic moves of some community members was portrayed and intently connected with the basic teachings of Islam. This issue was both misunderstood and distorted mainly due to the lack of basic knowledge given by the vey injunctions of Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. Even the very basic principles of sociology depict the fact that conduct of some cannot be generalized as the act of society, and same can be applied to the Muslim Society where misconduct wit h some women cannot be rendered as the outcome of Islamic teachings. Hence; the hypothesis that women are prey to subjugation, degradation, and oppression will be nullified through this reflexive study in hand as this method of study appeals to varied strata of academy and beyond.
This paper aspires to elucidate three general misunderstandings about the Islamic belief and issues of human rights and women's rights prevailing in the West. After the incident of 9/11 the first misconception propagated vide western media is that Muslims are terrorists because they believe in Jihad. It is literally the case that Islamic teachings stress the value of peace and. prosperity for all human beings irrespect of gender, race, religion and community etc. The second misunderstanding is that Muslims reluctant towards scientific knowledge and only aim to seek religious knowledge. Despite the fact,Qur'an emphasizes that the opportunity to seek all forms of knowledge is a human right and responsibility of all Muslims irrespect of gender discrimination. The third misapprehension and perhaps, the most controversial, is that Islam subjugates women's rights. In reality, Islam offers women the right to make their own choices in the areas of education, business, and property, to name a few. In Islamic society women enjoy the due share in inheritance.
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
In the international system today, the issue of human rights networks have become very sophisticated, dense and multifaceted. Scholars and many authors in the realms of human rights have therefore taken special care to highlight divergent perspectives and encourage debate across global cleavages of all kinds. The issue of women's rights in Islam has generated series of controversy, great misunderstanding, and distortion partly due to lack of understanding and the misbehaviour of some Muslims which has been taken to represent the teaching of Islam. This paper therefore aims to provide a better understanding and awareness of women's right in Islam and portray that the religion of Islam grants enormous rights to women just like other key human rights organisations. The paper also unravels the misnomer and incongruity on the perspective that Islamic law subjugates or undermines women's rights.
International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences
This is an article with the topic “Comparative analysis of the rights duties of woman in Islamic civilization” Muslim women’s role is highlighted in this topic through Quranic guidance and Ahadees of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), and through the status of woman in the pre-Islam era is also highlighted. Besides this, it reflects different rights and duties of woman. In this article comparative analysis of both the Islamic and Western civilizations is highlighted. At the end after deducting result from the discussions conclusion is presented. Before Islam the woman was treated as wretched element of the society and thrown in the darkness of ignorance. She was hopeless and cannot hope for her evolution. The Islam raised awareness and protested against this cruel attitude and taught that the whole life revolves around both man & woman. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) provide guidance and teachings regarding the most ignored gender (the woman) as no champion of woman’s rights can promote this cau...
The Holy Quran is an epitome of equality of all humans, irrespective of the gender, race, social and economic status. The Qur'an teaches us that Adam and Eve were created from the same soul-both equally guilty, equally responsible and equally valued. Quran changed the disadvantaged and suppressed treatment of women in pre-Islamic Arab. From the very inception of Islam, women have played a fundamental role in its birth to its expansion. The life of Prophet Mohammed S.A.W. is full of incidents how a man has to behave with a woman. Modesty, humility and respect for the women have always been present throughout his life. Unfortunately, the Muslim countries at times also have failed to enshrine the principles of gender equality in practice from the Holy text. Though the Constitutions across the Muslim countries have embodied the right to equality. The social conditions have not evolved to accept the principles. This paper is an attempt to highlight particular Verses from the Quran along with few incidents from the life of the Prophet Mohammed S.A.W. emphasizing gender equality and respect for the women.
Hawwa, 2003
An ironic ramification of the tragedy of September 11 and the subsequent demise of the Taliban government in Afghanistan seems to be an unprecedented rise in the international prominence of issues concerning the rights and status of women in the Islamic world. This increased international attention to women's quest for equal civil and human rights and a better appreciation of women's agency in the modernization and democratization of the Islamic world can be a welcome development. The significance of this potentially positive turn is better appreciated when we bear in mind that if it were not for the outrage and protest widely expressed by international feminist groups, especially Afghan women activists and American feminists, the US government, prompted by some oil companies, would probably have recognized the Taliban government. Perhaps it would have taken no less than the September 11 wake up call for many officials to speak out against the blatant violations of women'...
Beijing Law Review, 2019
Allah (SWT) has created both men and women without subordination of one another. Islam has ensured gender equality and women's rights in every sphere of their life. Islam has guaranteed rights of men and women in an equal degree and there is no discrimination between men and women. But due to the prevailing socio-cultural norms and practices in Bangladesh sometimes the guarantee of Islam do not get translated into tangible actions. Islam is the religion which liberated Muslim women by ensuring equal rights to them in comparison to their male fellow. There are some misconceptions prevailing in Bangladesh regarding women's rights in Islam. Sometimes Muslim women themselves falsely knew that they are backward and oppressed by their religion. Some make great mistake in presuming that all conduct and practices of a Muslim are connected to Islam. The prime object of this study is to pick out how rights of women are ensured in Islam. This study concludes with an allusion that women are not subordinate of men and indicate an avenue to identify properly women in the light of Islam. This research is actually qualitative in nature where only secondary data has been used. Analytical method was also used in this research. Data has been collected from various books, journals, holy Qur'an and sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This research finds that Islam does not deprive the women rather ensuring proper rights, dignity and status but due to lack of proper Islamic knowledge and awareness and sometimes to dominate or neglect some misconceptions prevailing in Bangladesh. To eliminate prevailing misconceptions regarding women rights in Islam proper Islamic knowledge and awareness of the women is essential. The core implication of this research is that it will play a vital role to eliminate prevailing misconceptions regarding women rights in Islam and to ensure the rights, dignity and status of women as given in Islam. This study will open a new avenue for scholars who will be
Islamic Law on Rights of Woman
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American International Journal of Social Science Research
Pen Acclaims , 2020
Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 2020
Journal of Women's History, 1999
AFKAR Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2017