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The study was conducted in the Experimental Farm of the Collage of Agricultural Studies - Sudan University of Science and Technology Shambat for two years (2009-2010) to evaluate the performance of 12 locally developed forage sorghum hybrids (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) together with their parents and 3 standard checks including two commercial exotic hybrids and the released Abu Sabin cultivar ‘Kambal’. The materials were arranged in Alpha Lattice design and evaluated for some agronomic and forage quality traits. Highly significant differences among genotypes were encountered for all characters except leaf to stem ratio. Some of the locally developed hybrids significantly outyielded the introduced commercial ones. The hybrid S.148xSG32-2A was unique in combining high forage yield with earliness and, was therefore, expected to meet the farmer’s preference in producing high quantities of forage in a relatively short period of time. Another late flowering, highly productive and leafy hybrid S.148xANKSSS may not meet the requirements of the traditional system, but was considered suitable under grazing systems in the modern dairy and fattening schemes. Some of the locally developed hybrids scored reasonable values for protein content. The hybrid S.148xSG32-2A which was leading in forage yield, appeared to be of less digestibility and low protein content. This calls for screening the nutritional aspects in an earlier stage of the breeding program.
The study was conducted at two locations (Shambat and Islang) during two years (2002-2003) in Khartoum State with an objective to investigate the possibility of development of local forage hybrid sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The material comprised four local stocks (used as pollinators) and seven introduced genetic stocks (used as females) in A3 cytoplasm and 'Pannar 888' as standard check. The study revealed highly significant differences among entries for all the characters studied as many hybrids excelled their parental lines in forage yield and in some of the yield-related traits. Hybrids: E-35-1 x S. 70, E-35-1 x S. 186, E-35-1 x Garawi and Dale x S.70 significantly out-yielded the check hybrid 'Panar 888' as well as the parental lines derived from the local cultivar 'Abu Sab'in'. The increase in yield of these hybrids was related to an increase in their stem diameter and plant height. The standard check, Pannar 888 excelled the newly developed hybrids in leaf: stem ratio, tillering and regrowth ability. The data obtained demonstrate the possibility of developing local hybrids having superior forage yield to both the introduced hybrids and the traditional cultivar Abu Sab'in. Apart from earliness, a potential exists for developing hybrids combining greater forage yield and desirable traits.
To investigate quality attributes in forage sorghum at different growth phases and plant parts in relation to some agronomic traits Study Design: The treatments were arranged in split-plots in randomized complete block design Place and Duration: Field experiments were conducted in Sudan at two environments: Shambat 2005 and Sennar 2006 Methodology: Quality attributes were studied in two growth phases (boot and dough stages) split over nine genotype with plant part (leaf and stem) further spilt on growth phases. The traits studied included: green and dry matter yields, days to flowering, plant height, crude protein (CP) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) acid detergent fiber (ADF) ash and ether extract (EE). Results: The growth phases differed significantly for ADF, NDF and CP. The plant parts differed significantly for ADF, CP and ASH. The interaction of growth stage with plant part was significant for all traits other than ADF. Correlation of forage yield with CP was significantly negative, with ADF was significantly positive and with NDF was also positive but insignificant. Correlation of CP with NDF was significantly negative, with ADF, EE and ASH was also negative but insignificant.
Abstract: Seven elite sweet sorghum genotypes developed by individual plant selection among the land race cultivar "Ankolib" were evaluated across 11 environments in the Sudan throughout the period 2003-2007. The agronomic and quality traits were investigated. The results obtained indicated that the line ANKSSS was superior in forage yield to the parental population Ankolib and the traditional check Abu Sab'in with respective yield advantage amounting to 86.7 % and 25.8 %. Its forage yield was comparable to the recommended cultivar "Kambal". Quality wise, it was better than the recommended cultivar in protein percentage and leafiness and excelled the parent population in sugar content and digestibility. It was also the most stable in yield superiority across the test environments. The release of ANKSSS for commercial production in the Sudan was recommended under green cropping system. It might also perform well in other environments as indicated by its comparatively low GxE Statistic. The seed of ANKSSS is maintained by the Forage Improvement Program at Shambat Research Station, ARC, Sudan. Few amounts of seed for research purposes can be provided upon written request to the corresponding author.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007
Eight hybrids of sorghum forage were tested in large plots of two farms in two consecutive years to evaluate their chemical characteristics, nutritive value and yield as a possible substitute for maize silage. Two or three cuts were made depending on climatic conditions. On forage samples taken at ensiling chemical analyses and 24 h gas production were performed, to predict the NE l content. In comparison with maize silage, the sorghum hybrids registered higher protein (13.7% on DM) and NDF (62.6% on DM) contents. Interestingly, the fibre fraction had a low lignin content (3.1% on DM). NE l content ranged from 4.53 to 5.28 MJ/kg DM, the latter for the hybrid with the lowest NDF content. Hybrid effect was significant for ash, NDF, ADF and NE l contents, whilst cut effect was significant for EE, CP, NDF and ADF. Yield was strongly influenced by fertilisation; when the latter was applied, it was in the range of 10-18 t DM, 1.7-2.8 t CP and 47-88 thousand MJ NE l per hectare, as a sum of the 2-3 cuts. Sorghum forage seems to be a possible alternative to the fibrous maize silage fraction in diets of lactating cows, and an excellent forage for the rations of dry cows and heifers.
Journal of Agricultural Studies
To assess the adaptation, yield potential, nutrient content and to identify the traits contributing directly and indirectly to yield increase, a two years’ study was conducted in four locations. Thus, a total of 28 F1 hybrids from two females and 14 male parents, were developed and used in this study along with the parents and four commercial hybrids. Seven (7) hybrids were identified with grain yield ranging from 4015 to 4624 kg-1ha; heading from 64 to 92 days; iron content from 8.63 to 91.15 ppm; Zinc content from 8.14 to 28.71 ppm; lysine content from 2.73 to 5.61 mg/100g; threonine content from 2.50 to 6.28 mg/100g. For both phenotypic and genotypic levels, a significant correlation on grain yield through plant height, panicle length, primary branch per panicle, grain number per panicle and number of whorls per panicle were found. Based on the path analysis, positive and significant direct and indirect effect of correlation were observed in this work for a cycle, grain quality,...
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
AbstractThis study was conducted with the objective to assess the performances of hybridsdeveloped from early and medium maturing lowland adapted Ethiopian sorghuminbred lines. A total of 95 hybrids and three checks were tested using alpha lettucedesign with two replications at Meiso and Sheraro. All agronomic practices weredone on time as recommended. Based on the results obtained from the analysispositive and significant GCA values among the female lines were recorded byICSV96143, ICSR93034, IESV92168-DC and ETSL101565. Likewise, testerTX623A were identified as most promising parents having good generalcombining ability for grain yield and almost all its major yield components.Similarly, for grain yield, 15 hybrid combinations had significant advantage overtheir respective standard check Melkam. Among these hybrids the highest wasobtained from MARC6A x IESV23010DL (78%) followed by TX623A xETSL101859 (71%) and TX623A x ETSL100684 (67%). The information generatedfrom the present st...
Crop Science, 2015
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2020
This study was carried out to estimate the magnitude of heterosis and combining abilities (general & specific) for forage and over all grain yield performance of sorghum hybrids. Even though, information on heterotic performance and combining ability of Ethiopian elite sorghum lines for biomass, yield, and overall performance is too insufficient, there is ample amount of sorghum elite lines developed through pedigree breeding. The result of ANOVA found out that mean squares had to indicate a considerable amount of variability among the tested genotypes for most traits. Parents and hybrids are drastically unique for all traits besides thousand-grain weight, number of green leaves, and panicle width. This found out that hybrids have a higher yield than Open pollinated types (OPVs) parents. Hybrids, 106 × 94 (123.5%), 106 × 87 (80.4%), 106 × 78 (72.5%), 107 × 92 (74.5%) 107 × 99 (56.9%), and 107 × 104 (60.8%) have been discovered maximum heterotic hybrids for yield in comparison to check. The estimations of parental GCA effects confirmed that female 106 and males 79, 96, 94, and 81 had been excellent general combiners for biomass, yield and associated traits. Primarily based on perse overall performance, heterotic response, and combining ability, female parent 106 and male parents 94, 102, and 90 were observed maximum performed. Those parental lines could be used for hybrid and germplasm improvement.
Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 2017
In this study, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid 'Aneto' and legumes (soybean and cowpea) intercropping at different seed rates (100:100; 50:100, 100:50) were examined for hay yield, protein content, protein yield, relative feed value (RFV) and mineral content (P, K, Mg, Ca) in 2013 and 2014. As legume Yesilsoy (Syes) and Yemsoy (Syem) verieties of soybean and Ulkem (C) varietiy of cowpea were used. Sorghum-sudangrass hybrid x legume intercropping produced higher hay and protein yield compare to their monocrops. RFV of hay also exalted with intercropping copmpare to alone sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (S). Over the years, the highest hay yield was obtained from S intercropped with Syes at 100:100 (21.61 t ha-1), 100:50 (20.68 t ha-1) seed rates and with C at 50:100 (20.40 t ha-1) seed rate. Protein yield was the highest in 100S:100Syes tratment in 2013 (2.16 t ha-1), 2014 (2.85 t ha-1) and combined years (2.50 t ha-1). However, S intercropping with C at 100:100, 50:100 (in 2013) and at 50:100 (in 2014) seed rates were at par with 100S:100Syes. This study indicated that seed rate and species or variety selection extremly important in mixture cropping. Thus, generally sorghum-sudangrass hybrid and 'Yesilsoy' variety of soybean at 100:100 seed rate exhibited the best results in regarding hay and protein yield in the present conditions.
African Journal of Food Science, 2015
In many semi-arid and tropical areas of the world especially in sub Saharan Africa, sorghum is a staple food grain and has great potential to be used in various industries. Thirty sorghum highland and open pollinated varieties were analysed for their biochemical and physiological characteristic to determine their industrial suitability and breeding impacts. The results show that sorghum varieties have the capability to be used for different industries and can be good alternatives to other cereal varieties. Majority of the varieties like Ainamoi #1, Siaya # 24-2, Kipkelion # 2, Kipkelion # 1, Nyangezi, Uasin Gishu #1 and Uasin Gishu #2 with high starch and amylopectin contents also recorded high tannin contents and vice versa. Hybrids are bred to give low tannins, but unfortunately this also affects their starch amounts and in the long run, decreases the suitability of sorghum for industrial and domestic use. In addition, there was a significant correlation between yielding ability and plant height.
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International Journal of Advanced Research, 2021
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 2016
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Pakistan journal of science
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B
Journal of Plant Interactions, 2012
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2017
South African Journal of Animal Science, 2007
International Journal of Advanced Research
Archives of crop science, 2023
International journal of food engineering and technology, 2018
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2017
Journal of Agricultural Science, 2017