European first aid guidelines

2007, Resuscitation


Aim: Our objectives were to determine the most effective, safe, and feasible first aid (FA) techniques and procedures, and to formulate valid recommendations for training. We focussed on emergencies involving few casualties, where emergency medical services or healthcare professionals are not immediately present at the scene, but are available within a short space of time. Due to time and resource constraints, we limited ourselves to safety, emergency removal, psychosocial FA, traumatology, and poisoning. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was not included because guidelines are already available from the European Resuscitation Council (ERC). The FA guidelines are intended to provide guidance to authors of FA handbooks and those responsible for FA programmes. These guidelines, together with the ERC resuscitation guidelines, will be integrated into a European FA Reference Guide and a European FA Manual. ଝ A Spanish translated version of the summary of this article appears as Appendix in the final online version at . . . ଝଝ Guidelines are not a substitute for the caregiver's own judgment of a specific medical or health condition. Casualties should consult a qualified health-care professional for advice about a specific condition. The authors disclaim any liability to any party for any damages arising out of the use or non-use of this material and any information contained therein, and all warranties, expressed or implied. RESUS-3163; No. of Pages 12 2 S. Van de Velde et al.