The Power of Narrative

The paper begins by briefly elaborating on what constitutes culture by understanding the signs that constitute the narrative sequence or the syntagmatic chain. This is done by means of a brief explanation of Saussure’s concept of the sign and the direction in which Derrida takes it. The attempt is understand how a signified linked to a signifier can be modified. One way this can be achieved is by modifying the narrative as will be illustrated by various examples. This may have the potential to change the perception of the paradigm. The argument is illustrated by referring to the street art of Shilo Shiv Suleman, Hollywood movie Grease, Sharmila Rege’s book Writing Caste/ Writing Gender: Narrating Dalit Women’s Testimonios, and the book I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. The thesis statement is that a change in the paradigm is possible through the change in the narrative or syntagmatic chain and this is enabled through stories of heroism and not victimhood.