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2002, Topology
We prove realizability theorems for vector-valued polynomial mappings, real-algebraic sets and compact smooth manifolds by moduli spaces of planar linkages. We also establish a relation between universality theorems for moduli spaces of mechanical linkages and projective arrangements.
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1999
We present an easy to survey constructive method using only basic mathematics which allows us to define a homeomorphism between any compact real algebraic variety and some components of the configuration space of a mechanical linkage. The aim is to imitate addition and multiplication in the framework of weighted graphs in the euclidean plane that permit a ``mechanical description'' of polynomial functions, and thus of varieties.
The workshop followed the usual AIM workshop style, with two talks each morning and informal activities in the afternoon. Michael Farber kicked off the workshop by giving a talk on the topology of the configuration space of polygonal linkages in 2D. He reviewed the usage of Morse theory to study the manifold structure and Betti numbers of configuration spaces via Morse critical points. These are the collinear configurations for polygonal linkages. He also gave a brief introduction to his proof of Walker’s conjecture that the topology of the configuration space determines the linkage up to a permutation orbit of chambers in the space of edge-lengthvectors. These are delineated by walls determined by edge-lengths that permit critical or collinear configurations. The chambers are determined by the short subsets i.e. the set of bars of the polygon whose sum of lengths is less than the sum of the lengths of the remaining bars. Gaiane Panina gave a talk on the cell decomposition of the co...
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1983
Proceedings of the IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics, 2015
Most useful linkages are spatial. Commonly, for such a mechanism there are configurations c ∈ C were two links or more intersect. We introduce a mathematical framework to deal with the neighborhood of c and define virtual configurations in which two links touch. Cauchy sequences are then used to approximate these configurations. As for the global structure, we show how the completion of the configuration space relates to a virtual configuration space were all lines meet the origin. We conclude the paper with some explicit example.
arXiv: Algebraic Geometry, 2016
Using several numerical invariants, we study a partition of the space of line arrangements in the complex projective plane, given by the intersection lattice types. We offer also a new characterization of the free plane curves using the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the associated Milnor/Jacobian algebra.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2014
The configuration space C n (X) of an algebraic curve X is the algebraic variety consisting of all n-point subsets Q ⊂ X. We describe the automorphisms of C n (C), deduce that the (infinite dimensional) group Aut C n (C) is solvable, and obtain an analog of the Mostow decomposition in this group. The Lie algebra and the Makar-Limanov invariant of C n (C) are also computed. We obtain similar results for the level hypersurfaces of the discriminant, including its singular zero level. This is an extended version of our paper [39]. We strengthened the results concerning the automorphism groups of cylinders over rigid bases, replacing the rigidity assumption by the weaker assumption of tightness. We also added alternative proofs of two auxiliary results cited in [39] and due to Zinde and to the first author. This allowed us to provide the optimal dimension bounds in our theorems.
We study the topological and differentiable singularities of the configuration space C(Γ) of a mechanical linkage Γ in Rd, defining an inductive sufficient condition to determine when a configuration is singular. We show that this condition holds for generic singularities, provide a mechanical interpretation, and give an example of a type of mechanism for which this criterion identifies all singularities.
Let b be a non-bounded path. V. U. Beltrami's derivation of injective topological spaces was a milestone in symbolic set theory. We show that m 1 2 ,. .. , −i = lim t→∅Ẽ K 4 ,d∞ dAW. Now in this setting, the ability to extend completely Pascal polytopes is essential. The goal of the present paper is to classify tangential manifolds.
In this note we show that the configuration spaces of the kinematic system constructed in [4] and [12] gives rise to a natural tower of sphere bundles. Moreover, we prove that, each tower of projective bundles associated to special multi- flags (cf [1], [13], [2], [3]), we can associate such a tower of sphere bundles which is a two-fold covering of the previous one. In particular we give a positive answer of some conjecture proposed in [3]
Topology and its Applications, 2002
Let A be a complex hyperplane arrangement, and let X be a modular element of arbitrary rank in the intersection lattice of A. We show that projection along X restricts to a fiber bundle projection of the complement of A to the complement of the localization AX of A at X. The fiber is the decone of a realization of the complete principal truncation of the underlying matroid of A along the flat corresponding to X. This result gives a topological realization of results of Stanley, Brylawsky, and Terao on modular factorization. We show that (generalized) parallel connection of matroids corresponds to pullback of fiber bundles, clarifying the notion that all examples of diffeomorphisms of complements of inequivalent arrangements result from the triviality of the restriction of the Hopf bundle to the complement of a hyperplane. The modular fibration result also yields a new method for identifying K(π, 1) arrangements of rank greater than three. We identify a new families of K(π, 1) arrangements, providing more evidence for the conjecture that factored arrangements of arbitrary rank are K(π, 1). * research conducted in part under an NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates grant.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2001
We survey and expand 1 on the work of Segal, Milgram and the author on the topology of spaces of maps of positive genus curves into complex projective space (in both the holomorphic and continuous categories). Both based and unbased maps are studied and in particular we compute the fundamental groups of the spaces in question. The relevant case when n = 1 is given by a non-trivial extension which we determine.
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 1999
We give a \wall-crossing" formula for computing the topology of the moduli space of a closed n-gon linkage on S 2 . We do this by determining the Morse theory of the function n on the moduli space of n-gon linkages which is given by the length of the last side{the length of the last side is allowed to vary, the rst (n ? 1) sidelengths are xed. We obtain a Morse function on the (n ? 2)-torus with level sets moduli spaces of n-gon linkages. The critical points of n are the linkages which are contained in a great circle. We give a formula for the signature of the Hessian of n at such a linkage in terms of the number of back-tracks and the winding number. We use our formula to determine the moduli spaces of all regular pentagonal spherical linkages. the property that 0 < r i < ; 1 i n. In this case P is determined by its vertices u 1 ; : : : ; u n and we may write P = u = (u 1 ; : : : ; u n ). paper describes the generation of configuration space obstacles in the plane, arising from the motion of objects with algebraic curve boundaries, moving with fixed orientation amongst obstacles bounded by algebraic curves. We show that the boundary of the configuration space obstacles are the envelopes of algebraic ooundary curves of the reversed object, reversed with respect to a reference point of the object, with the reference point moving on the physical obstacle. Two different algebraic methods are given to generate the boundary of the configuration space obstacles, both of time complexity o(nlog2n) for degree n algebraic curves. The task of finding collision free motion is then relatively simple and a number of polynomial time approaches are described.
We prove a transversality "lifting property" for compactified configuration spaces as an application of the multijet transversality theorem: the submanifold of configurations of points on an arbitrary submanifold of Euclidean space may be made transverse to any submanifold of the configuration space of points in Euclidean space by an arbitrarily C 1-small variation of the initial submanifold, as long as the two submanifolds of compactified configuration space are boundary-disjoint. We use this setup to provide attractive proofs of the existence of a number of "special inscribed configurations" inside families of spheres embedded in R n using differential topology. For instance, there is a C 1dense family of smooth embedded circles in the plane where each simple closed curve has an odd number of inscribed squares, and there is a C 1-dense family of smooth embedded (n − 1)-spheres in R n where each sphere has a family of inscribed regular n-simplices with the homology of O(n).
Annals of Mathematics, 2003
We give infinite series of groups Γ and of compact complex surfaces of general type S with fundamental group Γ such that 1) Any surface S ′ with the same Euler number as S, and fundamental group Γ, is diffeomorphic to S. 2) The moduli space of S consists of exactly two connected components, exchanged by complex conjugation. * The research of the author was performed in the realm of the SCHWERPUNKT "Globale Methode in der komplexen Geometrie", and of the EAGER EEC Project.
Geometry and Topology of Caustics – Caustics '02, 2003
We discuss some approaches to the topological study of real quadratic mappings. Two effective methods of computing the Euler characteristics of fibers are presented which enable one to obtain comprehensive results for quadratic mappings with two-dimensional fibers. As an illustration we obtain a complete topological classification of configuration spaces of planar pentagons.
The configuration space of the mechanism of a planar robot is studied. We consider a robot which has n arms such that each arm is of length 1 + 1 and has a rotational joint in the middle, and that the endpoint of the k-th arm is fixed to Re 2(k−1)π n i. Generically, the configuration space is diffeomorphic to an orientable closed surface. Its genus is given by a topological way and a Morse theoretical way. The homeomorphism types of it when it is singular is also given.
Bulletin of The Australian Mathematical Society, 2007
A method of embedding nk configurations into projective space of k-1 dimensions is given. It breaks into the easy problem of finding a rooted spanning tree of the associated Levi graph. Also it is shown how to obtain a "complementary" n n-k "theorem" about projective space (over a field or skew-field F) from any n* theorem over F. Some elementary matroid theory is used, but with an explanation suitable for most people. Various examples are mentioned, including the planar configurations: Fano 73, Pappus 93, Desargues IO3 (also in 3d-space), Mobius 84 (in 3d-space), and the resulting 7t in 3d-space, 96 in 5d-space, and IO7 in 6d-space. (The Mobius configuration is self-complementary.) There are some n/t configurations that are not embeddable in certain projective spaces, and these will be taken to similarly not embeddable configurations by complementation. Finally, there is a list of open questions.
arXiv: Algebraic Topology, 2017
Let $F(X,k)$ be the configuration spaces of ordered $k-$tuples of distinct points in the space $X$. Using the Fadell and Neuwirth's fibration, we prove that the configuration space $F(M,k)$ of certain topological manifolds $M$, is not contractible.
Advances in Mathematics, 2007
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