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După aproape două decenii de când Zidul Berlinului sa prăbuşit, a devenit clar că falimentul experimentului comunist nu echivalează cu validarea capitalismului cunoscut în istoria de pînă acum. Din infirmarea unei ipoteze nu se poate deduce cu necesitate confirmarea ipotezei contrarii: dacă am constatat că ipoteza „A” nu este validă, asta nu ne scuteşte de verificarea ipotezei „anti-A”. Altfel spus, faptul că proiectul „Fiecăruia după necesităţi” a eşuat nu implică legitimarea proiectului „Peştele mare înghite peştele mic”.
Editura Universitară Ion Mincu eBooks, 2022
Materialele publicate în paginile acestui volum (ediție bilingvă) reprezintă rezultatele cercetării desfășurate în cadrul proiectului SCHOLAR ARCHITECT-Perfecționarea și creșterea calității științifice în învățământul de arhitectură (2020). The materials published in this volume (bilingual edition) represent the results of the research developed within the framework of the project SCHOLAR ARCHITECT-Improving the quality of research and teaching in architectural education (2020).
Potențiale ale programelor de învățare bazate pe practică în cadrul sistemelor VET din România și Portugalia
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The combination of the words "sustainable development" has become a popular slogan in the discourse of contemporary development. However, despite its ubiquity and the massive popularity it has accumulated over the years, the concept remains to be partially researched. There are still many questions about its significance and history, as well as about what it implies in terms of sustainability from a theoretical and applied point of view. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research of sustainability approaches in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is achieved through an extensive analysis of the literature, combining the theoretical aspects of the subject studied with the practical dimensions, which are easier to measure. According to the "Global Survey on Sustainability and the SDGs", the main sustainability benchmarks are essentially anchored on distinct but interconnected three-dimensional pillars, namely the environment, the economy and society. Decision-makers must constantly pay attention to the relationships, complementarities and trade-offs between these pillars and ensure responsible human behavior at international, national and community level., 2017
Continuity of care is an important attribute of family medicine. Proper understanding of this concept allows a better organization of health care, with lower costs and better outcomes, in terms of patient satisfaction and health. Continuity is not limited to the provision of out-of-hours health care, but offers the integration of the patient’s information at the level of the family doctor. Continuity improves the quality of care, provides trust in the medical act, builds a long-term patient-doctor partnership, sometimes throughout their lives. Providing services through the out-of-hours centers is a pragmatic solution to the modern way of life, whereby the state is trying to provide health care to the population during periods when the primary care offices are closed. But their organization must respect the principle of continuity and not lead to the fragmentation of medical care.
Scopul proiectarii durabile este gasirea solutiilor constructive, care se reflecta in caracteristicile constructiilor, care sa garanteze pe de o parte bunastarea si pe de alta parte coexistenta celor trei grupuri care alcatuiesc ecosistemul global (elementele anorganice, organismele vii si oamenii). Atingerea scopului proiectarii durabile se face prin educarea intr-un cadru conceptual care are trei niveluri : principii, strategii si metode.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
Scopul acestui material îl constituie diseminarea ideilor teoretice, bunelor practici şi inovaţiilor în domeniul consilierii carierei care au fost prezentate în cadrul conferinţei: Promovarea echităţii prin consiliere şi orientare: reflecţii, acţiuni, impact (Promoting Equity through Guidance: Reflection, Action, Impact). Conferinţa s-a derulat în perioada 15-18 noiembrie 2016, a fost organizată de către a Asociaţia internaţională pentru consiliere educaţională şi a carierei (IAEVG) şi a fost, 2018
<jats:p> One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely. </jats:p>
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