04- Early Child Development

Early childhood development is highly critical to explore the social, moral and intellectual potentials of children. Their optimal development contributes to their promising future and can bring health changes in the families, communities and societies. Research study proves that positive experiences during early years prevent difficulties during adulthood 1 . Pre-schools and child care centers play important role in promoting the social and intellectual development of children. The ongoing state of children in Pakistan and the current developmental practices with special reference to interaction amongst various Pre-School Programs / Child Care Centers is not highly appreciable. The study was conducted to explore the environment and practices, currently offered to children at preschool level in Karachi, Pakistan. The population for the study includes all the teachers of private Preschools, Montessori' s and Government Katchi classes of Garden Area in Karachi. Data was analyzed using Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale. Findings of the study clearly highlight the critical situation of early childhood environment in Pakistan. 63% of preschools rank below minimal level on the rating scale of Interaction, having Mean of 3.83. Out of 19 preschools, 06 stand at inadequate level while another 06 at minimal level. The study clearly urges the strong need of early childhood environment improvements at monitoring and program structure levels. Dearth need of attention is required to train teachers to attend the needs of early years of children in Pakistan and to provide conducive environment for their fullest development.