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Early childhood development is highly critical to explore the social, moral and intellectual potentials of children. Their optimal development contributes to their promising future and can bring health changes in the families, communities and societies. Research study proves that positive experiences during early years prevent difficulties during adulthood 1 . Pre-schools and child care centers play important role in promoting the social and intellectual development of children. The ongoing state of children in Pakistan and the current developmental practices with special reference to interaction amongst various Pre-School Programs / Child Care Centers is not highly appreciable. The study was conducted to explore the environment and practices, currently offered to children at preschool level in Karachi, Pakistan. The population for the study includes all the teachers of private Preschools, Montessori' s and Government Katchi classes of Garden Area in Karachi. Data was analyzed using Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale. Findings of the study clearly highlight the critical situation of early childhood environment in Pakistan. 63% of preschools rank below minimal level on the rating scale of Interaction, having Mean of 3.83. Out of 19 preschools, 06 stand at inadequate level while another 06 at minimal level. The study clearly urges the strong need of early childhood environment improvements at monitoring and program structure levels. Dearth need of attention is required to train teachers to attend the needs of early years of children in Pakistan and to provide conducive environment for their fullest development.
In Pakistan, the focus of educators and policy makers has been primarily limited to curricular planning and policy making, with little or no attention given to the worldwide changing trend in early childhood education; the construction of a stimulating learning environment, and its subsequent influence on the performance of a child. The present study was aimed at assessing the quality of the offered learning environment in private early childhood education centers of Lahore, with the globally accepted tool for quality assessment of classroom environments, the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R). A non-probability convenience sampling method was used, primarily due to willingness to participate of private institutes offering early childhood education services for children aged between 3-5 years. From the findings it was concluded that while there is a varying range in quality of available learning environments, an overall low quality is under practice by majority schools. In the light of these findings, implications for further research to stress the overwhelming impact of learning environments on child performance are discussed, along with the need for policy makers and educators to re-think and re-design the current curriculum and practices of early childhood education accordingly.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2004
This article focuses on an early childhood programme that has been initiated by the Institute for Educational Development at the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. The programme is a Certificate in Education and involves training teachers so as to enable ...
Research on humanities and social sciences, 2016
This study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Govt. schools of Punjab, Pakistan. The data was collected through a questionnaire from 120 teachers employed in ECE centers. The results show that initiation of ECE centers is very effective as it help the children to develop critical thinking, basic skills and knowledge that will be helpful for their whole life. Despite its positive response, government does not properly allocated funds to these programs as well as teachers are not fully trained to deal with such children. This results in divergence in teaching and learning from the desired criteria. So, planning, continuous monitoring and evaluation are needed for the fruitful results of ECE centers.
Pakistan Journal of Education, 2014
This study was designed to compare the situation of Early Childhood Education (ECE), provided in public and private sector schools. The major objectives of the study were to evaluate the learning abilities of the students who were receiving early childhood education, to study demographic variations of students in relation with their learning ability and to study availability of physical facilities in the public and private sector schools for early childhood education. In this study, data of 100 respondents was collected from two distinct groups; students enrolled in ECE and teachers teaching to ECE level. Among them 60 students and 40 teachers were included. Data was collected from the schools located at Rawalpindi and Islamabad. In order to make a comparison between public and private sector schools quantitative approaches was used. For the measurement of students’ learning ability data was collected with the help of a standardized tool developed by ASER (2014) for English, Urdu, M...
Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019
The main objectives of this research paper was to analyze the early childhood of education (ECE) facilities and situation of enrolment and the practices of ECE in public sector. We collected primary data through a questionnaire from 200 students,20 administrator teachers and 50 parents selected randomly from Multan city. We also selected two types of schools, one which has ECE facilities while those which do not have such facilities and then compared their results. We measured the impact of ECE on enrolment of students in selected schools. We found that there is a lack of ECE trained teachers in this field, so the Government should recruit more teachers for ECE. Moreover, special training and allowance should be given to these teachers so that they can teach the children more effectively.
The present study was designed to study early childhood education programme implemented in Punjab. The researcher studied the early childhood education programme by taking enrollment rate, retention rate, implementation problems and shortcomings of the programme. In this study the design of research was descriptive. And the mix method approach was used by the researcher to obtain results. The population of the study was 162 head teachers and 162 Kachi class teachers of 162 schools where they are implementing the ECE programs. However, using cluster random sampling technique 50 head teachers and 50 teachers were selected. To collect data from the sampled participants three tools were developed by the researcher i.e., student enrollment and retention sheet, an observation sheet and semi – structured interview questionnaire. The enrollment and retention sheet were used to obtain the data of students’ enrollment and their retention. The observation sheet was used to observe the things present in school provided by ECE stake holders. And the semi-structured interviews were conducted from the head teachers and Kachi class teachers collectively of the schools to elaborate the problems they faced while implementation of ECE. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics for example coding technique, frequencies and percentages. It was found that there was an increase of enrollment in ECE classroom students. All the basic facilities were found present in the schools that included safe drinking water, furniture, ECE kit, a separate classroom for ECE purpose. The problems found during implementation of ECE programme were financial as well as administrative. The main recommendation made by the researcher was to provide finance to resolve the financial problems and to give continuous trainings to class teachers as well as head teachers regarding ECE classroom activities.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2022
The environment where the child is educated must offer different opportunities for children through which they will be helped in their social and emotional development, in accordance with their age and level of development. The physical and social environment affects the behavior of both, the educator and the child. By owning the environment and taking control of the classroom space, the educator and the child fulfill the need to feel capable of responding to any demand or challenge they face. Being a country in transition, Kosovo faces various challenges in terms of providing a suitable environment for education according to standards for children at an early age. The research focuses on early care and education institutions and how they provide adequate conditions in terms of physical and social environment and what are the differences between public and private institutions. The study was carried out with heads of nursery, kindergartens and preschool institutions, as well as, with educators and parents (N = 137). Precisely, ten public and ten private institutions were included in the study. The study was carried out in 8 municipalities or about 1/3 of the municipalities of Kosovo. The results of the study show that 74.1% of the institutions are satisfied with the physical spaces. However, there are significant differences between public and private institutions. The results of the study show that there is a higher satisfaction with 90% of public institutions with physical spaces compared to private ones which is 57%. Regarding social activities carried out in public and private institutions, the results show that there are no significant differences (p=0.129).
All over the world, day care center is one of the recognized institutional settings to ensure early childhood care and development. In Bangladesh day care centers serve as shelter for children while parents engage in their professional responsibilities. In this study, a day care center in Bangladesh was investigated to find out the initiatives implemented to address the issues of early childhood development and parents' perception in this regard. Mixed methods approach was followed for collecting and analyzing data. Required data was collected from the parents of the enrolled children and a teacher of the early childhood development center. Various documents and websites of the day care center, government policies and frameworks were also analyzed to see the real practice and its relationship with the policy guidelines. The findings of the study revealed that the purposes of the parents for enrolling their children in the day care center were fulfilled in a significant level. Parents also expressed their satisfaction about the services in early childhood development through physical, social, emotional, cognitive development and school preparation of the day care center as well. Besides, some parents suggested increasing the service hours in a day so that they can perform their other duties more comfortably. In addition, few parents want to see religious education in the very early stage of their children.
Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) is an emerging field focusing on a child's holistic development and learning. The role of adults, particularly parents, are very significant in ECED. The main aim of this study was to explore the perception of parents about ECED in terms of how early enrolment in ECED provides benefits to the children. Further, this study also identified the development and learning of children in ECED programs, the time and equal opportunity that children get, and the likeness and happiness of children in ECED setups. This research was based on a quantitative study. A survey questionnaire was used to find the perception of randomly selected 100 parents. SPSS was used to analyze the data by finding Frequencies, Percentages, Mean and Standard deviation. The results portrayed that most parents have a favorable opinion about ECED and parents endorsed the benefits that provide ECED to the children. Parents also indicated family involvement in the learning of children. Further, ECED helped develop the values and morals of the children. Parents also shared that children got sufficient time and equal opportunity for play and acknowledged children's likeness to attend the ECED.
Learning occurs faster in the early years of life. Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs generally entail an acquisition of concepts, skills, and attitudes that lay the foundation for school readiness. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of ECE on students learning outcomes and highlight problems related to the implementation of ECE program in District Faisalabad of Punjab province, Pakistan. All the teachers managing these ECE centres in Government schools of District Faisalabad were the population for the study. There were 313 ECE schools, and a sample of 173 ECE teachers was selected randomly (one teacher from each school). A well-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected data was analysed through SPSS, and the results were interpreted. It was concluded that a lot of challenges existed. These include untrained ECE teacher, lack of financial resources, lack of learning and physical facilities, continuous mentoring and evaluation, and lack of...
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Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE)
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2006
Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 2010
Journal of Educational Sciences & Research, 2021
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
Educational Research and Reviews, 2018
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 2020
International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities
Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2020