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2004, Cerebral Cortex
Visual attention is a mechanism by which observers select relevant or important information from the current visual array. Previous investigations have focused primarily on the ability to select a region of space for further visual analysis. These studies have revealed a distributed frontoparietal circuit that is responsible for the control of spatial attention. However, vision must ultimately represent objects and in real scenes objects often overlap spatially; thus attention must be capable of selecting objects and their properties nonspatially.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2000
Objects play an important role in guiding spatial attention through a cluttered visual environment. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI) to measure brain activity during cued discrimination tasks requiring subjects to orient attention either to a region bounded by an object (object-based spatial attention) or to an unbounded region of space (location-based spatial attention) in anticipation of an upcoming target. Comparison between the two tasks revealed greater activation when attention selected a region bounded by an object. This activation was strongly lateralized to the left hemisphere and formed a widely distributed network including (a) attentional structures in parietal and temporal cortex and thalamus, (b) ventral-stream object processing structures in occipital, inferior-temporal, and parahippocampal cortex, and (c) control structures in medial-and dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that object-based spatial selection is a...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014
Models of visual attention hold that top-down signals from frontal cortex influence information processing in visual cortex. It is unknown whether situations exist in which visual cortex actively participates in attentional selection. To investigate this question, we simultaneously recorded neuronal activity in the frontal eye fields (FEF) and primary visual cortex (V1) during a curve-tracing task in which attention shifts are object-based. We found that accurate performance was associated with similar latencies of attentional selection in both areas and that the latency in both areas increased if the task was made more difficult. The amplitude of the attentional signals in V1 saturated early during a trial, whereas these selection signals kept increasing for a longer time in FEF, until the moment of an eye movement, as if FEF integrated attentional signals present in early visual cortex. In erroneous trials, we observed an interareal latency difference because FEF selected the wrong curve before V1 and imposed its erroneous decision onto visual cortex. The neuronal activity in visual and frontal cortices was correlated across trials, and this trial-to-trial coupling was strongest for the attended curve. These results imply that selective attention relies on reciprocal interactions within a large network of areas that includes V1 and FEF.
Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2000
A typical scene contains many different objects that, because of the limited processing capacity of the visual system, compete for neural representation. The competition among multiple objects in visual cortex can be biased by both bottom-up sensory-driven mechanisms and top-down influences, such as selective attention. Functional brain imaging studies reveal that, both in the absence and in the presence of visual stimulation, biasing signals due to selective attention can modulate neural activity in visual cortex in several ways. Although the competition among stimuli for representation is ultimately resolved within visual cortex, the source of top-down biasing signals derives from a network of areas in frontal and parietal cortex. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2000.23:315-341. Downloaded from by Boston University on 08/11/08. For personal use only.
Abstract Humans can attend to different objects independent of their spatial locations. While selecting an object has been shown to modulate object processing in high-level visual areas in occipitotemporal cortex, where/how behavioral importance (ie, priority) for objects is represented is unknown. Here we examined the patterns of distributed neural activity during an object-based selection task.
NeuroImage, 2003
Theories of visual selective attention posit that both spatial location and nonspatial stimulus features (e.g., color) are elementary dimensions on which top-down attentional control mechanisms can selectively influence visual processing. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that regions of superior frontal and parietal cortex are critically involved in the control of visual-spatial attention. This frontoparietal control network has also been found to be activated when attention is oriented to nonspatial stimulus features (e.g., motion). To test the generality of the frontoparietal network in attentional control, we directly compared spatial and nonspatial attention in a cuing paradigm. Event-related fMRI methods permitted the isolation of attentional control activity during orienting to a location or to a nonspatial stimulus feature (color). Portions of the frontoparietal network were commonly activated to the spatial and nonspatial cues. However, direct statistical comparisons of cue-related activity revealed subregions of the frontoparietal network that were significantly more active during spatial than nonspatial orienting when all other stimulus, task, and attentional factors were equated. No regions of the frontal-parietal network were more active for nonspatial cues in comparison to spatial cues. These findings support models suggesting that subregions of the frontal-parietal network are highly specific for controlling spatial selective attention.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2010
However, multivariate pattern classification conducted on the cortical surface revealed that the spatiotemporal pattern of activity within PPC differed reliably for spatial and feature-based attention shifts. These results suggest that the posterior parietal cortex is a common hub for the control of attention shifts but contains subpopulations of neurons with domain-specific tuning for cognitive control.
& Selective attention may be focused upon a region of interest within the visual surroundings, thereby improving the perceptual quality of stimuli at that location. It has been debated whether this spatially selective mechanism plays a role in the attentive selection of whole objects in a visual scene. The relationship between spatial and object-selective attention was investigated here through recordings of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) supplemented with functional magnetic brain imaging (fMRI). Subjects viewed a display consisting of two bar-shaped objects and directed attention to sequences of stimuli (brief corner offsets) at one end of one of the bars. Unattended stimuli belonging to the same object as the attended stimuli elicited spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity in the visual cortex closely resembling those elicited by the attended stimuli themselves, albeit smaller in amplitude. This enhanced neural activity associated with object-selective attention was localized by use of ERP dipole modeling and fMRI to the lateral occipital extrastriate cortex. We conclude that object-selective attention shares a common neural mechanism with spatial attention that entails the facilitation of sensory processing of stimuli within the boundaries of an attended object. &
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011
Several major cognitive neuroscience models have posited that focal spatial attention is required to integrate different features of an object to form a coherent perception of it within a complex visual scene. Although many behavioral studies have supported this view, some have suggested that complex perceptual discrimination can be performed even with substantially reduced focal spatial attention, calling into question the complexity of object representation that can be achieved without focused spatial attention. In the present study, we took a cognitive neuroscience approach to this problem by recording cognition-related brain activity both to help resolve the questions about the role of focal spatial attention in object-categorization processes and to investigate the underlying neural mechanisms, focusing particularly on the temporal cascade of these attentional and perceptual processes in visual cortex. More specifically, we recorded electrical brain activity in humans engaged in a specially designed cued-visual-search paradigm to probe the objectrelated visual processing before and during the transition from distributed to focal spatial attention. The onset times of the color-popout cueing information, indicating where within an object array the subject was to shift attention, was parametrically varied relative to the presentation of the array (i.e., either occurring simultaneously or being delayed by 50 or 100 ms). The electrophysiological results demonstrate that some level of object-specific representation can be formed in parallel for multiple items across the visual field under spatially distributed attention, before focal spatial attention is allocated to any of them. The object-discrimination process appears to be subsequently amplified as soon as focal spatial attention is directed to a specific location and object. This set of novel neurophysiological findings thus provides important new insights on fundamental issues that have been long-debated in cognitive neuroscience concerning both object-related processing and the role of attention.
The Neuroscientist, 2012
The dorsal convexity of the human frontal and parietal lobes forms a network that is crucially involved in the selection of sensory contents by attention. This network comprehends cortex along the intraparietal sulcus, the inferior parietal lobe, and dorsal premotor cortex, including the frontal eye field. These regions are richly interconnected with recurrent fibers passing through the superior longitudinal fasciculus. The posterior parietal cortex has several functional characteristics-such as feature-independent coding, enhancement of activity by attention, representation of task-related signals, and access to multiple reference frames-that point to a central role of this region in the computation of a feature-and modality-independent priority map of the environment. The priority map integrates feature information elaborated in sensory cortex and top-down representations of behavioral goals and expectations originating in the dorsolateral prefrontal and premotor cortex. This review presents converging evidence from singleunit studies of the primate brain, functional neuroimaging, and investigations of neuropsychological disorders such as Bálint syndrome and spatial neglect for a decisive role of the frontoparietal attention network in the selection of relevant environmental information.
Journal of neurophysiology, 1998
Effects of attention to a local contour of a moving object on the activation of human primary visual cortex (area V1) were examined. Local cerebral oxygenation changes (an index of neuronal activity) in human area V1 were measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in conditions including the following two: 1) when attention was selectively directed toward one side of a moving wedge (the attention condition) and 2) when the wedges were viewed passively (the passive condition). Activation in area V1 was found to be higher in the attention condition than in the passive condition. To our knowledge, this is the first finding that attention to motion activates as early as area V1. We suggest that attentional activation of area V1 is task dependent.
The panoramic scenes of the world contain more information than we can take in with a single glance. To examine the fine details of a visual scene, we must rely on the brain's capability to focus attention in a spatially selective manner and thereby facilitate the perception of stimuli within a restricted zone of the visual field 1,2 . This covert focusing of attention has been likened metaphorically to a 'spotlight' 3 or 'zoom lens' 4 that can be shifted to relevant locations even when the eyes remain stationary. Psychophysical experiments have shown that stimuli falling within the spotlight of attention are detected and discriminated more rapidly and accurately than stimuli at unattended locations 1-4 .
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2010
Attentional modulation along the object-recognition pathway of the cortical visual system of primates has been shown to consist of enhanced representation of the retinal input at a specific location in space, or of objects located anywhere in the visual field which possess a critical object feature. Moreover, selective attention mechanisms allow the visual system to resolve competition among multiple objects in a crowded scene in favor of the object that is relevant for the current behavior. Finally, selective attention affects the spontaneous activity of neurons as well as their visually driven responses, and it does so not only by modulating the spiking activity of individual neurons, but also by modulating the degree of coherent firing within the critical neuronal populations.
Visual attention enables observers to select behaviorally relevant information based on spatial locations, features, or objects. Attentional selection is not limited to physically present visual information, but can also operate on internal representations maintained in working memory (WM) in service of higher-order cognition. However, only little is known about whether attention to WM contents follows the same principles as attention to sensory stimuli. To address this question, we investigated in humans whether the typically observed effects of object-based attention in perception are also evident for object-based attentional selection of internal object representations in WM. In full accordance with effects in visual perception, the key behavioral and neuronal characteristics of object-based attention were observed in WM. Specifically, we found that reaction times were shorter when shifting attention to memory positions located on the currently attended object compared with equidistant positions on a different object. Furthermore, functional magnetic resonance imaging and multivariate pattern analysis of visuotopic activity in visual (areas V1-V4) and parietal cortex revealed that directing attention to one position of an object held in WM also enhanced brain activation for other positions on the same object, suggesting that attentional selection in WM activates the entire object. This study demonstrated that all characteristic features of object-based attention are present in WM and thus follows the same principles as in perception.
Brain, 1997
Visual attention can be primarily allocated to either where an object is in space (with little emphasis on the structure of the object itself) or to the structure of the object (with little emphasis on where in space the object is located). Using PET measures of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) to index neural activity, we investigated the shared and specific functional anatomy underlying both of these types of visual attention in a controlled non-cueing non-blocked paradigm that involved identical stimuli across the conditions of interest. The interaction of eye movements with these attentional systems was studied by introducing fixation or free vision as an additional factor. Relative to the control condition, object-based and space-based attention showed significant activations of the left and right medial superior parietal cortex and the left lateral inferior parietal cortex, the left prefrontal cortex and the cerebellar vermis. Significant
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2006
The spatial focus of attention has traditionally been envisioned as a simple spatial gradient of enhanced activity that falls off monotonically with increasing distance. Here, we show with highdensity magnetoencephalographic recordings in human observers that the focus of attention is not a simple monotonic gradient but instead contains an excitatory peak surrounded by a narrow inhibitory region. To demonstrate this center-surround profile, we asked subjects to focus attention onto a color pop-out target and then presented probe stimuli at various distances from the target. We observed that the electromagnetic response to the probe was enhanced when the probe was presented at the location of the target, but the probe response was suppressed in a narrow zone surrounding the target and then recovered at more distant locations. Withdrawing attention from the pop-out target by engaging observers in a demanding foveal task eliminated this pattern, confirming a truly attention-driven effect. These results indicate that neural enhancement and suppression coexist in a spatially structured manner that is optimal to attenuate the most deleterious noise during visual object identification.
The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain, 2003
The relationship between spatial attention and object-based attention has long been debated. On the basis of behavioral evidence it has been hypothesized that these two forms of attention share a common mechanism, such that directing spatial attention to one part of an object facilitates the selection of the entire object. In a previous study (. "Objects are highlighted by spatial attention." J. Cogn. Neurosci. 18(2): 298-310) we used recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) during a paradigm modeled after that of Egly et al. (Egly, R., Driver, J., Rafal, D.R., 1994. Shifting visual attention between objects and locations: evidence from normal and parietal lesion subjects. J. Exp. Psychol. Gen.
NeuroImage, 2015
The modulation of neural activity in visual cortex is thought to be a key mechanism of visual attention. The investigation of attentional modulation in high-level visual areas, however, is hampered by the lack of clear tuning or contrast response functions. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study we therefore systematically assessed how small voxel-wise biases in object preference across hundreds of voxels in the lateral occipital complex were affected when attention was directed to objects. We found that the strength of attentional modulation depended on a voxel's object preference in the absence of attention, a pattern indicative of an amplificatory mechanism. Our results show that such attentional modulation effectively increased the mutual information between voxel responses and object identity. Further, these local modulatory effects led to improved information-based object readout at the level of multi-voxel activation patterns and to an increased reprod...
Consciousness and Cognition, 2015
The ability to select, within the complexity of sensory input, the information most relevant for our purposes is influenced by both internal settings (i.e., top-down control) and salient features of external stimuli (i.e., bottom-up control). We here investigated using fMRI the neural underpinning of the interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes, as well as their effects on extrastriate areas processing visual stimuli in a category-selective fashion. We presented photos of bodies or buildings embedded into frequency-matched visual noise to the subjects. Stimulus saliency changed gradually due to an altered degree to which photos stood-out in relation to the surrounding noise (hence generating stronger bottom-up control signals). Top-down settings were manipulated via instruction: participants were asked to attend one stimulus category (i.e., “is there a body?” or “is there a building?”). Highly salient stimuli that were inconsistent with participants’ attentional top-down template activated the inferior frontal junction and dorsal parietal regions bilaterally. Stimuli consistent with participants’ current attentional set additionally activated insular cortex and the parietal operculum. Furthermore, the extrastriate body area (EBA) exhibited increased neural activity when attention was directed to bodies. However, the latter effect was found only when stimuli were presented at intermediate saliency levels, thus suggesting a top-down modulation of this region only in the presence of weak bottom-up signals. Taken together, our results highlight the role of the inferior frontal junction and posterior parietal regions in integrating bottom-up and top-down attentional control signals.
Journal of neurophysiology, 1997
Many neurons in extrastriate visual cortex have large receptive fields, and this may lead to significant computational problems whenever multiple stimuli fall within a single field. Previous studies have suggested that when multiple stimuli fall within a cell's receptive field, they compete for the cell's response in a manner that can be biased in favor of attended stimuli. In the present study we examined this role of attention in areas V1, V2, and V4 of macaque monkeys with the use of a behavioral paradigm in which attention was directed to one of two stimulus locations. When two stimuli were presented simultaneously inside the cell's receptive field (which could be accomplished only in areas V2 and V4), we found that the cell's response was strongly influenced by which of the two stimuli was attended. The size of this attention effect was reduced when the attended and ignored stimuli were presented sequentially rather than simultaneously. In addition, the effects ...
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