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2002, Computer Software and …
Component based software development is becoming more generalized, representing a considerable market for the software industry. The perspective of reduced development costs and shorter life cycles acts as a motivation for this expansion. However, several technical issues remain unsolved before software component's industry reaches the maturity exhibited by other component industries. Problems such as the component selection by their integrators, the component catalogs formalization and the uncertain quality of third-party developed components , bring new challenges to the software engineering community. This paper presents an overview of the current research efforts on software components, from a quality assessment perspective. The emerging of empirical component based software engineering practices, to complement the current research trends with a more effective component's quality and complexity evaluation, is perceived as a research area that will become very active in a near future.
One of the most critical processes in component based software development (CBSD) is the choice of suitable commercial off-the-shelf components (COTS) that meet the user requirements. An important step in the component selection process is the evaluation of components using quality models. This paper presents the most relevant of current quality models proposed in the literature. A comparative analysis among them was performed and some issues related to CBSD were identified. Additionally, the main benefits and limitations associated with each quality model were highlighted and explored.
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) provides for developers the ability to easily reuse and assemble software entities to build complex software. It is based on the composition of prefabricated software entities called components. In this context, the selection step is very important. It consists of searching and selecting appropriate software components from a set of candidate components in order to satisfy the developer-specific requirements. In the selection process, both functional and non- functional requirements are generally considered. In this paper we present a method enabling the evaluation of software components quality. This method allows us choosing the best component in term of non-functional needs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
25th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. COMPSAC 2001, 2001
The growing reliance on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components for developing large-scale projects introduces a new paradigm in software engineering, which requires the design of new software development and business processes. Large scale component reuse leads to savings in development resources, enabling these resources to be applied to areas such as quality improvement. These savings come at the price of integration dificulties, performance constraints, and incompatibility of components from multiple vendors. Relying on COTS Components also increases the system's vulnerability to risks arising from third-parq development, which can negatively affect the quality of the system, us well as causing expenses not incurred in traditional software development. We aim to alleviate such concerns by using software nietrics to accurately quantijj factors contributing to the overall quality of a Component-Based System (CBS), guiding quality and risk nianagement by identifiing and eliminating sources of risk,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
In Component Based Software Development (CBSD), applications are built from existing components either by assembling or replacing software parts. Reusing components may lead to faster software development and subsequently reduce cost and provide higher product quality. In CBSD, software component models define what components are and how they compose. However, no research has been done to assess the quality of software component models, to assess the characteristics of software component design. This paper proposed a software component quality model specifically to answer the question what characteristics make good component. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been conducted by defining a robust protocol that combines automatic searches from different sources. The finding of the SLR has contributed to the development of quality model for CBSD, i.e. a proposed component quality model with metrics which is specific to software component design.
Information and Software Technology, 2007
Component-based software development is being identified as the emerging method of developing complex applications consisting of heterogeneous systems. Although more research attention has been given to Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components, original software ...
The last decade marked the first real attempt to turn software development into engineering through the concepts of Component-Based Software Development (CBSD) and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components. The idea is to create high-quality parts and join them together to form a functioning system. One of the most critical processes in CBSD is the selection of the COTS components from a repository that meet the user requirements. Current approaches try to propose appropriate quality models for the effective assessment of such components. These proposals define quality characteristics, attributes, and metrics, which are specific to the particular nature of COTS components and CBSD. However, we have found that the information required evaluating those components using those quality models and metrics is not usually available in the existing commercial software repositories. This paper presents a survey we have conducted on the most popular COTS component vendor sites, trying to evaluate how much of the information required to assess COTS components is actually available. Our goal was to estimate the current gap between the "required" and the "provided" information, since there is no point in defining theoretical measures for COTS components if the data they rest upon is not available. Analyzing this gap is the first step towards successfully bridging it, by both refining the component quality models so their metrics are more realistic, and by improving the information currently provided by software component vendors.
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2003., 2003
Quality and risk concerns currently limit the application of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software components to non-critical applications. Software metrics can quantify factors contributing to the overall quality of a componentbased system, and models for tradeoffs between cost and various aspects of quality can guide quality and risk management by identifying and eliminating sources of risk. This paper discusses metrics and models that can be used to alleviate quality concerns for COTS-based systems, enabling the use of COTS components in a broader range of applications.
The main aim of software engineering community is to provide a high quality system or a product. To achieve this in recent years, many considerable efforts have put by software engineers in to the design and development of Component based software system (CBSS).This Paper presents some such efforts by using measurement tools and technique, i.e. through the effective software metrics. We provide an account of novel software measures for component by adequate coupling, cohesion and interface metrics. The advantages of our technique are discussed as well through a case study in this paper. Introduction Component-based software (CBS) construction has brought a new revolution in software engineering. Component based software engineering is a methodology that emphasizes the design and construction of computer-based systems using reusable component. It’s also developing a kind of software which relies on reuse and it emerged from the failure of object oriented development. Component provid...
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 2020
Software engineering is an approach pre-owned by the researchers and innovators to reduce the ratio of crisis in software. Therefore the designer/ innovator can readily design a valuable quality software, by using various approaches like Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). The components quality has a high impact on the quality of a whole application. Several quality models for CBSE and Component-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) are available in the literature so this paper presents various quality models with defined parameters for quality prediction. Several models, like, Boehm's, McCall's, FURPS, ISO 9126, Dromey's, have been developed for quality evaluation using hierarchically related characteristics of quality indicators. Over the years, some models have been developed for structuring software quality for software. Nowadays, researchers are showing their passion for innovation in the area of software reliability. The reliability of a software component relies on the following factors like the reliability of services, environment frequency so finally this paper presents the analysis and assessment of software quality models and their quality parameters for CBS by going through various researchers and practitioners' work.
Proceedings of the 5ª Conferência da APSI, 2004
Objective: To contribute with an overview on the current state of the art concerning metrics-based quality evaluation of software components and component-based assemblies. Method: Comparison of several approaches available in the literature, in terms of their scope, intent, definition technique and maturity. Results: Common shortcomings of current approaches, such as ambiguity in definition, lack of adequacy of the specifying formalisms and insufficient validation of current quality models and metrics for software components. Conclusions: Quality evaluation of components and component-based infrastructures presents new challenges to the Experimental Software Engineering community which are not conveniently dealt with by current approaches.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Traditional software estimation models are directed towards large monolithic software development projects. Contemporary software development practices require a new approach to software cost estimation. Contemporary development practices characterize a software application as interacting, independent components. Component-based development offers many potential benefits such as a greater reuse. Component based software development approach is based on the idea to develop software systems by selecting appropriate off-the shelf components and then to assemble them with a welldefined software architecture. Software community faces a major challenge that is raised by fast growing demand for rapid and cost-effective development and maintenance of large scale and complex software systems. To overcome the challenge, the new trend is to adopt component based software engineering (CBSE).The key difference between CBSE and traditional software engineering is that CBSE views a software system as a set of off-the-shelf components integrated within appropriate software architecture. CBSE promotes large-scale reuse, as it focuses on building software on building software systems by assembling off-the-shelf components rather than implementing the entire system from scratch. CBSE also emphasis on selection and creation of software architecture that allow systems to achieve their quality requirements .As a result, CBSE has introduced fundamental changes in software development and maintenance.
World Academy of Science, Engineering …
AbstractThis paper is a survey of current component-based software technologies and the description of promotion and inhibition factors in CBSE. The features that software components inherit are also discussed. Quality Assurance issues in componentbased ...
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is undertaking a feasibility study of "componentbased software engineering" (CBSE). The objective of this study is to determine whether CBSE has the potential to advance the state of software engineering practice and, if so, whether the SEI can contribute to this advancement. This report is the second part of a threepart report on the study. Volume I contains a market assessment for CBSE. Volume III outlines a proposed course of action for the SEI. Volume II, this report, establishes the technical foundation for SEI work in CBSE. The paper asserts that the key technical challenge facing CBSE is to ensure that the properties of a system of components can be predicted from the properties of the components themselves. The key technical concepts of CBSE that are needed to support this vision are described : component, interface, contract, component model, component framework, composition, and certification.
Among the various challenges to industry, the major challenge is to offer products with high level of quality andfunctionality at inexpensive value and short time and energy to market. Component-based software development(CBSD) approach have become quite popular from the point of view of quality assurance. The most captivating reason for embracing CBSD approach is the conjecture of reuse. The goal of this study is to comprehend categorize and inspect prevailing research in CBSD field from quality point of view. The main focus is given onproposals that are accustomed to assess the quality of component-based software system (CBSS). This paper represents the methodology through which the quality of component-based software system can be assured. Quality assurance is taken as a vital research term. In this paper, two main approaches for assuring quality are taken under consideration: encapsulation and composition rules. Functional and non functional properties are encapsulated as an individual unit to be able to fulfill the product quality demands. In this paper, focus is given on two main quality attributes: predictability and reusability. This paper analyze the prior work being prepared for quality assurance and compare the work on the foundation of their research methodology. No matter what but it is very difficult to develop a software system by fulfilling all the quality demands and because of this reason a more determined attempt is required to meet an improved assessment approach in the future.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) has shown significant prospects in rapid production of large software systems with enhanced quality, and emphasis on decomposition of the engineered systems into functional or logical components with well-defined interfaces used for communication across the components. In this paper, a series of metrics proposed by various researchers have been analyzed, evaluated and benchmarked using several large-scale publicly available software systems. A systematic analysis of the values for various metrics has been carried out and several key inferences have been drawn from them. A number of useful conclusions have been drawn from various metrics evaluations, which include inferences on complexity, reusability, testability, modularity and stability of the underlying components. The inferences are argued to be beneficial for CBSE-based software development, integration and maintenance.
Most of the applications in today's IT industry are developed with the help of existing codes, libraries, design, open source etc. As the code is accessed in a program it is represented as the software component. Code is a ready to use component in programming. Developing software with the help of existing component or code is called software reusability. These components can be code, architecture, documents, designs etc. While using these components the main question arises whether to use such components is worth full or not which means reusing these components increases or decreases the quality of the software. In this proposed work i have made an attempt to answer this question. In this work i am presenting a set of software metrics that will check the interconnection between the software components and the application. How strong this relation defines the software quality after using this software component. For this to be happen work i have taken four components having interconnection between them. After applying software metrics on them i will be able to suggest which component will increase the quality of the software produced. The overall metrics will return the final result in terms of the dependencies of the component with application. No doubt many techniques have been developed to estimate the quality of the software but my approach will estimate the quality of software with the help of a concept called Software Reusability. As I earlier said software reuse is the process of developing software systems using existing software assets. Good software reuse always results in the increase of productivity, quality, reliability and the decrease of costs as well as implementation
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2010
Component selection is not an easy task in Component Based Software Engineering .and it is very difficult to select component for CBSE. Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is a concerned with the assembly of pre-existing software components that leads to a software system that responds to client-specific requirements. This paper presents an approach for defining evaluation criteria for reusable software components. We introduce taxonomy of factors that influence selection, describe each of them, and present a hierarchical decomposition method for deriving reuse goals from factors and formulating the goals into an evaluation criteria hierarchy. It also presents a summary of the common problems in reusable off-the-shelf software selection, describes the method .It also indicates that the evaluated aspects of the method are feasible, improve the quality and efficiency of reusable software selection. In this paper the selection of component is done on the basis of the cost of the component which is calculated on the basis of the quality attributes of the component. The approach used for selecting the component is a part of OTSO method that has been developed for reusable component selection process.
: Component-based Software Development is being recognized as the direction in which the software industry is headed. With the proliferation of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Components, this trend will continue to emerge as a preferred technique for developing distributed software systems encompassing heterogeneous components. In order for this approach to result in software systems with a predictable quality, the COTS components utilized should in turn offer a guaranteed level of quality. This calls for an objective paradigm for quantifying the quality of service of COTS components. A Quality of Service (QoS) catalog, proposed here, for software components is a first step in quantifying the quality attributes. This catalog is a critical component of the UniFrame project, which targets at unifying the existing and emerging distributed component models under a common meta-model for the purpose of enabling discovery, interoperability, and collaboration of components via generative p...
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