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1994, Physical Review Letters
17 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
We report the measurement of masses and widths of D" and D;*+ mesons (L = 1 charm mesons) by the E687 Collaboration at Fermilab. We report on a D**' state of mass (width) 2453f3f2 (25flOf5) MeV/c' decaying to Df?r-, a D**f state of mass (width) 24531k31k2 (23&9+5) MeV/c' decaying to D%+, a D"' state of mass (width) 2422&2f2 (15k8f4) MeV/c' decaying to D*f?r-, and a D:*f state of mass 2535.0zl~0.6fl.O MeV/cl and width less than 3.2 MeV/cl at 90% confidence level, decaying to D'+Kt and D*"K+.
The orbitally excited charmed meson states, collectively referred to as D, are P-wave excitations of the quarkantiquark system involving one charm and one light quark. If we write the total angular momentum as~ J~ jq sQ;~ jq sq~ L, where~ L is the orbital angular momentum and Q q denotes the charm (light) quark, then in the heavy-quark limit mQ QCD the spin of the charm quark sQ decouples from the other degrees of freedom.
Physics Letters B, 2004
Using data from the FOCUS experiment we analyze the D + π − and D 0 π + invariant mass distributions. We measure the D * 0 2 mass M D * 0 2 = (2464.5 ± 1.1 ± 1.9) MeV/c 2 and width Γ D * 0 2
The MARK III collaboration has collected a large sample of D mesons produced at the Ψ(3770) resonance. The reconstruction of several thousand hadronic D decays makes possible for the first time the reconstruction of exclusive semileptonic D decays. Absolute branching ratios are measured for the nine decays D0 → K- e+ νe, D0 → K- π0 e+ νe, D0 → K̅0 π- e+ νe, D+ → K̅0 e+ νe, D+ → K- π+ e+ νe, D0 → π- e+ νe, D0 → K- μ+ νμ, D0 → K̅0 π- μ+ νμ, and D+ → K̅0 μ+ νμ. The sums of the exclusive branching ratios are in good agreement with the inclusive semileptonic branching ratios measured by the MARK III. The rate of the Cabibbo-suppressed decays is consistent with the predicted rate. The contribution of the K*(892) to the K-π invariant mass spectrum for decays of the type D → K π e+ νe is found to be about 55%. The vector form factor in the decays D0 → K- e+ νe and D0 → K- μ+ νμ is measured and found to be consistent with a simple pole form.
The European Physical Journal C, 2009
Physical Review D, 2015
Inspired by the present experimental status of charmed-strange mesons, we perform a systematic study of the charmed-strange meson family, in which we calculate the mass spectra of the charmed-strange meson family by taking a screening effect into account in the Godfrey-Isgur model and investigate the corresponding strong decays via the quark pair creation model. These phenomenological analyses of charmed-strange mesons not only shed light on the features of the observed charmed-strange states, but also provide important information on future experimental search for the missing higher radial and orbital excitations in the charmed-strange meson family, which will be valuable task in LHCb, forthcoming BelleII and PANDA.
Analysis of strong decays of charmed mesons D * 2 (2460), D 0 (2560), D 2 (2740), D 1 (3000), D * 2 (3000) and their spin partners D * 1 (2680), D * 3 (2760) and D * 0 (3000).
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2004
The connection between light quark spectroscopy and hadronic decays of D mesons is discussed, with emphasis on the physics of the light scalar mesons. Recent results from charm decays are presented.
Using data collected by the FOCUS experiment at Fermilab, we report the discovery of the decay modes D 0 → K − π + π + π + π − π − and D 0 → π + π + π + π − π − π − . With a sample of 48 ± 10 reconstructed D 0 → K − π + π + π + π − π − decays and 149 ± 17 reconstructed D 0 → π + π + π + π − π − π − decays, we measure the following relative branching ratios: Γ(D 0 → K − π + π + π + π − π − )/Γ(D 0 → K − π + π + π − ) = (2.70 ± 0.58 ± 0.38) × 10 −3 Γ(D 0 → π + π + π + π − π − π − )/Γ(D 0 → K − π + π + π − ) = (5.23 ± 0.59 ± 1.35) × 10 −3 Γ(D 0 → π + π + π + π − π − π − )/Γ(D 0 → K − π + π + π + π − π − ) = 1.93 ± 0.47 ± 0.48
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure — PoS(Hadron2017), 2018
In the last decade, charmed and bottom meson spectroscopy have seen great success in experimental sector. Experiments like LHCb, Babar etc are providing many new states which are being added to their spectroscopy. Newly predicted states like B(5970), D 2 (3000), D * (3000), B(5840) and many more still need to be assigned their proper place in the spectroscopy. So we studied the decay constant and the coupling constants of these states using the heavy quark effective theory as our model. We analyzed the two-body strong decays of the above states to their ground state mesons with light pseudo-scalar mesons (π, η, K). We also obtained the ratios among their strong decays, which can be confronted to the experimental data for the verification of their J P states. In addition to this, we also study the strong decays of their spin and strange partners, which are still experimentally not observed, and may be useful for future experiments in searching for these heavy-light mesons.
Physical Review D, 2015
We use overlap fermions as valence quarks to calculate meson masses in a wide quark mass range on the 2 + 1-flavor domain-wall fermion gauge configurations generated by the RBC and UKQCD Collaborations. The well-defined quark masses in the overlap fermion formalism and the clear valence quark mass dependence of meson masses observed from the calculation facilitate a direct derivation of physical current quark masses through a global fit to the lattice data, which incorporates O(a 2) correction, chiral extrapolation, and quark mass interpolation. Using the physical masses of Ds, D * s and J/ψ as inputs, Sommer's scale parameter r0 and the masses of charm quark and strange quark in the MS scheme are determined to be r0 = 0.458(11)(8) fm, m MS c (2 GeV) = 1.111(12)(22) GeV (or m MS c (mc) = 1.291(10)(18) GeV), and m MS s (2 GeV) = 0.103(6)(8) GeV, respectively. Furthermore, we observe that the mass difference of the vector meson and the pseudoscalar meson with the same valence quark contents is proportional to the reciprocal of the square root of the valence quark masses. The hyperfine splitting of charmonium, M J/ψ − Mη c , is determined to be 112(5)(3) MeV, which is in good agreement with the experimental value. We also predict the decay constant of Ds to be fD s = 256(5)(2) MeV. The masses of charmonium P-wave states χc0, χc1 and hc are also in good agreement with experiments.
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Physical Review D, 2004
Physical Review D, 2010
Physical Review Letters, 2001
Physical review, 2023
The European Physical Journal A, 2021
Physical Review Letters, 2009
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 1994
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 1996