Measurment of the masses and widths of L=1 charmed mesons

1994, Physical Review Letters

AI-generated Abstract

We report the measurement of masses and widths of D" and D;*+ mesons (L = 1 charm mesons) by the E687 Collaboration at Fermilab. We report on a D**' state of mass (width) 2453f3f2 (25flOf5) MeV/c' decaying to Df?r-, a D**f state of mass (width) 24531k31k2 (23&9+5) MeV/c' decaying to D%+, a D"' state of mass (width) 2422&2f2 (15k8f4) MeV/c' decaying to D*f?r-, and a D:*f state of mass 2535.0zl~0.6fl.O MeV/cl and width less than 3.2 MeV/cl at 90% confidence level, decaying to D'+Kt and D*"K+.