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The article discusses the complexities faced by church leaders and Christians in choosing an appropriate Bible translation. It critiques conventional debates around 'literal' versus 'free' translations, advocating instead for a functionalist approach focusing on the intended purpose of each translation. Drawing on Skopostheorie, it emphasizes the importance of loyalty in translations and suggests that ethical considerations should guide translation decisions, aiming for communicative effectiveness rather than strict linguistic fidelity.
We cannot do anything about the proliferation of English Bible translations. They will keep coming. This is something to lament, not to celebrate. People are not more biblically literate as more and more English translations are available. On the contrary, they know less and less about the content of the Bible (p. 196). This quotation serves to highlight the issue which Leland Ryken, Professor of English at Wheaton College, Illinois, is addressing in this book. A ware of the fact that the last two decades have seen a profusion of new translations of the Bible in English, Ryken' s concern is to examine the principles which underlie the task of Bible translation. Reading his book, one is aware both of a burden and of a passion: a burden for the Word of God, which, he contends, some modem versions have failed to communicate fully, and a passion to highlight those principles which will secure excellence in Bible translation. But this is no mere academic discussion of the merits of essential literalism over dynamic equivalence. It is a devastating critique of all translations which have applied the dynamic equivalence theory, on the basis that it is enough to communicate the thought of a passage. Translations like the NIV, the New Living Translation and The Message, are all flawed at this point, according to Ryken. By not paying attention to the individual words of the original text, they are guilty of obscuring much of the original world of the text as well as its literary qualities. In fact, Ryken's work is the exposition of a simple principle: that any translation has to respect the words of the original speaker. When these words are the words of God, the importance of the task is magnified. Many modem translations, according to Ryken, have adopted fallacious pre-judgements: such as that the Bible is uniformly simple, or that it is essentially modern, or that the uliimate goal of translation is readability, or that we should translate as if the Bible writers were living today, or
Jewish Studies Quarterly, 2007
Leo clamat, says Paul Valéry, does not mean The lion roars, but I am a grammatical example. This remark of Valérys almost contains an entire theory of translation: should what is said be translated, or what is meant? In a new translation of one of St. Pauls epistles, the Greek mysterion is translated as the ground out of which we venerate this Being (i. e., Christ) because mystery no longer expresses anything and mysterium is no longer understood. Is this a paraphrase or passable as a translation because the fog of incomprehension is becoming ever more impenetrable, i. e., because language competency is inexorably shrinking, but at the same time what is understood as the sense of the passage should be rescued for the present? A third example: the beginning of Shakespeares Measure for Measure reads: "Of government the properties to unfold / Would seem in me taffect speech and discourse." In Baudissins translation, this is "Das Wesen der Regierung zu entfalten, erschien in mir als Lust an eitler Rede." ("To unfold the properties of government, would appear to me as pleasure in idle speech." At the beginning of the 1960s, Heiner Mü ller translated the beginning thusly: "Das Wesen des Staates" ("The properties of the State"), and explained this in discussion with West German dramaturges: "You have a government; it can be voted out; but we have a state!" As puzzling as Mü llers choice and its justification are, what he does is nothing else than what unconsciously creeps into most translators work: he thinks from his own historical-political or aesthetic context and tries to rediscover it in the original. Translating is the most impossible thing in the world, yet people have been doing it since the world began. A translation can never be adequate, for if it were, it would be indistinguishable from the original, it would be a replica, as Borges describes in his story about a translator of "Don Quixote". Adequate would mean that one could posit equations
An introduction to different approaches to biblical translation.
Zeramim, 2019
The topic of Bible translation has come to the fore recently with Robert Alter's The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary 1 , a work that completes Alter's decades-long project of translating the entire Tanakh. I want to put this newest translation into the larger context of Bible translations, especially English Bible translations, and examine many of the issues involved in translating the Bible and the choices that translators make.
Technical translation significantly differs from literary translation in terms of various lexical and morphological categories. This particularly refers to the technical terminology that is characteristic for a particular professional field and its standardized meaning. One of the main tasks in the translation process is to discover the meaning of words in contextwhether they have acquired a new meaning or whether they have been used with a metaphorical or specialized meaning, etc. Based on the theoretical framework provided by Newmark, Vinay and Darbelnet, the research in this paper focuses on the use of various literal and free translation procedures and how they affect or change the meaning when it is recreated in the target text, i.e. in the translation. For that purpose, the analysis is performed on a contemporary corpus, with specific examples demonstrating which translation procedures provide semantic equivalence with the original.
Journal of Arts and Human Sciences. University of Bahri, 2018
This paper explores the concept of literal translation and its relevance to the field of translation studies. It studies the ongoing debate about literal versus free translation and tries to prove that this debate is still alive in today's theorization on translation. The paper briefly discusses the origin of the debate on literal translation from antiquity to our days and proves that literal translation is far from being abandoned as a method of translation and still represents an important concept in translation studies. The ongoing debate about literal versus free translation stems from the inclination of some translation theorists toward a translation method that is target language-oriented while other scholars represent the view that the target text should mirror the original text. These two views keep popping up from time to time in the academic debates under new terms, but they virtually refer to the same old issue; literal versus free translation. The paper touches on the main theories that still dominate the field of translation studies and can be traced back to the dichotomy of literal versus free translation. These dominant theories are explained and in contrast to literal and free translation showing the patterns of convergence and divergence. Finally, this study explores the concept of literal translation in translation studies in a bid to demonstrate that it is still dominating the modern theories of translation studies.
Serie Monografica De Ciencia Das Religioes Coleccao Pensar a Religiao, 2013
For most of the last half of the twentieth century the tendency was to think of Bible translations in terms of a binary opposition between literal or idiomatic, or, in other words, dynamic equivalence versus formal equivalence. Further academic discussion and, especially, the development of the whole academic field of translation studies has led to the problematizing of such a simple dichotomy and to much broader analyses of translation work and products including sociological, cultural, economic, rhetorical and ideological factors. In this essay we will first give an overview of developments in contemporary approaches to Bible translation around the world in the past few decades and then consider some recent translations of the Bible into the Portuguese language and how they relate to some of the themes and issues discussed in the first part of this essay.
In the new official translation of the current edition of the Roman Missal, without the National Propers for Ireland, there are 210,873 words, according to my computer. In the Latin from which it was translated, there are 187,747 words. The English has about 10% more words. The translation is an awesome task, not made easier by the fact that it is from a dead language to a language which is living and changing. The genius of gifted translation is that the gifts of expression of the second language can become a new revelation of meaning springing from the original language. The task is all the more challenging because of the aim to convey not just the meanings of words and sentences, but also a sense of the allusions to Scripture and to the traditions of Christianity. We need to find words to express a sense of the mystery and awe which are so much an integral element of the mystery of a loving God revealed in the Word made flesh. Finally, we need words which, as Liturgiam Authenticam (the official Vatican guide to liturgical translation) states, will be " evident and comprehensible even to the faithful who lack any special intellectual formation, the translations should be characterized by a kind of language which is easily understandable, yet which at the same time preserves these texts' dignity, beauty, and doctrinal precision. " (Paragraph 25) No translation is ever perfect. The current translation, dating from 1973, did a remarkable job in a relatively short time for the English-speaking church in many parts of the world. It aimed to express meaning without strict word for word equivalenc;, but it also lost some of the richness of the Latin text. I have been asking myself: is this new translation more successful? It does restore some of the lost richness. Yet, sadly, in my view this is not the translation we need. Liturgiam Authenticam insists that " the original text , insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. " (20) It also insists on maintaining the syntax of Latin " as completely as possible in a manner appropriate to the vernacular language. " (57) A doctrinaire rigidity in applying these principles causes major pastoral problems.
Bible Study Magazine, 2021
Functional translations are a diverse lot, but they tend to share a cluster of traits. First, they aim for a high degree of clarity. The reader shouldn’t struggle to understand the text; its “meaning is readily apparent to the contemporary reader,” allowing “the message to come through with immediacy” (NLT). Second, functional translations are idiomatic, using “words and forms that are widely accepted by people who use English” (GNT). Thus, word choice, word combinations, syntax, and flow of text should sound natural rather than foreign, stilted, or awkward. Third, a functional translation judges faithfulness in terms of accurately conveying the meaning of the text, rather than literally translating individual words. The NCV, for example, claims to “accurately communicate[] the messages found in the original languages."
Mere Orthodoxy, 2020
The task of translators is constrained by their commitment to the text itself—its meaning, of course, but also its form and background assumptions—as well as their respect for the recipient audience. (
Life-transforming Translations - Teaching Naturalness, 2015
Early in their training, many Translators are told that they should produce translations of the Scriptures that are "clear, accurate, and natural." Translators can be taught to produce clear and natural-sounding translations, if we help them to be aware of the discourse features of their language that are different from their source text, and then teach them to apply that knowledge in their translation. The term "discourse structure" refers to how a text is worded so that the audience can tell which things are more important and which things are less important. Discourse structure involves communicating the theme or main idea of a text, reporting quotations, marking the peak, marking paragraph boundaries, the use of connecting words and phrases between sentences, and the rate at which new information is introduced, etc. Each language has its own natural discourse structure.
This paper was delivered at a conference of the Michigan District in Monroe, Michigan on January 16, 2011. Minor editing has been done.
Acta Theologica, 2004
An overview of recent developments of the discipline which deals with the activity of translation, as well as the implications for Bible translation, is presented. Starting off with a discussion of the disciplinary nature of translation studies, an overview of some developments emphasising the source text, the process of translation, the reception of the translated text, and the cultural-social bound character of translation, is offered. Since the early eighties there has been a tendency within translation studies to move away from the normative and prescriptive approaches to translation and to adopt a descriptive approach towards the study of translated literature. Descriptive translation theorists attempt to account not only for textual strategies in the translated text, but also for the way in which the translation functions in the target cultural system. The implications that these recent theoretical developments have for Bible translation practice and criticism of Bible translations are arrived at in the last instance.
International Journal of Frontier Missiology, 2011
wrote perhaps the most complex, most interesting essay on the process of translation under the title The Task of the Translator in 1923. This very complex work of literary and translation theory has been analysed and referred to by several literary scholars in the past almost 100 years, the Belgian-American literary scholar Paul de Man among them. The present research article makes an attempt to present a comparative analysis based on close reading of the texts between Benjamin's original essay and Paul de Man's commentary, figuring out the possible (and necessary) contradictions and ambiguities of the text, trying to find the answer to the question whether or not translation, at least in the successful sense of the word, exist at all. Deconstructionist way of reading literary and theoretical texts may give multiple answers to the questions about translation, and demonstrate the possibility and impossibility of translation at the same time. WALTER BENJAMIN: The task of the literary translator (Scanning the primary text) Right at the beginning of his well-known and paradigmatic essay, Walter Benjamin rejects the notion of the ideal recipient, as if he were to consider poetry as existing for its own sake rather than being addressed to the reader in particularhe calls it pure language (ReineSprache). According to his thesis, the translator must go beyond conveying the message of the literary work. A translation that only conveys the message of the work is not a good translation. Linguistic expressions are in some respects untranslatable, some works are essentially translatable, while others do not yield to the intention of translation. A translated text is a text that has a life of its own in relation to the original work, since it was written later than the original text. The translation owes its very existence to the glory of the original work, i.e. its exceptional aesthetic value, since the original work is a text that has been found worthy of being lifted out of its own linguistic and cultural environment and transplanted into a foreign culture by means of translation.
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