Hypersonic Unmanned Aircraft


As weapons are getting more sophisticated, researchers are trying to build defense weapon systems that can keep pace with the continuously evolving technology. Just as stealth is changing the nature of warfare today, speed is being seen as the next big advancement in the field of aviation. After attaining stability in supersonic systems scientists are aiming towards the next segment of speed i.e. hypersonic region where speed ranges above Mach 5. The United States Air Force Chief Scientist Mica Endsley announced the target date for the next generation Hypersonic aircraft as 2023 . This time it will take the form of a 6500 kilometers per hour unmanned strike aircraft known as SR-72. It is by far the most advanced and funded hypersonic aircraft project the country has till date, hence the most relevant candidate for the claims by the US Air Force. Countries such as China and Russian are also developing in hypersonic technology because of non-availability of weapons to counter act these systems. The need for hypersonic weapons has emerged because with the evolving weapon technology which are intended to strike aircrafts, speed is the only alternative to escape the influence region of such weapons. Hypersonic aviation does not only provide high speed but along with it the capability to cover great distances at that speed .