Searching the Web: From Keywords to Semantic Queries

2005, Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA'05)


Within the emergent Semantic Web framework, the use of traditional web search engines based on keywords provided by the users is not adequate anymore. Instead, new methods based on the semantics of user keywords must be defined to search in the vast Web space without incurring in an undesirable loss of information.

Key takeaways

  • Section 5 explains the method followed to create semantic queries equivalent to the user keywords, by taking as basis the information obtained in previous steps as basis.
  • Matching semantic keywords with ontology terms: The system estimates the probability of synonymy between a semantic keyword and each term in the ontologies available in the system (such ontologies may have been developed automatically or not).
  • The system generates well-defined queries using the ontology terms matched with each semantic keyword.
  • In this section we detail the matching algorithm followed by the Knowledge Engineer agent to create semantic queries according to the chosen semantics of the user keywords.
  • The steps followed by the Knowledge Engineer agent, shown in Figure 3, for each semantic keyword are: 1: for each semantic keyword do 2: for each ontology do 3: