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2002, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
This paper presents a wind model, which has been developed for studies of the dynamic interaction between wind farms and the power system to which they are connected. The wind model is based on a power spectral description of the turbulence, which includes the coherence between wind speeds at different wind turbines in a wind farm, together with the effect of rotational sampling of the wind turbine blades in the rotors of the individual wind turbines. Both the spatial variations of the turbulence and the shadows behind the wind turbine towers are included in the model for rotational sampling. The model is verified using measured wind speeds and power fluctuations from wind turbines. r
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2007
This paper deals with power fluctuations from wind farms. The time range in focus is between one minute and up to a couple of hours. In this time range, substantial power fluctuations have been observed during unstable weather conditions. A wind power fluctuation model is described, and measured time series from the first large offshore wind farm, Horns Rev in Denmark, are compared to simulated time series. The comparison between measured and simulated time series focuses on the ramping characteristics of the wind farm at different power levels and on the need for system generation reserves due to the fluctuations. The comparison shows a reasonable agreement between simulations and measurements, although there is still room for improvement of the simulation model.
Wind Energy, 2008
This paper deals with modelling of power fluctuations from large wind farms. The modelling is supported and validated using wind speed and power measurements from the two large offshore wind farms in Denmark. The time scale in focus is from 1 min to a couple of hours, where significant power fluctuations have been observed from these wind farms. Power and wind speed are measured with 1 s sampling time in all individual wind turbines in almost 1 year, which provides a substantial database for the analyses. The paper deals with diversified models representing each wind turbine individually and with aggregation of a wind farm to be represented by a single large wind turbine model.
The inclusion of wind power in power systems is steadily increasing around the world. This incorporation is forcing the utilities to assess its influence on the dynamics of power systems. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the information resulting from models that simulate the dynamic interaction between wind farms and the power systems they are connected to. Such models allow performing the necessary preliminary studies before connecting wind farms to the grid. The purpose of this paper is to show by means of simulations the voltage fluctuations caused by a wind farm linked to a weak power system. A model for dynamic performance of wind farms is presented. Moreover, a wind speed model and a wind turbine model are briefly presented. The results of the effects of the wind farm on the grid performance are shown in a testing power system through different settings.
A dynamic model of the wind farm Hagesholm has been implemented in the dedicated power system simulation program DIgSILENT. The wind farm consists of six 2MW NM2000/72 wind turbines from NEG-Micon. The model has been verified using simultaneous power quality measurements on the 10 kV terminals of a single wind turbine and power performance measurements on two wind turbines. The verification shows a generally good agreement between simulations and measurements, although the simulations at higher wind speeds seem to underestimate the power and voltage fluctuations. A way to improve the simulation at higher wind speeds is suggested. This report has passed the internal review performed by Peter Hauge Madsen Frede Blaabjerg ISBN 87-550-2912-4 ISBN 87-550-2913-2 (Internet) ISSN 0106-2840 Print: Pitney Bowes Management Services Denmark A/S, 2001 Risø-R-1281(EN) 3
2007 9th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, 2007
In this work, the power oscillations during continuous operation of a whole wind farm and a single turbine are characterized for timescales in the range of minutes to fractions of seconds. A stochastic model is derived in time and frequency domains to link the overall behavior of a large number of wind turbines from the operation of a single turbine.
Wind Engineering, 2002
This paper describes a dy namic model of a wind farm and its nearest utility grid. It is intended to use this model in studies addressing the dy namic interaction betw een a wind farm and a power sy stem , both during norm al operation of the wind farm and during transient g rid fault events. T he m odel comprises the substation w here the wind farm is connected, the internal power collection sy stem of the wind farm , the electrical, mechanical and aerody namic models for the wind turbines, and a wind m odel. T he integ rated m odel is built to enable the assessm ent of power quality and control stra tegies. It is implem ented in the comm ercial dedicated power sy stem sim ulation tool D IgSILE NT.
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2004
In this paper, a wind energy converter (WEC) model for the analysis of power fluctuations at an isolated wind plant is presented. The model includes the drive train dynamics, a firstorder model for the asynchronous generator, and the power controller. The influence of each element is studied, and the conditions that can provoke oscillations in the power delivered by the WEC are considered. A set of measurements carried out during the setting of an isolated wind plant in the Canary Islands (Spain) is the basis for this study. In these measurements, an oscillatory behavior has been observed when wind speed was high.
2007 IEEE Lausanne Power Tech, 2007
The incorporation of wind power generation to the power system leads to an increase in the variability of the system power flows. The assessment of this variability is necessary for the planning of the necessary system reinforcements. For the assessment of this variability, the uncertainty in the system inputs should be modeled, comprising of the time-dependent stochasticity of the system loads and the correlated wind resources. In this contribution, a unified Monte-Carlo simulation methodology is presented that addresses both issues. The application of the method for the analysis of the wind power integration in the New England test system is presented.
Applied Energy, 2021
Our current understanding on the dynamic interaction between large-scale motions in the approaching turbulent flow and wind turbine power is very limited. To address this, numerical studies of a small-scale three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine with cylinders placed in front of it to produce energetic coherent structures of varying scale relative to the turbine size have been carried out to examine the temporary variations of the turbine power. The predicted spectra reveal a strong interaction between large-scale turbulent motions generated by cylinders and the instantaneous turbine power. More specifically, it shows how the large dominant turbulent scales of incoming flow affect the spectral characteristics of turbine power, i.e, determining the level and trend of the turbine power spectrum. Comparisons reveal that there are two critical frequencies recognisable in the turbine power spectrum: the first one, close to the turbine rotational frequency, above which the coupling of upstream flow and turbine power disappears; the second one, identified for the first time and related to the dominant large-scale motions which dictate the level and trend of the turbine power spectrum. This study also shows that the strong scale-to-scale interaction between the upstream flow and turbine power reported previously does not appear at high Reynolds numbers.
Addressing short-term wind and wind turbine power fluctuations is fundamental in order to understand the nature of turbulence and of the mechanical loads to which wind turbines are subjected. This work is an experimental study of wind and power fluctuations at on onshore wind farm in Italy. Four wind turbines having 2 MW of rated power each are studied through time-resolved data. The sampling frequency is of the order of the Hz. This wind farm has been selected because there are two orders of magnitude of inter-turbine distance (3 and 7 rotor diameters) and therefore it is possible to study different levels of wake interactions recovery. The power curve at short time scales is studied and the inertia of the wind turbines, with respect to the wind fluctuations, is observed in the form of hysteresis of the power curve. Subsequently, the distribution of the wind and power variations is studied on several time scales and different features of the distributions are observed for downstream wind turbines with respect to upstream ones. The two-point statistics of power and wind-power is shown to be responsive to the wake regime to which wind turbines are subjected. This can suggest new approaches for wake control strategies.
The thesis first presents the basics influences of wind power on the power system stability and quality by pointing out the main power quality issues of wind power in a small-scale case and following, the expected large-scale problems are introduced. Secondly, a dynamic wind turbine model that supports power quality assessment of wind turbines is presented. Thirdly, an aggregate wind farm model that support power quality and stability analysis from large wind farms is presented. The aggregate wind farm model includes the smoothing of the relative power fluctuation from a wind farm compared to a single wind turbine. Finally, applications of the aggregate wind farm model to the power systems are presented. The power quality and stability characteristics influenced by large-scale wind power are illustrated with three cases. In this thesis, special emphasis has been given to appropriate models to represent the wind acting on wind farms. The wind speed model to a single wind turbine includes turbulence and tower shadow effects from the wind and the rotational sampling turbulence due to the rotation of the blades. In a park scale, the wind speed model to the wind farm includes the spatial coherence between different wind turbines. Here the wind speed model is applied to a constant rotational speed wind turbine/farm, but the model is suitable to variable speed wind turbine/farm as well. The cases presented here illustrate the influences of the wind power on the power system quality and stability. The flicker and frequency deviations are the main power quality parameters presented. The power system stability concentrates on the voltage stability and on the power system oscillations. From the cases studied, voltage and the frequency variations were smaller than expected from the large-scale wind power integration due to the low spatial correlation of the wind speed. The voltage quality analysed in a Brazilian power system and in the Nordel power system from connecting large amount of wind power showed very small voltage variations. The frequency variations analysed from the Nordel showed also small variations in the frequency but it also showed that the wind turbines excites the power system in the electromechanical modes. Concerning the stability analysis, the study cases showed that large-scale wind power modifies the voltage stability of the power system and can cause power oscillations. It is showed here that the reactive power from the wind farms is the key factor on the voltage stability problem. During continuous operation, the distributed wind power variations did not give any problems to the power system stability concerning the power oscillations. v
7th International Workshop on Large Scale …, 2008
In this paper, the impact of the wind time variability and the spatial smoothing effect in mountainous complex terrains, usually taken as 1/sqrt(N) for fast fluctuations, is studied. The dimension of the regions, the type of electrical clustering of large numbers of wind turbines and the local meteorological effects are addressed and conclusions drawn on selected experimental case studies.
A dynamic model of the wind farm Hagesholm has been imple-mented in the dedicated power system simulation program DIgSILENT. The wind farm consists of six 2MW NM2000/72 wind turbines from NEG-Micon. The model has been verified using simultaneous power ...
Wind Energy, 2018
An analytical model for the streamwise velocity space-time correlations in turbulent flows is derived and applied to the special case of velocity fluctuations in large wind farms. The model is based on the Kraichnan-Tennekes random sweeping hypothesis, capturing the decorrelation in time while including a mean wind velocity in the streamwise direction. In the resulting model, the streamwise velocity space-time correlation is expressed as a convolution of the pure space correlation with an analytical temporal decorrelation kernel. Hence, the spatio-temporal structure of velocity fluctuations in wind farms can be derived from the spatial correlations only. We then explore the applicability of the model to predict spatiotemporal correlations in turbulent flows in wind farms. Comparisons of the model with data from a large eddy simulation of flow in a large, spatially periodic wind farm are performed, where needed model parameters such as spatial and temporal integral scales and spatial correlations are determined from the large eddy simulation. Good agreement is obtained between the model and large eddy simulation data showing that spatial data may be used to model the full temporal structure of fluctuations in wind farms.
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2007
In this paper a wind park dynamic model is presented together with a base methodology for its application to power system studies. This detailed wind generation model addresses the wind turbine components and phenomena more relevant to characterize the power quality of a grid connected wind park, as well as the wind park response to the grid fast perturbations, e.g. low voltage ride through fault. The developed model was applied to the operating conditions of the selected sets of wind turbine experimental benchmark data from Azores and Alsvik wind parks, both for steady and transient operation of the grid. The results show a fairly good agreement in the relevant range of frequencies and indicate the model may be used as a tool for power system studies.
Every passing day wind energy becomes more indispensable part of power systems. So this increasing require the analysis of wind turbine impact on the grid. In this study, possible effect of wind turbine which is connected to Turkish distribution grid are analyzed. Distribution grid system is modeled with NEPLAN power system analysis simulator program. Finally, results are presented.
Electric Power Systems Research, 2010
In this paper, we develop a simulation procedure to generate realistic, synthetic wind speed variates for wind parks. These wind variates are defined by their marginal Weibull distributions and their auto-and cross-correlations only. In order to deal with these two types of correlation simultaneously, a vector autoregressive (VAR) model is used. Power output variates are obtained by applying the nonlinear turbine power curves to the correlated wind speed samples. The complete procedure is illustrated through a numerical example with a few turbines. A comparison is established between real wind time series from a wind park and synthetic wind variates simulated with similar, estimated underlying parameters.
European Wind Energy …, 2004
Dynamic models of wind farms for power system studies are at present not a standard feature of many software tools, but are being developed by research institutes, universities and commercial entities. Accurate dynamic wind farm models are critical; hence model validation is a key issue and taken up by IEA Wind R&D Annex 21. This international working group includes participants from nine countries, and has since start-up in 2002 developed a systematic approach for model benchmark testing. This paper present this methodology, including example benchmark test results, but also gives an overview of the various wind farm models now being available from both Annex partners and external entities.
2007 IEEE Lausanne Power Tech, 2007
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