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Steganography which is normally used to solve security issues can be implemented using two processes, namely embedding and extracting. With current steganography methods it is not possible to ascertain and verify that the secret message has been attacked or otherwise. This paper proposes an enhanced secure method for audio steganography (SSAS) which can perform better than that proposed by Atoum et al . This proposed method has the capability to verify whether the secret message has been attacked or not, thus improving the message security. PSNR and X 2 are two criteria used in the experiment to gauge the robustness and imperceptibility of the stego-object file for the proposed SSAS.
… , 2009. ICITST 2009 …, 2009
A wide range of steganography techniques has been described in this paper. Beside the evaluation of embedding parameters for the existing techniques, two problems -weaknesses-of substitution techniques are investigated which if they could be solved, the large capacity -strength-of substitution techniques would be practical. Furthermore, a novel, principled approach to resolve the problems is presented. Using the proposed genetic algorithm, message bits are embedded into multiple, vague and higher LSB layers, resulting in increased robustness.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Abstract: In the current internet scenario, secure data transmission is limited due to its attack, interception and manipulation by eavesdropper. So more robust methods are required to ensure data transmission. One solution to the above problem is steganography, which is the art and science of writing message in such a way that no one can detect the existence of the hidden message. Audio steganography hide the secret message in cover audio file in an undetectable way. This paper proposes a method MAES (Modified Advance Encyption Standard) advance 3 levels LSB embedding technique with secret data. The main objective of the proposed system is to provide high audio quality, robustness, high embedded bit rate and computed using PSNR, MSE values for various audio signals.
2016 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2016
Steganography is the art of science dealing with hiding secret data inside image, audio, video or text files. In audio steganography; secret message is embedded in the digital sound by slightly altering the binary sequence of the sound file. Existing audio steganography software deal with WAV, AU, and even MP3 sound files. Embedding secret messages in the digital sound is usually a more difficult process than embedding messages in other forms, such as digital images. Audio steganography uses different algorithms, but (LSB) least significant bit is applied in this paper. The quality of sound is depended on the size of the audio which the user selects and length of the message.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014
After a rapid growth of cyber revolution, developing a secret communication is a major task of security that has gained increasing importance. Cryptography and steganography are the best methods for introducing hidden communication. Current technology allows steganography applications to hide any digital file inside of any other digital file. Due to the existence of their redundancies, audio and video files are much suitable for the purpose of hiding. Audio steganography is a challenging subject because human auditory system (HAS) is more sensitive than human visual system (HVS). It requires a text or audio secret message to embed within a carrier audio file. Several basic audio Steganographic methods like LSB method, parity coding etc., are in existence, but the proposed LSB with XORing method gives high security which undergoes cryptographic randomized algorithm too. By performing two level encryption, capacity and robustness will be increased.
Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science, 2021
The benefits that individuals and organizations derive from the digital era comes with its own challenges. Globally, data has become one of the greatest assets for decision making and operational improvements among businesses, government agencies and even individuals. Data on its own and at its source does not make so much contribution to business processes. Data is transmitted from one location to another towards attainment of its goal as a critical resource in decision making. However, data including sensitive or confidential ones are transmitted via public channels such as the Internet. The data so transmitted via the Internet is vulnerable to interception and unauthorized manipulation. This demands that data in transit is protected from the prying eyes of the malicious internet users. One of such strategies for transmitting data via public channels such as the Internet without attracting attention from intruders is steganography. In this paper, the least significant bit algorithm was used with an audio file for hiding data in transit. The algorithm used in this research proves to be one of the simplest ways of securing data using audio steganography. The method employed the LSB technique by using audio files as the stego object for the final implementation in the Java programming language. The experimental results proved to be one of the best methods of implementing steganography. The accuracy of the stego objects shows high quality, and similarity scores with an improved processing time.
Introduction Steganography, coming from the Greek words stegos, meaning roof or covered and graphia which means writing. It is the art and science of hiding the fact that communication is taking place. Using the steganography, we can embed a secret message inside a piece of unsuspicious information and Send it without anyone knowing of the existence of the secret message. Steganography and cryptography are closely related. Cryptography scrambles messages so they cannot be understood. Steganography on the other hand, will hide the message so there is no knowledge of the existence of the message in the first place. In some situations, sending an encrypted message will arouse suspicion while an invisible message will not do so. Both sciences can be combined to produce better protection of the message. The principle defined once by Kerckhoffs for cryptography, also stands for steganography: the quality of a cryptographic system should only depend on a small part of information, namely t...
Audio as a cover mediu m in steganography has its own place due to its bigger size compare to other carrier's file like (text, image, etc.). So there are more possibilities to hide large amount of data inside audio as a cover. There are also some inherent characteristics in Hu man Auditory System (HAS), which make it great success in field of Steganogarphy. Dig ital contents are easy to be pirated and to be distributed in today's world. Recently created technology on web increases the rate of data transmission, open new possibilit ies for audio steganography. Digital steganography is based on the fact that artifacts like audio files contain redundant informat ion, so instead of eliminating the redundant information, we replace some of it with other data based on human auditory system. Audio steganography, or information hiding in audio signals, is gaining widespread importance for secure communication of informat ion such as covert battlefield data. On another level, watermarking of audio signals for digital rights management is becoming vital to prevent illegal copying, file sharing, etc. In fact, when co mmunicat ion about highly confidential topics is needed, steganography combined with cryptography would be the most secure way to go. Because the mere existence of an encrypted communication draws attention to it, hiding it in another file ups your security level substantially. In this paper we will take an in-depth look at this technology by introducing the reader to various existent methods of Audio Steganography, its practical applications, what works, what does not, and possible research areas.
International journal of scientific research in computer science, engineering and information technology, 2022
Electronically communicating has increased in the covid scenario giving birth too numerous new styles to transmit information securely and robustly. So to achieve communication in secured way audio steganography can be used. Audio steganography is a method to hide text message in audio. In this paper, comparison between Least Significant bit (LSB) and phase encoding steganographic methods are carried out by implementing these techniques. Also the audio extraction features like amplitude envelope, Root mean squared energy, Zero crossing rate, Band energy ratio, Spectral centroid, Spectral bandwidth and mfccs.
Today's internet community the secure data transfer is bounded due to its attack on data communication. Security of data can be achieved by implementing steganography techniques. All of the existing steganographic techniques use the digital multimedia files as a cover medium to conceal secret data. Audio file use as a cover medium in steganography because of its larger size compare to other carrier's file such as text, image. So there are more possibilities to hide large amount of data inside digital audio file. Signals and digital audio files make suitable mediums for steganography because of its high level of redundancy and high data transmission rate. This is not easy to hide data in real time communication audio signals. In this paper we will survey the overall principles of hiding secret data in audio file using audio data hiding techniques, and deliver an overview of present techniques and functions and also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of audio steganography methods. In this paper we have proposed a new method of audio steganography incorporating encryption and pseudorandom sequence as a key. The secret data has been encrypted using RSA and pseudorandom sequence. The encrypted data is then embedded in the audio signals. The use of the pseudorandom sequence increases the complexity of the encryption and the RSA algorithm gives a very tight cipher design.
IJCA Proceedings on …, 2012
In present day to day life, effective data hiding methods are needed due to attack made on data communication. This paper presents the technique for the above requirement. In this proposed method, secret message in form of audio file is embedded within another carrier audio file (. wav) . In the transmitter end the output will be similar to the carrier with secret message embedded inside. The hacker will be blinded by the transmitted signal. At the receiver end the original message can be retrieved without any loss. The entire proposed system is simulated and their corresponding waveforms prove the effectiveness of this method.
In this paper In this paper, the proposed method hides the secret message based on searching about the identical bits between the secret messages and image pixels values. The performed computer simulation demonstrates the high efficiency of the proposed technique and the analytical comparative analysis indicates a number of advantages in comparison with the existed steganography software. For hiding secret information in images, there exists a large variety of steganography techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points The first to employ hidden communications techniques -with radio transmissionswere the armies, because of the strategic importance of secure communication and the need to conceal the source as much as possible. Nowadays, new constraints in using strong encryption for messages are added by international laws, so if two peers want to use it, they can resort in hiding the communication into casual looking data. This s...
IEEE Access
We propose a novel LSB-BMSE method that enhances LSB audio steganography. It uses an innovative mechanism, Binaries of Message Size Encoding (BMSE), to embed a secret message after hiding its size in random samples. First, the secret message is compressed using Huffman coding, then encrypted by AES-128. The audio cover is split into number of blocks depending on secret message size. A secure key BMSE , output from the BMSE mechanism, is used to embed the secret message in random blocks and bytes adaptively according to its size. It is implemented using MATLAB and standard parameters: Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality and NIST Statistical Test Suite were used to measure imperceptibility between cover & stego audios and randomness of BMSE mechanism respectively. The fidelity was tested using Mean Square Error, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Comprehensive experiments on widely used metrics demonstrate that LSB-BMSE significantly surpasses existing methods in terms of hiding capacity and imperceptibility. Moreover, LSB-BMSE shows resistance to brute force attacks and statistical analysis. Although it was robust towards re-sampling attacks, nevertheless was not vigorous towards noise nor LSB attacks. The key BMSE complies with Kerckhoff's principle and exhibits avalanche criteria. The tested proposed LSB-BMSE proclaimed its effectiveness. INDEX TERMS Adaptive Steganography, Audio Steganography, Hiding Information, Least Significant Bit (LSB) I. INTRODUCTION T O increase the security of secret messages in an open system environment, it is very important to hide two properties of the message, its context and existence in order to cover it from unauthorized recipients. Steganography is a science of invisible or secret communication [1-3]. Audio steganography is the art and science of hiding digital data such as text messages and binary files into audio files such as WAV, MIDI, AVI, MPEG and MP3 files [3-5]. The reason for considering audio as cover media is the representation of amplitudes in real number format which causes very small distortions after embedding the bits of target data. An efficacious steganography scheme should meet the three requirements, namely capacity, transparency and robustness. Capacity is the maximum amount of secret information that can be embedded in a file [9]. Imperceptibility indicates that a steganographic system is perfectly secure if the statistics of the cover and the stego files are identical. The last requirement is robustness which denotes the resistance of stego file to various attacks and its capability to retrieve secret message with a minimum error [10-13]. These parameters are conflicting as the increase in hiding capacity leads to degradation in the robustness of secret message and transparency of stego file and vice versa. Thus the trade-off among them is
A technique, in which readable form of secret message is converted to an unreadable form to keep the secret message undetectable easily by the any unauthorised access or adversary, is known as cryptography. Cryptography means simply jumbling sequence of original message or altered the sequence of message. Cryptanalysis is the technique at which the secret message is converted from unreadable format to readable format without knowing the techniques how they were converted from readable format to unreadable format. Audio steganography, where the audio file (.wav) file is used for the secret data embedding. Audio signal bits are modified with the secret bits as imperceptible manner.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
One of the things that must be considered when establishing a data exchange connection is to make that communication confidential and hide the file’s features when the snoopers intercept it. In this work, transformation (encoding) and steganography techniques are invested to produce an efficient system to secure communication for an audio signal by producing an efficient method to transform the signal into a red–green–blue (RGB) image. Subsequently, this image is hidden in a cover audio file by using the least significant bit (LSB) method in the spatial and transform domains using discrete wavelet transform. The audio files of the message and the cover are in *.wav format. The experimental results showed the success of the transformation in concealing audio secret messages, as well the remarkability of the stego signal quality in both techniques. A peak signal-to-noise ratio peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) scored (20-26) dB with wavelet and (81-112) dB with LSB for cover file size...
Steganography conceals the existence of secret information, while cryptography hides the meaning of the confidential information. Therefore, combining these two can provide a secure communication between a sender and a receiver. This article proposes a double-layer message security scheme where cryptography is the first layer and steganography is the second layer. AES-256, Blowfish, or a Logistic map is used in the cryptography layer. The LSB substitution technique is used for the steganography layer to embed a secret message inside cover audio. The LSB substitution technique is applied by alternating between the left and the right channels, respectively. Performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of a hearing test, running time, embedding capacity, waveform plots, as well as a large number of statistical, time-domain, and frequency-domain metrics. Furthermore, a comparison between the proposed scheme using AES-256 and its counterparts from the literature is also provided. The numerical results show that the proposed schemes exhibit very good performance.
we can communicate with each other by passing messages which is not secure, but we make a communication be kept secret by embedding the message into carrier or by special tools such as invisible ink, microdots etc. Steganography is the science that involves communicating secret data in an appropriate carrier which is used from hundreds of years. In digital age new techniques of hiding the data inside the carrier are invented which are known as digital steganography. Nowadays, the carrier of the message can be an image, audio, video or a text file. In this paper we have purposed a method to enhance the security level in audio steganography and also improve the quality by making 2-level steganography.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Steganography is a science to hide information, it hides a message to another object, and it increases the security of data transmission and archiving it. In the process of steganography, the hidden object in which data is hidden the carrier object and the new object, is called the steganography object. The multiple carriers, such as text, audio, video, image and so can be mentioned for steganography; however, audio has been significantly considered due to the multiplicity of uses in various fields such as the internet. For steganography process, several methods have been developed; including work in the temporary and transformation, each of has its own advantages and disadvantages, and special function. In this paper we mainly review and evaluate different types of audio steganography techniques, advantages and disadvantages.
Security is the major challenge of digital communication. Cryptography and steganography are two common methods available to ensure security.Steganography is the term used to hide secret messages in a text, audio or image file.Modern methods are necessary to keep information secret and to protect it from the growing danger of external hackers.Steganography makes it possible to transmit information through communication channels. In this work we have focused on digital audio as the carrier and cover file. Audio steganography is a method to safely conceal a secret message into an audio cover file in various ways.The audio files are in the standard WAV format, in which the secret message is embedded by using the LSB algorithm. The secret message gets encrypted using the RSA algorithm before the embedding process. This combination is providing two level security to the secret message to be transmitted.
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