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Visual designs of posters are as important as their content. For that reason posters should be designed according to the graphic design principles in order to succeed in their political communication. Based on this proposition, this study analyses the election posters used by three major political parties in Turkey with a special focus on their use of graphic design principles. The evaluation scores showed that, the Justice and Development Party, AKP is the most successful party in employing the graphic design principles in their posters which is followed by the People’s Republican Party, CHP and Nationalist Action Party MHP.
American Journal of Arts and Human Science
This study described and analyzed the selected political campaign posters using the stylistic approach. The sources of data are the 13 political campaign posters of the 13 competing candidates for councillors in one of the municiplaities of Ilocos Norte, Philippines, during the 2019 National and Local Elections. The selection was based on accessibility and availability of the campaign posters which means that the posters were selected based on the case by which the posters were obtained and not by any political ideology or affiliation. The stylistic features of the political campaign posters were analyzed using the adapted models of Crystal and Davy (1969), Gosling (1999) and Seidman (2008). The model is centered on describing and analyzing the graphic and textual elements used in the selected posters. The analysis was carried out in order to identify and discuss the stylistic features of the images and words in the selected political campaign posters. The study revealed that the p...
Poster is admitted as the closest art for people in the streets. Posters, which are appearing willy-nilly very much different people of every age, culture and socio-economic level on the streets and public areas, can address wide masses, can influence the ideologies of crowds and can form aesthetical taste. Posters can be studied in three titles as social, cultural and commercial. In general, the aim of the poster is to announce, to inform or to introduce any product and to advertise it. Yet, poster’s attribute of directing wide masses beliefs, tastes and habits, adds another function to itself. Poster, has the power of influencing the people’s habits, is an important graphic design product which is also forming the aesthetical perception level. In Turkey, posters produced mostly subservient of the aim to educate, to inform and to make people conscious at the first periods of the Republic. In this period, posters are attracting attentions which were about the information of the revolution, made with the ideal to bring the country up to modern civilizations level together with the new regime, about the introductions and advertisements of newly found institutes and enterprises, and aiming educate people about modern life. Contextually benefited from poster’s powers of guidance and obtaining certain behaviors. Aesthetical qualities were budding in advancing years in poster design, also with affect of the development in industry, embodiment of art environments and much professional graphic design education. New visual experiments in cultural poster studies, which were especially made for announcing artistic and cultural activities and also magnetizing audience to this activity, different approaches in formal means, different analysis’ about content, contributed very much to the process of graphic design as an confirmed professional area in Turkey.
On the occasion of everyday media tools we are shown to many political image. Especially in times of election campaigns this situation turns into a bombardment. This view actually is aware of what exactly we do not put into our subconscious. Some of our beliefs, our sex and making a submission on our moral, try to convince us. An economy that has formed around the idea of political choices and the value of individual differences as a separate campaign to persuade converts it to a satisfactory property. This is an interdisciplinary framework to study political image reader to read and analyse examples of local and national offers. Three major political parties in the investigation of the visual color, typography, photography, use, were evaluated in terms of design elements.
Political posters constitute key elements in expressing identities and ideologies through visual communication with the purpose of influencing and/or manipulating target audiences to cast their vote for particular parties. The aim of this research paper is to analyse a selection of political posters and slogans from the most recent local elections in Romania in order to highlight the linguistic and visual strategies used, as well as their effectiveness and impact on their intended audience. To this end, the paper comprises a theoretical framework centred on multimodal strategies used in the political posters and a case study based on a questionnaire applied to 50 respondents. The study reveals the heterogeneity of political posters as multimodal constructs, which can unwittingly engender the opposite effect of that desired.
Outside imagery, graphic design is largely invisible to the academic fields most interested in communication campaigns, seeing negligible research conducted into its role within campaigns. In an era of social media and participatory culture, the blurring of the boundaries between producers, consumption and audiences through the phenomenon of ‘produsage’ can offer rich, contextualised insights into the impact of the designed aspects of campaigns. In examining Berakar Komunikasi’s online campaign supporting the 2014 and 2019 election bids of Indonesia’s President Jokowi Widodo, our paper explores how qualitative social media research offers finegrained insights into the reception of campaigns. The paper raises questions about the siloed nature of research which neglects design’s relationship to cultural and social phenomena, underscoring the need for interdisciplinary research that brings an integrated framework of approaches and concepts to knowledge production where design is concer...
This article provides an analysis of Dutch election posters in the period from 1946 to 2006. Based on the literature on the professionalization of political communication, several hypotheses are formulated regarding changes in textual and visual elements of those posters. These hypotheses focus on over-time changes in the presence and prominence of the party leader and party logo's as well as references to specific political issues and ideology in these posters. In total, 225 posters for 23 parties in 19 elections are analyzed. Results reveal that changes in visual elements are in line with the hypotheses, with an increased use of party logo, an increasing presence and prominence of the party leader, and a decreasing focus on ideology. The textual parts of the posters, however, show no or opposite trends. The results call for a more nuanced scientific treatment of the consequences of the professionalization of political communication and demonstrate the necessity to analyze both visual and textual elements of political parties' communication.
Citation/Alıntı:Tokgöz Gün, F. (2021). Poster design in the process of socio-cultural structuringin post-war Poland and Turkey. Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research,8(73), 2148-2153. Art has been an effective communication language since the caves where the first examples of visual communication took place. In addition, art has many functions such as being educational for people, being a guide, being a means of communication, and expressing what is not said in society. The effects of art, which is a part of the lives of societies, are very important at every level of social life. After the brutal invasion of Poland by Hitler, the art of posters, which played an important role in the resurrection of life, maintained its importance during the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. Poster art, which is part of graphic design, has contributed to the formation and development of the socio-cultural structures of societies, as well as pioneering the emergence of radical changes in these societies. This research aims to examine the path followed by the art of poster art, which shapes the future of the country, while the foundations of Poland are being laid again, during the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. In poster designs, an examination was carried out in terms of the way followed during the establishment of societies and the messages to be given, and similarities and contrasts were examined. Keywords:Poster, Poster Design, Poland, Turkey.
This study examines how photographic depictions of political candidates published prior to the elections are utilized. Photographic representations of political candidates , involve descriptive characteristics such as posture , posing, facial expressions and clothing style. At the same time, non-verbal clues such as smiling and raising eyebrows, which often have positive effect, are some of the factors affecting their physical attractions. Such characteristics are essential when individuals' perceptions are considered, and they are significant components of political communication. This study examines, how visual clues and composition elements in politicians' images, readers interpret and evaluates the findings and conclusions accordingly. Objective and intuitive interpretations of four political party leaders – who were represented through 121 photographs published on three high-circulation newspapers in Turkey for three weeks prior to June 7th 2015 Turkish General Elections-were sought by using Q-sort and qualitative interview techniques. The research question of the study is as follows: How do readers interpret composition elements of poli-ticians' representations and evaluate them? Öz Bu çalışma, siyasilerin seçim öncesi medyada yer alan fotoğrafik tasvirleriyle görünürlüklerinin nasıl kullan-dıklarını incelemektedir. Siyasi adayların fotoğrafik sunumlarında tanımlayıcı özellikler bulunmaktadır; duruşu, pozu, yüz ifadesi ve giyim tarzı gibi. Aynı zamanda gülümseme, kaş kaldırma gibi olumlu etki yaratan sözsüz ipuçları fiziksel çekiciliklerini etkile-mektedir. Bu tür özellikler bireysel algılamada önem-lidir ve siyasal iletişimin kapsamındadır. Bu çalışma, politikacı imajlarındaki görsel ipuçlarını ve kompozis-yon elemanlarını, izleyicinin nasıl yorumladığını araş-tırmakta ve bulgularla sonuçları değerlendirmektedir. Bir kart sıralama (Q-sort) ve nitel görüşme tekniği kul-lanılarak, izleyicilerin 7 Haziran 2015 Türkiye Genel Seçimleri öncesinde, üç yaygın gazetede bir hafta bo-yunca yayınlanan fotoğraflarla (121) temsil edilen dört parti liderinin tasvirlerindeki öznel ve sezgisel yorum-ları yakalanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmanın araş-tırma sorusu şöyledir: İzleyici, politikacıların sunulan tasvirlerinin değerliğini ve kompozisyon elemanlarını nasıl yorumlamaktadır?
Literally posters is defined as a sign attached to the wall, printed or handwritten carried during the demonstration in order to expose the public notice. Posters to convey a message of equal weight or anxiety and are prepared graphic design and art products in order to promote a product. The purpose of this study is to determine the advantages of using illustration an painting techniques in designing traditional poster. The problems that lead the study to this aim are technological developments and that contemporary art poster designs formed with absolute photographic aesthetic are becoming monotonous. The findings of this study were tried to be obtained by two-dimensional approach. The first is literature scanning. In the second, works of artist in the determined sample were analyzed in terms of both illustrations and using of pictorial techniques. In this context, examples of the works of artists such as
To carve successful niches for campaigning leaders, campaign organizations, governments, and political parties face challenges similar to the one faced by firms in branding their products and services in the commercial marketplace since they rely on identical strategic and theoretical aspects of marketing. Similarly, political parties resemble corporate brands because they are involved in the offering of an umbrella of predictable performance similar to what corporate endorsement does when offering a new product in the market. However, in the case of political branding, the candidates are the political brands of the parties involved in campaigns. Essentially, branding is aimed at appealing to individuals’ dreams while politics regards selling hope to people. It is intricate for politicians to appeal as well communicate to respective audience devoid of a definite brand image. Currently, political parties are involved in simple but clever branding strategies to outsmart their rivals. Campaign logos have become exceptional icons in the modernized democratic society. The success of the campaigns is attributed to the saliency and perception of these logos by the people. Besides, social media technologies have significantly pushed the online world thereby shifting the paradigms of the playing fields with regard to political branding, candidates appeal, and graphic design. Therefore, this study mainly focuses on design analysis and exploration of how the rise in social media technologies have reshaped and transformed the branding in a political campaign in the United States. Besides, logos for various presidential candidates including Barrack Obama, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were analyzed for this study. Various elements on candidates’ logos including the slogans, colors, political parties, typography, the year of election, shapes and presence web design elements such as URLs were studied and analyzed for different election cycles. The findings from the study indicated that political branding has undergone notable transformations whereas other elements have remained unchanged. Interestingly, the manifestation of blue, white and red colors as well as stripes and stars is a common phenomenon in the U.S. presidential campaign logos across all political parties and timeline. Although the design of the logos has improved tremendously, the contents of these logos have remained consistent.
‘Visual’ in ‘visual culture’ can be defined as “everything that is visual, functional, communicational and/or having aesthetic purpose produced, interpreted or formed by people” (Barnard, 2002; 34). Accordingly poster is not only a tool that transmits a message, information or that introduces or advertises a product but also a visual cultural element. Just like other visual cultural elements, poster as well is in interaction with the society. In this two way interaction while society’s culture, political and social perceptions, level of education, aesthetic tastes influence the production process of the poster, the posters too influence and transform the society. Poster artists and designers are producing studies sometimes affected by the society that they are within, and also sometimes intentionally reflecting the culture of the society that they are addressing. In this context in this study, reflections of the Anatolian culture in poster designs will be examined with visual examples.
On 3rd April 2022 parliamentary elections were held in Hungary. Both the governing coalition and the opposition parties campaigned to get into government, and the campaign could be followed through billboards as well. This paper focuses on billboards of both the government and the opposition side. The study seeks to answer the question of what specific linguistic and visual means are used to achieve the desired effect of influencing voters and what communication methods are used by billboard makers. The study interprets the billboards as multimodal texts and analyses the combined meaning of the textual message and the visual world. The comparison of the billboards shows that the FIDESZ-KDNP coalition was more successful to identify the leader of the opposing coalition, Péter Márki-Zay with the negative past and itself with the positive future. Based on the results of the 2022 election we can say that the visual, easy-tounderstand representation of the simple message of FIDESZ-KDNP had a greater impact on voters than the textual messages of the United for Hungary coalition.
ABSTRACT: A symbol for a political party does not show only a sign of existence but also an identity and way to connect ideology level to reality level. The General Election which is the first gate to take the power makes a symbol become an important requirement for a political party to participate in the election. The important role that a symbol plays for a political party, especially as an instrument to reach or take over the authority makes the visualization of a political party’s symbol inseparable from the surrounded political system. Those condition and reality are reflected through the visualization of political parties’ symbols participating in the General Elections since 1955 until 2004. How political policies influence the visualization of political parties’ symbols and how political parties respond the space of visual politics are principal questions in this paper. Finally, to get comprehensive answers to those questions, the paper employs the method of history as the re...
Advertising, which takes place in all communication tools, appears as important cultural texts in persuading people and providing attitude and behavior change. In addition to the basic functions of commercial information, persuasion, reminder and comparison, advertising messages also have functions such as social information, awareness raising and public opinion. In particular, advertising messages produced for the public benefit are made directly for the purpose of a behavioral change towards citizens. In addition, these and similar messages can provide a change in perception and attitude, as well as contribute to the formation of widespread opinions and beliefs in the society. Successful advertising messages that provide this also fulfill the function of creating public opinion. States, on the other hand, use many tools such as education, culture, law and mass communication to create a nationstate order, construct a new national identity and create public opinion. In the context of mass communication, the most effective messages appear as propaganda and advertising. Advertising messages produced periodically provide researchers with comprehensive data on the intended attitude and behavior changes in individuals in a systematic and planned manner regarding the periods they were produced. It is seen that many advertising posters produced after the proclamation of the Republic in Türkiye are signed by İhap Hulusi Görey. He, while frequently using social messages in addition to product and service promotions in the posters he produced, elaborated on issues such as the adoption of the Republic, citizenship awareness and modernization. This study has been prepared to analyze how the advertising posters produced by Görey, one of the first graphic designers of Türkiye, who played an important role in the shaping of Turkish advertising and who are known for his contributions to the institutionalization of the Republic, are used in nation building. In the study, the advertising posters produced by Görey were examined in terms of semiotics. The contents analyzed in the research were obtained as a result of archive scanning with purposeful sampling technique. In this study, in which periodic analyzes and evaluations were made, it is seen that the National Economy and Augmentation Agency advertisement posters produced by İhap Hulusi Görey were produced with the aim of raising public awareness by using both traditional and modern elements, as well as creating public opinion in line with the themes of savings and domestic goods.
Research and discussion of modern political communication has glossed over the messaging strategies afforded to political campaigns by graphic design. Further, the digital age has provided a new environment for political entities to create professionalized brand images. This interdisciplinary study combines the research behind political branding and visual communication of graphic design through the lens of semiotic theory. Using 2016 presidential campaign logos and slogans as branding case studies, this research identifies content and embedded messages of individual campaigns through quantitative and qualitative methods, guided by the following research questions: What specific messages are conveyed through presidential candidates’ graphic design decisions? Do these messages align with the constituencies they appeal to and the stances they uphold? How can voters become critical consumers of these messages? The thesis concludes with a resource for voters to critically view a political entity’s visual messaging strategies to formulate informed opinions.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020
This study examined the visual portrayal of the Semenyih by-election campaign in Malaysia on 2 nd March 2019. With the assistance of Rodriguez & Dimitrova (2011) model, two printed mainstream newspapers were selected for this research: 1) Berita Harian; 2) The Star. Main objective of this research is to identify the visual framing of election campaign during the campaign period and it were measured through few variables such as slants of visuals, placement or location of visuals, theme and messages portrayed by visuals, caption focus and the stand of visuals. This study was conducted starting from the nomination day on the 16 February 2019 until the election day. Through content analysis method, each visual from n=88 census, was coded based on mentioned variables. Data was measured through descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Major finding revealed that most of the visuals were slanted to party and government team in Berita Harian dailies compared to The Star; focused on election information. Findings also figure out few differences between selected two dailies. This study contributes to a several lack of visual framing research during election period.
Voters' choices are influenced by many factors. It is possible to say that one of these factors are ballot papers. Quite a few researches conducted in various parts of the world have revealed this impact. Some studies have shown that the candidate's photograph on the ballot paper and on some ballot papers the candidate's written promises as well as the party logo and the candidate's sequence number may also affect voters. However, it can be said that hardly any studies on ballot papers have been conducted in Turkey. This study deals with voters' participation resident in the central part of Gumushane and the impact that candidates' names on ballot papers have on voters. In order words, the main focus is going to be on how the candidate-centric modifications on ballot papers that are designed according the Election Law of the Republic of Turkey affect voters' choices. This study conducted prior to the parliamentary election in 2011 regarding Turkish voter's perception showed that even though voters gain familiarity with the candidates, the illustration of the party logo, the party's name and the party leader's name on ballot papers had a bigger impact on the voters' choices than slates.
Posters are very important forms of visual communication that commercial and political advertiser use to persuade target audience. During election campaign periods all over the world, posters are used to familiarize candidates to the electorates and entice them to vote for candidates. This study, analyzed selected campaign posters in Nigeria. Crystal and Davy’s (1985) Linguistic stylistic model of analysis was used as method of analysis. The result showed at graphological level that campaign posters are of different shapes and sizes and are beautifully designed to attract the attention of the electorate or passers-by. The vocabulary is descriptive and emotive, thereby enticing to change and accept a political candidate. The syntactic features are concise, precise and usually in declarative or imperative moods. The linguistic features generally are descriptive, emotive and persuasive.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020
This study examined the visual portrayal of the Semenyih by-election campaign in Malaysia on 2 nd March 2019. With the assistance of Rodriguez & Dimitrova (2011) model, two printed mainstream newspapers were selected for this research: 1) Berita Harian; 2) The Star. Main objective of this research is to identify the visual framing of election campaign during the campaign period and it were measured through few variables such as slants of visuals, placement or location of visuals, theme and messages portrayed by visuals, caption focus and the stand of visuals. This study was conducted starting from the nomination day on the 16 February 2019 until the election day. Through content analysis method, each visual from n=88 census, was coded based on mentioned variables. Data was measured through descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Major finding revealed that most of the visuals were slanted to party and government team in Berita Harian dailies compared to The Star; focused on election information. Findings also figure out few differences between selected two dailies. This study contributes to a several lack of visual framing research during election period.
مجلة جامعة كويه للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, 2023
Although the notion of rhetoric as being intrinsically about verbal discourse has persisted to date, it has become more and more disputed. Over the past two decades, rhetorical studies began to incorporate nonverbal semiotic resources (images, photographs, symbols, color, layout…etc.) in their accounts of rhetoric for visual communication offers far greater force, immediacy, and impact than verbal communication, as envisaged by Blair (2004, p. 53).
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