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1995, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-regular Papers
The aim of this three part tutorial is to focus the reader's attention to a new exciting behavior of a particular class of cellular neural networks (CNNs): Turing pattern formation in two-grid coupled CNNs. We first analyze the reduced Chua's circuit as the basic cell for the two-grid coupled CNNs capable of producing Turing patterns. We use a nonstandard normalization
The cellular neural nerwork (CNN) presented here is an example of very large scale analog processing or collective analog computation. The CNN architecture combines some features of fully connected analog neural networks [1,2,3] with the nearest neighbor interactions found in cellular automata [4,5,6]. A companion paper in this
Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN'02 (Cat. No.02CH37290), 2002
Cellular neural networks (CNNs) are analog dynamic processors that have found several applications for the solution of complex computational problems. The mathematical model of a CNN consists in a large set of coupled nonlinear differential equations that have been mainly studied through numerical simulations; the knowledge of the dynamic behavior is essential for developing rigorous design methods and for establishing new applications. CNNs can be divided in two classes: stable CNNs, with the property that each trajectory (with the exception of a set of measure zero) converges towards an equilibrium point; unstable CNNs with either a periodic or a non/periodic (possibly complex) behavior. The manuscript is devoted to the comparison of the dynamic behavior of two CNN models: the original Chua-Yang model and the Full Range model, that was exploited for VLSI implementations.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015
THREE STATES VON NEUMANN CELLULAR AUTOMATA AND PATTERN GENERATIONS UGUR SAHIN, SELMAN UGUZ, HASAN AKIN AND IRFAN SIAP A bstract. We study theoretical structure and classification of two-dimensional (2D) 3-states uniform cellular automata (CA) based on their visual behaviors. Although the basics of a CA is a discrete dynamic structure and modelled locally, the behavior at large times and spatial scales could be a close to a continuous system. Using some basic properties, it can be considered geometrical structures of patterns produced by cellular automaton iteration. After iteratively applying the rules, it is shown that CA are capable of producing complex behaviors. Some examples of CA show remarkably regular behavior on finite configurations. It is observed that with simple initial configurations, the generated pattern might be self replicating (SR), self similar (SS) or mixed type. Here we deal with the theory of 2D uniform, periodic boundary, adiabatic boundary and reflexive boundary CA (PB, AB and RB) of von Neumann neighborhood and applications of image analysis for patterns generation. We investigate a 2D CA under these boundary restrictions over 3-states cases, i.e. the ternary field Z 3 . We also study the applications of SR and SS patterns which correspond to the linear CA rules of 2D uniform CA with different boundary cases over Z 3 . The von Neumann neighborhood CA rule (i.e. rule 2460) is classified into SR and SS types depending upon the non-zero boundary values a, b, c, d of neighboring cells that influence the cells under consideration. It is also shown that, from the visual appearance of the patterns, sometimes the rule 2460 displays sensitive dependence on boundary conditions and chaotic behaviors. Finally we conclude the paper by analyzing some results about cellular automata defined by the rule number 2460NB, 2460PB, 2460AB and 2460RB for non-symmetric figures in detail.
The behaviour of two-grid coupled Cellular Neural Networks (CNN's) able to exhibit Turing patterns is investigated for initial conditions representing human faces. Preliminary results based on filtering with various positions and widths of the band of unstable modes are presented. Experiments indicate that "Turing-faces" may represent a useful pre-processing technique that may increase the performance of traditional PCA-based face recognition approaches.
Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, …, 1996
The template coefficients (weights) of a CNN, which d l give a d e s i d p e t f o t " e , can either be found by design OT by learning.. By designw meansl thut the dccrircdfunction to be performed could be translated into a set of local dynamic rules, while "ay ICorning' is based ezclwively on pairs of input and c o n q w d n g output signals, the nlcrtioMhip of which m y be by far too complicated for the cqlicit fonnulclrion of loml rules. An ov" of design and leaming methods applicrrbk to CNNs, which sometimes att not c M y distingllishcrbk, d l be given k. Both technological constmints imposed by spec$% hadwatt implementation and pmctical constraints caused by the SpCriFc application and q d e m embedding are influencing design and leanzing. 1 Introduction Since their introduction in 1988 [l] the d k g n of both continuous-time and discretetime cellular neural networks (CT-CNNs and DT-CNNs) hae been an interding research topic. The aim is to h d a set of parameters (coefficients, synaptic weighta), which in the case of locally connected translationally invariant CNNi are usually ulled templates, so that the network perform according to a given tark. The equation for each cell c of CT-CNN is M follows: f(+) := sgn(5).
Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. …, 2009
improvement translates to faster image processing algorithms compared to traditional CPU-based algorithms. topology uniform 2D grid usually feed-forward processing element dynamic equations nonlinear weighted sum common uses image processing classification, control CNNs are composed of many cells arranged in a grid, M. To simplify discussion, we will assume these grids are always square with dimensions m x m for m 2 cells. Each cell in the grid is denoted Vij for i, j EM. Thus each cell is labeled from VII to V m m . We define two types of cell depending on their location in the grid: inner cells and boundary cells. Boundary cells occur near the edges of the grid; inner cells occur everywhere else. Boundary cells necessarily have different properties than inner cells because they are connected to fewer neighboring cells. Each inner cell is the center of a neighborhood N i j of n x n cells. By this definition, n must be odd and is usually n == 3. By convention, each cell in a given neighborhood is assigned an index k from 1..n 2 , with k == 1 denoting the center cell, as shown in Figure . Thus any given center cell Vij == VI belongs Cellular neural networks (CNNs) are similar to well-known artificial neural networks (ANNs) in that they are composed of many distributed processing elements called "cells", which are connected in a network; however, there are several important differences between CNNs and ANNs (see Table ). Instead of the usual feed-forward, layered architecture seen in many types of neural networks, CNNs were designed to operate in a two-dimensional grid where each processing element (cell) is connected to neighboring cells in the grid. The cells comprising a CNN communicate by sending signals to neighboring cells in a manner similar to ANNs, but the signals are processed by each cell in a unique way. Specifically, CNN cells maintain a state which evolves through time due to differential (or difference) equations dependent on the cell's inputs and feedback. ANNs CNNs Table I CNNs, ANNs COMPARED
International Journal of Neural Systems, 2008
A new strategy is presented for the implementation of threshold logic functions with binary-output Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs). The objective is to optimize the CNNs weights to develop a robust implementation. Hence, the concept of generative set is introduced as a convenient representation of any linearly separable Boolean function. Our analysis of threshold logic functions leads to a complete algorithm that automatically provides an optimized generative set. New weights are deduced and a more robust CNN template assuming the same function can thus be implemented. The strategy is illustrated by a detailed example.
1996 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications Proceedings (CNNA-96), 1996
S i n c e their introduction, Cellular Neural Networks [4] have turned out to be useful architectures for the solution of many problems, e. g. in image processing or in the simulation of partial diflerential equations. Therefore, there have been several attempts to introduce cell circuits suitable for large-scale integration [. ?I. Up to now, all of these cells need energy and therefore power supply. Just recently attempts have been made to build up circuitry being able to work without an external energy supply by using the energy stored in the initial state [I]. This principle can provide two major advantages. First, since no or at least not much energy is dissipated during computation, the circuit does not produce much heat. Therefore, there are no "hot spots" in integrated circuits, which limit integration density and operation speed. Furthermore, since there is no need for a power supply, the absence of voltage supply lines supports a high integration density. In this work an architecture for the realisation of a lossless C N N is proposed. Further on, since standard learning algorithms turn out to fail for lossless systems, a way to amend these is introduced.
Journal of Differential Equations, 2009
This study investigates the complexity of the global set of output patterns for one-dimensional multi-layer cellular neural networks with input. Applying labeling to the output space produces a sofic shift space. Two invariants, namely spatial entropy and dynamical zeta function, can be exactly computed by studying the induced sofic shift space. This study gives sofic shift a realization through a realistic model. Furthermore, a new phenomenon, the broken of symmetry of entropy, is discovered in multi-layer cellular neural networks with input.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2002
In the architecture of cellular neural networks (CNN), connections among cells are built on linear coupling laws. These laws are characterized by the so-called templates which express the local interaction weights among cells. Recently, the complete stability for CNN has been extended from symmetric connections to cycle-symmetric connections. In this presentation, we investigate a class of templates which are obtained from two-dimensional models and have uniform local feedback behaviors. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the class of templates to have cycle-symmetric connections. The complete stability for CNN is thus concluded.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 1998
In order to be able to take full advantage of the great application potential that lies in cellular neural networks (CNNs) we need to have successful design and learning techniques as well. In almost any analogic CNN algorithm that performs an image processing task, binary CNNs play an important role. We observed that all binary CNNs reported in the literature, except for a connected component detector, exhibit monotonic dynamics. In the paper we show that the local stability of a monotonic binary CNN represents su cient condition for its functionality, i.e. convergence of all initial states to the prescribed global stable equilibria. Based on this ÿnding, we propose a rigorous design method, which results in a set of design constraints in the form of linear inequalities. These are obtained from simple local rules similar to that in elementary cellular automata without having to worry about continuous dynamics of a CNN. In the end we utilize our method to design a new CNN template for detecting holes in a 2D object.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 1995
This tutorial paper proposes a subclass of cellular neural networks (CNN) having no inputs (i.e., autonomous) as a universal active substrate or medium for modeling and generating many pattern formation and nonlinear wave phenomena from numerous disciplines, including biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering, physics, etc. Each CNN is defined mathematically by its cell dynamics (e.g., state equations) and synaptic law, which specifies each cell's interaction with its neighbors. We focus in this paper on reaction4iffusion CNNs having a linear synaptic law that approximates a spatial Laplacian operator. Such a synaptic law can be realized by one or more layers of linear resistor couplings. An autonomous CNN made of third-order universal cells and coupled to each other by only one layer of linear resistors provides a unified active medium for generating trigger (autowave) waves, target (concentric) waves, spiral waves, and scroll waves. When a second layer of linear resistors is added to couple a second capacitor voltage in each cell to its neighboring cells, the resulting CNN can be used to generate various turingpatterns. Although the equations describing these autonomous CNNs represent an excellent approximation to the nonlinear partial differential equations describing reaction-diffusion systems if the number of cells is sufficiently large, they can exhibit new phenomena (e.g., propagation failure) that can not be obtained from their limiting partial differential equations. This demonstrates that the autonomous CNN is in some sense more general than its associated nonlinear partial differential equations. To demonstrate how an autonomous CNN can serve as a unifying paradigm for pattern formation and active wave propagation, several well-known examples chosen from different disciplines are mapped into a generic reaction-diffusion CNN made of thirdorder cells. Finally, several examples that can not be modeled by reaction-diffusion equations are mapped into other classes of autonomous CNNs in order to illustrate the universality of the CNN paradigm. 'We use the term cell to mean an artificial neuron in this paper.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2008
Stable patterns that can be realized by a class of 1-D two-layer cellular neural networks (CNNs) are studied in this paper. We first introduce the notions of potentially stable pattern, potentially stable local pattern, and local pattern set. We then show that all of 256 possible sets can be realized as the local pattern set of the two-layer CNN, while only 59 sets can be realized as the local pattern set of the single-layer CNN. We also propose a simple way to optimize the template values of the CNN, which is formulated as a set of linear programming problems, and present the obtained values for all of 256 sets.
In this paper we study and characterize the controllability of a constant 2-cells CNN (Cellular Neural Network) with feedback resembling a symmetric or antisymmetric matrix and input with all entries set to zero except its first element . We characterize and give a precise description of the control in each case. This problem has been attacked already in order to study complete stability and in the seek of chaotic attractor; but this time the controllability is addressed.
Journal of Differential Equations, 2012
Let Y ⊆ {−1, 1} Z∞×n be the mosaic solution space of an n-layer cellular neural network. We decouple Y into n subspaces, say Y (n) , and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of factor maps between them. In such a case, Y (i) is a sofic shift for 1 i n. This investigation is equivalent to study the existence of factor maps between two sofic shifts. Moreover, we investigate whether Y (i) and Y ( j) are topological conjugate, strongly shift equivalent, shift equivalent, or finitely equivalent via the well-developed theory in symbolic dynamical systems. This clarifies, in a multi-layer cellular neural network, each layer's structure. As an extension, we can decouple Y into arbitrary k-subspaces, where 2 k n, and demonstrates each subspace's structure.
Universality in cellular automata theory is a central problem studied and developed from their origins by John von Neumann. In this paper, we present an algorithm where any Turing machine can be converted to one-dimensional cellular automaton with a 2-linear time and display its spatial dynamics. Three particular Turing machines are converted in three universal one-dimensional cellular automata, they are: binary sum, rule 110 and a universal reversible Turing machine.
It is well known that simple reaction–diffusion systems can display very rich pattern formation behaviour. Here we have studied two examples of such systems in three dimensions. First we investigate the morphology and stability of a generic Turing system in three dimensions and then the well-known Gray–Scott model. In the latter case, we added a small number of morphogen sources in the system in order to study its robustness and the formation of connections between the sources. Our results raise the question of whether Turing patterning can produce an inductive signalling mechanism for neuronal growth.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2005
This paper presents a cellular neural network (CNN) scheme employing a new non-linear activation function, called trapezoidal activation function (TAF). The new CNN structure can classify linearly non-separable data points and realize Boolean operations (including eXclusive OR) by using only a single-layer CNN. In order to simplify the stability analysis, a feedback matrix W is deÿned as a function of the feedback template A and 2D equations are converted to 1D equations. The stability conditions of CNN with TAF are investigated and a su cient condition for the existence of a unique equilibrium and global asymptotic stability is derived. By processing several examples of synthetic images, the analytically derived stability condition is also conÿrmed. 394 E. BILGILI,İ. C. G OKNAR AND O. N. UCAN CNN stability is analysed for the standard activation function as in References , (v) global exponential stability conditions of CNN via a new Lyapunov function are stated in Reference [9]. It is well known that the standard uncoupled CNN single-layer structures, extremely useful for realizing Boolean functions, are not capable of classifying linearly nonseparable data. The parity is a binary function of the inputs, which returns a high output if the number of inputs set to 1 is odd and a low output if that number is even. Therefore, for n inputs, the parity problem consists of being able to divide the n-dimensional input space into disjoint decision regions such that all input patterns in the same region yield the same output and, thus is linearly non-separable. Uncoupled CNN can only classify linearly separable data, that is can only separate the input space with hyper-planes [10]. Recently, a single perceptron-like cell with: (i) double threshold, (ii) implemented using only ÿve MOS transistors, (iii) capable of classifying data which are not linearly separable has been reported in References .
Information Sciences, 1993
This paper is a review of recent published work in the application of automata networks as part of a pattern or image recognition system. The principal requirements were to integrate model-based and data-driven approaches within a connectionist framework and to allow full parallelism. In particular, we construct a network of probabilistic cellular automata (PCAs) for iteratively resolving ambiguities and conflicts in pattern recognition. A natural implementation of inductive inference rules in such a network results in a d~amics that is sensitive to nons~metric couplings (s~aptic weights), unlike that of the more common models inspired by statistical physics (e.g., the Boltzmann machine). This, along with full parallelism, means that object recognition must be achieved through the intermediate-time rather than "infinite''-time behavior of the system. Another, more technology-driven, feature includes using local inferences insofar as possible. The framework is translation-invariant, which is natural for image re~gnition. This leads to a different architecture for describing the model from that used in Bayesian inference networks. ' We discuss only bilinear couplings here. Inference rules are often in the form, for example, that feature Q occurs only in conjunction with both features y and 6 in appropriate positions. The most direct way lo incorporate that these would be with trilinear and higher order couplings. An alternative would bc to have hidden units but keep the couplings bilinear (see [281X
Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics, 2000
In this paper, a simple system showing chaotic behavior is introduced. It is based on the well-known concept of cellular neural networks (CNNs), which have already given good results in generating complex dynamics. The peculiarity of the CNN model consists in the fact that it replaces the traditional first-order cell with a noninteger-order one. The introduction of the fractional cell, with a suitable choice of the coupling parameters, leads to the onset of chaos in a simple two-cell system. A theoretical approach, based on the harmonic balance theory, has been used to investigate the existence of chaos. A circuit realization of the proposed fractional two-cell chaotic CNN is reported and the corresponding strange attractor is also shown.