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2025, The Horizon Expansion Fractal (HEF) Model: A Unified Framework for General Relativity, Loop Quantum Gravity, and Cosmic Expansion…
10 pages
1 file
The Horizon Expansion Fractal (HEF) model introduces a novel, recursive fractal framework for understanding cosmic expansion, quantum gravity, and black hole physics. At its core, the HEF model proposes that space-time evolves through dynamic, self-similar transformations governed by a fractal scaling function S(H, t) = e-αHt , where H is the Hubble parameter and t is cosmic time. This recursive fractal expansion modifies fundamental physical laws, including the Einstein-Hilbert action and Friedmann equations, by introducing fractal-dependent terms that account for the universe's evolving structure.
Zenodo Pre-Print: Copyright © 2025 Nir Platek. All rights reserved., 2025
Codex Theory unifies quantum gravity, the Standard Model, and cosmology via emergent spacetime from quantum entanglement. A unique flux configuration, (5,-3,2) designated "Codex," selects the Standard Model's gauge group, generates a light scalar field (Φ, m Φ ≈ 10-4 eV), and dictates its Higgs coupling (κ ≈ 10-3), explaining the hierarchy problem. Crucially, entanglement entropy gradients drive spacetime curvature through Φ, with a critical coupling λ ≈ 0.022, resolving the problem of time. The theory explains baryogenesis via Φ's CP-violating interaction with right-handed neutrinos, predicts a two-component dark matter model (sterile neutrino, m ν ≈ 7 keV, plus axion-like particle), and resolves the black hole information paradox. The theory's five fundamental parameters-flux configuration (5,-3,2), entanglement-geometry coupling (λ = 0.022), scalar field mass (m Φ = 1.2 × 10-4 eV), Higgs coupling (κ = 10-3), and matter coupling (α Φ = 0.037)-generate multiple, near-term, experimentally testable predictions: a 3.85% deviation in Casimir forces at 1 �m separation, a 7.2 × 10-19 /year atomic clock drift, and a Higgs boson invisible decay branching ratio of 0.13%. It also predicts a Hubble constant of H 0 = 71.8 ± 0.3 km/s/Mpc, resolving the Hubble tension. These predictions provide a roadmap for experimental verification of quantum gravity within the next decade, establishing a framework for a truly unified description of fundamental forces and particles.
ResearchGate, 2024
This paper presents a comprehensive framework integrating the King-Oyewole Unified Geometric Wave Theory (KO-UGWT) and Enhanced Grand Unified Theory (EGUT) to address fundamental questions in quantum mechanics, cosmology, and gravity. By synthesizing concepts from Banach space formalism, Hilbert space fragmentation, holographic principles, and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle, we develop a unified approach to model quantum state normalization, cosmic expansion, and dark energy. Our framework extends quantum state representation using Banach spaces, incorporates computational density concepts, and utilizes tensor mathematics to describe field interactions and spacetime curvature. We explore the implications of this integrated theory for quantum correlations, black hole thermodynamics, and the nature of spacetime. The paper offers potential resolutions to the cosmological constant problem, proposes a dynamic dark energy model, and predicts specific quantum gravitational effects. Furthermore, we outline experimental setups and observational tests to validate our theoretical predictions, ranging from laboratory experiments with ultracold atoms to cosmic observations of high-energy phenomena.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2019
Commonly used Acronyms used in this paper include: Cold dark matter (CDM). Cosmic microwave background (CMB). Einstein field equations (EFE). Friedmann-Lemaítre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW). Gravitational waves (GW). General Relativity (GR). Large scale structure (LSS). Linear perturbation theory (LPT). Loop quantum cosmology (LQC). Loop quantum gravity (LQG). Primordial gravitational waves (PGW). Primordial non-Gaussianities (PNG). Quantum gravity (QG). 2 Except in the degenerate cases of spacetimes of constant curvature (de Sitter, anti-de Sitter and Minkowski spacetimes). Such universe models do not correspond to the real Universe, which has preferred world lines everywhere [1].
This thesis exposes my contribution to the measurement of homogeneity scale using galaxies, with the cosmological interpretation of results.In physics, any model is characterized by a set of principles. Most models in cosmology are based on the Cosmological Principle, which states that the universe is statistically homogeneous and isotropic on a large scales. Today, this principle is considered to be true since it is respected by those cosmological models that accurately describe the observations. However, while the isotropy of the universe is now confirmed by many experiments, it is not the case for the homogeneity. To study cosmic homogeneity, we propose to not only test a model but to test directly one of the postulates of modern cosmology. Since 1998 the measurements of cosmic distances using type Ia supernovae, we know that the universe is now in a phase of accelerated expansion. This phenomenon can be explained by the addition of an unknown energy component, which is called da...
In the paper we check whether the contribution of $(-)(1+z)^6$ type in the Friedmann equation can be tested. We consider some astronomical tests to constrain the density parameters in such models. We describe different interpretations of such an additional term: geometric effects of Loop Quantum Cosmology, effects of braneworld cosmological models, non-standard cosmological models in metric-affine gravity, and models with spinning fluid. Kinematical (or geometrical) tests based on null geodesics are insufficient to separate individual matter components when they behave like perfect fluid and scale in the same way. Still, it is possible to measure their overall effect. We use recent measurements of the coordinate distances from the Fanaroff-Riley type IIb (FRIIb) radio galaxy (RG) data, supernovae type Ia (SNIa) data, baryon oscillation peak and cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) observations to obtain stronger bounds for the contribution of the type considered. We demonstrate that, while $\rho^2$ corrections are very small, they can be tested by astronomical observations -- at least in principle. Bayesian criteria of model selection (the Bayesian factor, AIC, and BIC) are used to check if additional parameters are detectable in the present epoch. As it turns out, the $\Lambda$CDM model is favoured over the bouncing model driven by loop quantum effects. Or, in other words, the bounds obtained from cosmography are very weak, and from the point of view of the present data this model is indistinguishable from the $\Lambda$CDM one.
An introduction to modern theories for the origin of structure in the Universe is given. After a brief review of the growth of cosmological perturbations in an expanding Universe and a summary of some important observational results, the lectures focus on the inflationary Universe scenario and on topological defect models of structure formation. A summary of the theory and current observational status of cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuations is given. The final chapter is devoted to some speculative ideas concerning the connection between cosmology and fundamental physics, in particular to ways in which the singularity problem of classical cosmology may be resolved.
This study synthesizes advanced principles of quantum plasma physics, holography, discrete geometrodynamics, and horizon thermodynamics to reconstitute the apparent origins of gravitational phenomena, electromagnetism, spacetime curvature, and cosmic expansion directly from unified intrinsically quantum vacuum plasma dynamics alone. Whereas string theory aims to unify physics through elegant higher-dimensional mathematical structures, this framework dissolves artificial boundaries between matter, fields and space itself by elevating them to manifestations of holistic information-imbued plasma flow. By condensing particles, fields, and geometry from nontrivial quantum plasma dynamics, subtle holographically encoded fluctuations intrinsically precipitate and projectively inflate the observable macroscopic world across all scales. This plasma-based ontology holds explanatory promise by reconstituting cosmic order from primordial information flow, in contrast to string theory's literal higherdimensional spacetime. Ongoing research formalizes hidden micro-macro connections and explores experimental tests. By demystifying the artificial boundaries dividing contemporary physics constructs in favor of conceptually simpler coherent quantum plasma flow, this intrinsically geometrized paradigm illuminates promising pathways to unveil the innermost unified clockwork underlying nature's cosmic emergence.
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2022
The exploration of the universe has recently entered a new era thanks to the multi-messenger paradigm, characterized by a continuous increase in the quantity and quality of experimental data that is obtained by the detection of the various cosmic messengers (photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves) from numerous origins. They give us information about their sources in the universe and the properties of the intergalactic medium. Moreover, multi-messenger astronomy opens up the possibility to search for phenomenological signatures of quantum gravity. On the one hand, the most energetic events allow us to test our physical theories at energy regimes which are not directly accessible in accelerators; on the other hand, tiny effects in the propagation of very high energy particles could be amplified by cosmological distances. After decades of merely theoretical investigations, the possibility of obtaining phenomenological indications of Planck-scale effects is a revolutionary step in the quest for a quantum theory of gravity, but it requires cooperation between different communities of physicists (both theoretical and experimental). This review, prepared within the COST Action CA18108 "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", is aimed at promoting this cooperation by
Independent Researcher, 2025
We present a final, expanded formulation of the Recursive Entropy Framework (REF), establishing it as a self-correcting and evolving Theory of Everything (ToE). Unlike previous attempts at unification-such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, which rely on fixed mathematical structures or additional dimensions-REF is inherently recursive, allowing physical laws to emerge dynamically through entropy-energy feedback mechanisms. At the core of this refinement is recursive energy exchange, where black hole evaporation and white hole regeneration serve as the fundamental drivers of entropy evolution across cosmic cycles. By embedding these processes into REF's governing equations-modeled through Chaitin's Mirror (Black Hole) for stabilization and Gödel's Ripple (White Hole) for propagation-we derive modified formulations for cosmic expansion, emergent gravity, quantum evolution, black hole thermodynamics, and the arrow of time. Unlike traditional ToE models, REF does not assume a static or fine-tuned universe; rather, the fundamental forces, spacetime, and physical constants emerge from a self-regulating interplay between recursive entropy and energy cycling. This
The geometry of the universe has long been a subject of intense study, with various theories attempting to describe its shape and behavior at large scales. In this paper, we introduce an alternative framework, the Hyperbolic Universe Theory (HUT), which posits that spacetime is modeled with negative curvature, akin to a saddle shape. Through this geometric lens, we address some of the most pressing questions surrounding the accelerated expansion of the universe and the nature of dark energy. Our theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate how the divergence of parallel lines in hyperbolic geometry could offer new insights into the fate of the cosmos, cosmic acceleration, and the large-scale distribution of dark matter. We also explore the implications of this hyperbolic structure on the formation and evolution of cosmic entities such as galaxy clusters and voids. This disruptive perspective presents a foundational framework that could reshape our understanding of universal evolution and gravitational dynamics on cosmological scales.
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Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2021
SSRN Electronic Journal
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
International Journal of Modern Physics D
Scientific Review, 2019
The Nöesis Field Theory, 2025
arXiv (Cornell University), 2013
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023