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2021, SSRN…
6 pages
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In order to save the lives of a people, identification of the area and rescue team is needed. Along with a trained rescue team a quick and relevant intimation system is also needed so that the rescue operation can be carried out quickly. In this study, we propose a web based and Android based Flood Rescue System. Flood Rescue System collects data from user from the affected site and analyses the data to detect the disastrous situation. After knowing the location of affected area, the Flood Rescue System finds out shortest path from affected area to the current position of rescue team and provides the path to the rescue team.
Natural Hazards, 2017
Nowadays, the usage rates of smartphones are increasing rapidly. With the versatility of its features, smartphones have succeeded in attracting users. Performing this study has also affected the usage rate of smartphones every day. It is possible to determine the position with GPS (Global Positioning System) technology which is located in smartphones. In this study, smartphone location notification was used to detect the locations of the people who were under debris after the earthquake by means of the phones on them. People who cannot be reached for any reason will be immediately identified, and emergency interventions will be possible. Thus, the survival rate of the injured will be high with early intervention. In this study, it was aimed to minimize the loss of life after the earthquake and all the negativities that would be experienced in society due to this loss. The developed application has been tested in the external world, and the obtained data are given in results section.
This paper presents the features and architecture of a mobile-based application that is developed to assist flood victims and rescue teams in search and rescue operations.Mobile Flood Assistant (Mo-FA) is an integrated Android-based mobile application to assist Malaysian citizens who live in flood prone areas with an early warning alert and to facilitate the current practice in search and rescue operation.Mo-FA consists of 2 main modules namely Flood Information and Notification Module, and e-SOS Module.The Flood Information and Notification Module aims to provide early warning to the public on possible flood occurrence.It is also able to provide flood-related information such as the amount of rain and river water level using the data obtained from Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID). Relevant information such as the nearest evacuation centers and routes will be displayed on a map to facilitate affected victims to move to a safe area. The second module aims to facilitate the...
Wseas Transactions on Communications, 2010
The Philippines is one of the countries in the world vulnerable to natural hazards because of its geographic location. It also lacks an efficient disaster management system that will help in times of need. One common scenario during disasters is that the activity of rescue and relief is not well-coordinated. For this reason, there is a need for a system that will help in the efficient provision of rescue and relief to disaster-affected areas. Since the use of smart phones is gaining interest in people, the disaster management system was implemented as a smart phone application using Google's Android operating system. The disaster management system Android application known as MyDisasterDroid determines the optimum route along different geographical locations that the volunteers and rescuers need to take in order to serve the most number of people and provide maximum coverage of the area in the shortest possible time. Genetic algorithm was applied for optimization and different parameters were varied to determine the most optimum route.
Development of flood early warning technology has grown rapidly. The technology has led to improvements in terms of communication and information technology. The use of the Internet of Things model (IOTs) has provided significant development to the development of early warning information systems. In this article is the development of a prototype model of flood monitoring information systems using Android has been designed by combining ultrasonic sensors as a water level detector, rain sensor, temperature sensor and moisture sensor. Arduino Uno Microcontroller Module used as sensor data processor, U-Blox Neo 6m GPS module as location detection and Ethernet module as sender of sensor data to station of flood early warning information system. The design of the prototype produces information on flood elevation, rain conditions, ambient temperature and soil moisture along with its location based on Google Maps interface on mobile android.
The Philippines is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world and it lacks an efficient disaster management system that will help in times of need especially during the rescue and relief phase. For this reason, there is a need for a system that will help in the efficient provision of rescue and relief to the disaster-affected areas. Since the use of mobile phones in the Philippines is widespread, the disaster management system was implemented as a mobile application and the application environment used was Google's Android. The disaster management system Android application known as MyDisasterDroid determines the optimum route along different geographical locations that the volunteers and rescuers need to take in order to serve the most number of people and provide maximum coverage of the area in the shortest possible time. Geographic locations can be entered either through the MyDisasterDroid application or via SMS and to determine the most optimum route, genetic algorithm was applied.
— This paper presents the design flow and working principle of Disaster Helpline, an android application that is intended to warn the user about any type of natural calamities or hazardous occurrences happening in the present location of the application user. The application tracks the user's current location via Global Positioning System (GPS), connects to a server and then displays the nearby disasters/incidences on Google Map interface. The application subsequently displays the address and contact numbers of nearby police stations, fire service, hospitals & clinics, blood banks & eye banks and international organizations. Short messages, E-mails and Instant Messages are consequently sent to a trusted list of contacts specified by the user in the application interface if the user falls prey to the disaster/occurrence. A rationale on why the application would be effective in reducing mortality and injuries from hazardous events has also been proved statistically.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Science, Humanity, and Public Health (ICOSHIP 2020), 2021
The development of Information Technology is very fast in the world, including the mobile technology. Mobile is a cellular communication tool provide convenience for all sectors, including government agencies, to be able to produce information quickly, precisely and completely in receiving and conveying information. Indonesia is one of the countries with a relatively high incidence of disasters. In the first week of early 2020, 7 tornado disasters, 5 floods and 1 landslide were recorded, with 23 dead and missing victims, 2 injured and 393 affected. This condition cannot be separated from the geographical factors of Indonesia country, which consists of an archipelago, has active volcanoes, vast oceans and also because of the low behavior of protecting the environment. Almost all parts of Indonesia are susceptible to disasters. Many applications related to natural disaster management have been more developed, but in general the applications have not yet fully reach the needs of stakeholders and victims. So it is necessary to develop an application system for emergency response and disaster management. This study use a prototype model, through the collection of stakeholder needs followed by making a prototype design and evaluation. The application were designed to support various features of the current digital era. The hope, this prototype can be developed to more practical applications in order to facilitate emergency response and disaster management quickly, precisely, and accurately.
arXiv: Geophysics, 2018
This study aims to simplify the current flood mapping methodology, so it can be done in quicker time, easy to learn, but still produce accurate flood information to support the emergency responses. This study is divided into two activities: Survey development and flood mapping methods; Field survey and mapping to test the developed method. The method development was then conducted by examining the simple methods in the flood mapping survey and then testing it in the field. The results of these trials were then evaluated to determine the most effective and efficient methods. The utilization of free android mapping application to conduct flood survey shows satisfactory results. Based on two trials, it was known that it takes only 4 hours to conduct a 15 km survey of Citarum River segment. The mapping shows that the flood areas in Baleendah and its surrounding reached 763 Ha and 794 Ha respectively on 25 December 2014 and 13 March 2016. In addition, the method developed is also relativ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Flooding is a phenomenon that almost always occurs every year in various regions throughout Indonesia with a variety of cycle variations. In the rainy season, high rainfall and narrowed watersheds and silting up are no longer able to accommodate the flow of water, causing flash floods. Flood Warning Systems operate with traditional local wisdom that is highly dependent on the availability and responsiveness of the personnel assigned to oversee the river. Therefore, the development innovation of the existing system is expected to be able to provide information and data regularly and be an early warning to flash floods in order to minimize the impact. This research was conducted to design, create and implement an image-based flash flood early warning system prototype based on an Android cellular phone so that the public is expected to be able to access information on possible flash floods through their respective cell phones. Image processing is the basis of this development innovation through the Background Substraction method which is carried out to automatically detect High Levels of Water (TMA) on the control board (Peil) via an IP Camera which is an input parameter for the system and is processed into information for interested parties. The results of analysis of the detection of water level (TMA) on the peil board carried out on the server computer, become input parameters for determining the status of the dam water level. Flood early warning application that is installed on Android smartphone devices receives data from the server computer via the internet network .
— This paper presents the design flow and working principle of Disaster Helpline, an android application that is intended to warn the user about any type of natural calamities or hazardous occurrences happening in the present location of the application user. The application tracks the user's current location via Global Positioning System (GPS), connects to a server and then displays the nearby disasters/incidences on Google Map interface. The application subsequently displays the address and contact numbers of nearby police stations, fire service, hospitals & clinics, blood banks & eye banks and international organizations. Short messages, E-mails and Instant Messages are consequently sent to a trusted list of contacts specified by the user in the application interface if the user falls prey to the disaster/occurrence. A rationale on why the application would be effective in reducing mortality and injuries from hazardous events has also been proved statistically.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
Flood are the most damaging natural disaster in the world on the occasion of heavy flood, it can destroy the community and killed many lives. The government would spend billions of dollars to recover the affected area. It is crucial to develop a flood control system as a mechanism to reduce the flood risk .Providing a quick feedback on the occurrence of the flood is necessary for alerting resident to take early action such as evacuate quickly to a safer and higher solution to this paper propose a system that is not only able to dtect the water level but also alert about bridge collapse. The development of an android application for all the vehicle owners that uses their smart phones while travelling and getting flood report on the route that they are going to pass through. Working with raspberry pi to detecting the flood, the application alerts the user if their vehicle can either pass though the flood safely, proceed with precaution or shouldn’t pass the route at all because of the flood.
2012 Ieee Conference on Open Systems, 2012
Natural Disasters have threatened mankind since history started. Due to geographic position and climate change, Bangladesh is one of most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. The country also lacks effective disaster preparedness system to confront natural disasters. Timely disaster warning and evacuation guideline can save lives of the people. In addition, a tourist or a blind people may face difficulties in finding safe area or shelter place prior to the occurrence of natural disasters. For this reason, we have proposed a location based early disaster warning and evacuation system for both normal and blind people using OpenStreetMap (OSM). The system is implemented on android mobile phone because of the burgeoning growth of smart phones in Bangladesh. So, our system comprises a third-party server named Disaster Management Server (DMS), android device with our application installed on it and user. The local weather office updates the disaster (tsunami, cyclone or flood) data on DMS. Device user registers on Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) server to get automatic notification of upcoming disaster otherwise user gets manual notification. The user communicates with DMS to have updated data sending the current position obtained by GPS or network provider. The probable disaster affected area is determined by ray casting algorithm. When our application recognizes the user in probable disaster zone then application will disseminate visual and audio disaster warning and evacuation guideline including shortest path of shelter or safe zone on the map of the application. Evacuation progress is also tracked using DMS and national identification of user. The experimental result demonstrates the effectiveness of our system.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2013
The golden time and measure of agility during the emergency is that hour when the incident has occurred. Recovery and response should be served promptly to minimize the risk of losing life and property. Therefore this paper examines(analyze) and determines(clarifies) the concurrent(real time) application of Android, GIS, and web base system that is focusing on those exceptional areas where the emergency system is not very much efficient or is not very much agile (effective). Most emergency situation occurs due to fire, road accidents or natural disasters, this paper analyzes GIS data of transport systems, incident location, hospitals, ambulance and observing teams, police, fire brigades etc, spatial data analysis can also done for past incident scrutiny (analysis) by using ArcGIS server manager at the backend designed by all the basic map interaction WCF services in ASP.NET which can be able to respond on all sort of needs required by the responder by using his/her smart android phone.
Natural Disasters have threatened mankind since history started. Due to geographic location and environment change, there are many vulnerable countries to natural disasters. The countries also lack effective disaster preparedness system to confront natural disasters. In addition, a tourist may face difficulties in finding safe area or shelter place prior to the occurrence of natural disasters. For this reason, we have proposed a disaster management system and evacuation system for people using Google Map (GM). The system is implemented on android mobile phone because of the burgeoning growth of smart phones in world. Android device with our application installed on it and user. User can register the multiple receiver or family member or friends to send SMS at a time to send notification for help. By sending the current position obtained by GPS and including shortest path of shelter or safe zone on the map of the application.
Mobile Phone (HP) is a mobile communication system that has been popular in the community in Jakarta. Because HP can be taken anywhere it is appropriate as a means of information dissemination. Flood is a very distressing event that the public, especially residents of Jakarta. Not just traffic jams everywhere, but also can stop the activities of the community. This research uses knowledge base to inform the distribution of flood area based correlation between the heights of water surface at the water gate with a distribution area of flood water. A knowledge base flood data area and the water levels in water gate for the preceding year are set up manually by gate attendant, the attendant can up-date when the data changes. In this system there is interaction between the gate attendant, systems and society: Gate attendant update the floodgates data into the master. When updating the master of gates, floodgates required name, map coordinates and their gate.Dissemination of information i...
Latest developments in crowd-sourcing and inter-user information sharing has led to the idea of sharing crucial information about a near disaster. Having this information can decrease the number of casualties. If people are aware of a near disaster, they can more easily avoid it, which in term, can minimize the damage it makes. The fastest way to get informed, in these situations, is by having peer information and on-time alert. Users of the social networks, have shown, over the years, that they can share information fast in time of a crisis. This type of information sharing is commonly known as crowd-sourcing. In this paper, we propose an android awareness platform called Bewared, which, in term, allows users of the social networks to collaborate, share information and pinpoint a natural disaster with its location. The types of natural disasters, used in this research, are: earthquakes, fires, floods, fire and their level of validity. The application uses some of the existing platf...
Smartphone's are existence utilize for various ranges of vigorous activities including social media, messaging, a chart, context directorate in addition for location applications. Emergency never comes with prior information. In real world case such emergencies and reporting them is a real challenge. This paper contains the existing systems detail survey and proposed system to overcome common problem of having manual intervention while reporting emergency. We are proposing the new idea for emergency detection and reporting. This system will record and report emergency in real time. Reporting of emergency comes with two ways either the person at emergency situation can report directly by Smartphone with nearest emergency facility or by reporting and response team comes with emergency facility like medical, fire, police. It works in three steps as detection of emergency with current location, user data collection and processing and reporting to web application. This is the client-server GIS and Smartphone application for the person at emergency situation. the person at emergency select the emergency service such as in client application medical, fire, police, then it detect the user current location along with information name of the person and contact number(person's identity) for providing service then register, after registering their will be two options either the person at emergency select its own nearest service such as for medical nearest hospitals to provide medical facility, in case of fire nearest fire stations and police in criminal, illegal activity etc and second way after registering details information will placed onto server database so that rescue team will get information and provide appropriate services to the person. This proposed work, we will record all emergency details of rescued person with location onto maps, GIS will provide detection of emergency person coordinates (latitude and longitude) tracked by GPS and also provide plotting coordinates onto maps in the web application. Current project also Tracks location of person and sharing it with helping message to its family members, friends or any by selecting contact number from Smartphone and share via SMS or any social applications like face book, email, whatsapp so that front person understand person is in emergency and they will help them.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
The frequency of floods that often occur in Indonesia has made floods one of the national disasters designated as national priorities. The flood disaster has caused many casualties and material losses. For the government to anticipate more flood victims, a flood information system is needed that can provide real-time flood information in the form of location information and the level of flood level. Based on these problems, this research article aims to build a flood disaster information system in real-time location-based information using data communication based on Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). The system design is built in two systems, namely the client system or flood detector consisting of ultrasonic sensor components as input modules, Arduino Uno microcontrollers as processing modules and SIM900 modules as output components. Next is a server system consisting of Wavecom GSM Modem as input component and PHP Engine software, mySQL database, Apache Web Server as data processing. In processing flood information, the client system sends location and water level data using SIM900 in the form of SMS to the server system. The server system processes the data so that it produces information on the location and height of the flood that can be distributed through the website. This study produced a location-based flood disaster information system prototype with data communication between flood detectors and flood information system servers using Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) media.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The occurrence of natural calamities and disasters becomes prevalent due to climate change. In Philippines, natural disaster incident increases annually and high vulnerability risk index (World Risk Report, 2016). In order to address these challenges, this study had been undertaken to mitigate the risk associated to natural disaster both life and property. Specifically, the study aims to develop real time mobile monitoring system with drone technology that will provide accurate information that currently occurring on the ground. The assessment of the system used under ISO 9126/ISO/IEC 25010. standard system evaluation and Kano's Model in evaluating the developed system. Results show that the system Q-score is 2.06, 2.02 and 1.8 respectively. for Usability, Functionality and Reliability of the system. Likewise, its general grade rating is DQ. This result indicates positive users' perspective about the system on its reliability, functionality, and usability.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018
We design how to use networks with smart phones for providing communications in disaster recovery. By lessening the communication gap among different kinds of wireless networks, we have designed and implemented a system, which provides Android phones the capabilities on communications in disaster helper. Application consists of two components: a messaging system between rescue worker and the victim and a self-rescue system. The messaging system between rescue worker and victim integrates cellular networking enables proper communication. The self-rescue system finds different communication network ways for trapped survivors. Such a group of Android phones can cooperatively get a notification and send out emergency messages in an energy-efficient manner with their location and position information so as to help rescue operations. We have implemented application as a prototype application on the Android platform and deployed it on all types of smartphones. We are creating application with a centralized server for communication. First for the admin who will monitor victim and rescue worker and other two for rescue worker and disaster victim.
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