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2020, Tratamento de metástases em trânsito no melanoma
38 pages
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In-transit metastases (ITM) are cutaneous and/or subcutaneous lesions between the primary site and the draining regional lymph node, distant at least 2 cm from the primary site. They occur at 5 to 10% of melanoma patients. The melanoma staging from AJCC 2017 include them in stages IIIB, IIIC and IIID. Throughout the years, this committee have been emphasizing their prognostic importance. This work is based on a selection and review of scientific and revision articles published or referenced in Pubmed (Medline). The majority of them are dated from 2011 onwards. Results: There are many treatments available for patients with in-transit metastases. Excision to clear margins is the first line treatment. From this point on, the therapy course is not clear because guidelines are not entirely enlightening. Nowadays, the therapeutic decision is up for discussion involving the doctor, a multidisciplinary medical team and the patients and their family. The choice between local, regional and systemic treatment should take into account the lesions anatomical location, their number, their size, the potential toxicity of the therapy itself and the patient comorbidities. The emerging systemic immunotherapies and targeted agents have shown a clear benefit in the stage IV melanoma, completely changing the therapy paradigm. However, its use in ITM is not yet well characterized and validated. Presently the therapeutic decision requires a wide knowledge of the several options available. In the future, comparative studies are needed specially between the new systemic therapies and the regional ones. Association studies between the different therapies are also in order as this path seems to be the most promising one.
Iraqi journal of medical sciences, 2013
Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma is considered one of the most lethal, chemo and radioresistant urological neoplasms, and is only cured by surgical approach in localized disease. Patients with local tumor advancement and metastases have always had extremely limited treatment, which was reflected in the high mortality associated with the tumor. With the routine use of imaging techniques in recent years, renal cell carcinoma has been diagnosed incidentally, as it manifests itself late in its evolution, which has led to a considerable increase in its incidence. With the advancement of time and after research on the characteristics of renal cell carcinoma, systemic therapy has evolved drastically, bringing less invasive approaches with an impact on the overall survival of patients. In this dissertation, the systemic therapies that emerged in recent years will be addressed, those that are still under study, as they have altered the natural evolution of the disease and the repercussions in clinical practice. Methodology: Bibliographic research on online platforms with analysis of articles between 2000 and 2020. Results: From the evaluation of the collected data, it is highlighted that the new drugs approved and recommended for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma were based on the molecular pathways and the genetic characteristics of the tumor. Agents that target specific molecules and modulate the tumor immune microenvironment have emerged. It should be noted that immunotherapy has had and continues to have a major role in this therapeutic evolution and that, although only in the last few years more powerful drugs have appeared, it was a pioneer in the introduction of nonspecific cytokines. Clinical trials have left some questions in the application of drugs, such as an ideal treatment time, definition of treatment strategies and selection of responsive patients. The development of predictive biomarkers of response to instituted therapy and prognosis will be essential to fill the gaps left by the trials developed so far. Conclusion: The evolution of systemic therapy for renal cell carcinoma has changed the natural disease course. However, it remains an incurable disease, except for nephrectomy in local cases and, therefore, continuous structuring of the ideal treatment approach will be necessary.
Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma is considered one of the most lethal, chemo and radioresistant urological neoplasms, and is only cured by surgical approach in localized disease. Patients with local tumor advancement and metastases have always had extremely limited treatment, which was reflected in the high mortality associated with the tumor. With the routine use of imaging techniques in recent years, renal cell carcinoma has been diagnosed incidentally, as it manifests itself late in its evolution, which has led to a considerable increase in its incidence. With the advancement of time and after research on the characteristics of renal cell carcinoma, systemic therapy has evolved drastically, bringing less invasive approaches with an impact on the overall survival of patients. In this dissertation, the systemic therapies that emerged in recent years will be addressed, those that are still under study, as they have altered the natural evolution of the disease and the repercussions in clinical practice. Methodology: Bibliographic research on online platforms with analysis of articles between 2000 and 2020. Results: From the evaluation of the collected data, it is highlighted that the new drugs approved and recommended for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma were based on the molecular pathways and the genetic characteristics of the tumor. Agents that target specific molecules and modulate the tumor immune microenvironment have emerged. It should be noted that immunotherapy has had and continues to have a major role in this therapeutic evolution and that, although only in the last few years more powerful drugs have appeared, it was a pioneer in the introduction of nonspecific cytokines. Clinical trials have left some questions in the application of drugs, such as an ideal treatment time, definition of treatment strategies and selection of responsive patients. The development of predictive biomarkers of response to instituted therapy and prognosis will be essential to fill the gaps left by the trials developed so far. Conclusion: The evolution of systemic therapy for renal cell carcinoma has changed the natural disease course. However, it remains an incurable disease, except for nephrectomy in local cases and, therefore, continuous structuring of the ideal treatment approach will be necessary.
Objetivos: Apresentar três casos de melanoma mucoso da cabeça e pescoço. Tendo em conta as particularidades e raridade deste tipo de tumor, realizar uma revisão sobre as suas características, estadiamento e tratamento em Portugal. Material e Métodos: Foi feita uma avaliação retrospetiva dos melanomas mucosos que recorreram ao nosso hospital nos últimos dois anos, tal como uma revisão bibliográfica sobre este tipo de tumor. Resultados: Durante este período, três doentes recorreram ao nosso hospital com o diagnóstico de melanoma mucoso. Pelo estadio precoce (III) foram submetidos a recessão cirúrgica. O mais antigo tem um seguimento superior a 2 anos, com necessidade de reintervenção por recidiva local; o mais recente tem apenas 6 meses de evolução após tratamento. Conclusão: Considerando a alta probabilidade de recidiva deste tipo de tumor, mesmo após tratamento cirúrgico agressivo, são necessários mais estudos para estabelecer novas opções terapêuticas de forma a melhorar o prognóst...
HU Revista, 2019
Uma nova era no tratamento do câncer está surgindo com o uso de anticorpos capazes de inibir pontos de bloqueio do sistema imunológico, chamados de “inibidores de checkpoint”. Um novo conceito de “balas mágicas”, que no início do século passado foram imaginadas por Paul Ehrlich como capazes de atuar diretamente na destruição de alvos tumorais, é representado agora por anticorpos direcionadas contra moléculas que bloqueiam a atividade antitumoral do sistema imunológico, como o antígeno de linfócitos T citotóxicos-4 (CTLA-4) e a proteína-1 de morte celular programada (PD-1). Essas novas imunoterapias vêm revolucionando a forma de tratar diferentes tipos de câncer. Nesta revisão selecionamos estudos, sobre CTLA-4 e PD-1, seus ligantes em células apresentadoras de antígenos, assim como destacamos a importância da descoberta de antígenos tumorais e o papel do sistema imunológico na imunovigilância tumoral. Nesse estudo são discutidos aspectos relacionados aos efeitos de imunoterapias bas...
Material de distribuição exclusiva à classe médica. Esta publicação foi distribuída com o apoio da AstraZeneca do Brasil Ltda., Bayer S.A., Elekta Medical Systems Comércio e Serviços para Radioterapia Ltda., Genzyme do Brasil Ltda., Merck S.A. e Produtos Roche Químicos e Farmacêuticos S.A.
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
A influência dos inibidores de checkpoint imunológico na sobrevida do paciente com cancer The influence of checkpoint inhibitors on cancer patient survival
Em primeiro lugar, um agradecimento especial, à minha família: pai, mãe, Vânia e avós, pela paciência que tiveram durante estes 6 anos, pelo suporte emocional, e por me facultarem a possibilidade de continuar a vida académica, apesar das dificuldades. Aos meus tios e primos, pelo acolhimento e ajuda que me deram ao longo destes anos. À Professora Doutora Berta São Braz, o meu grande bem-haja pelos conhecimentos, amizade, empenho, orientação e sabedoria, que me transmitiu ao longo do curso, e que me fez adquirir um gosto particular pela farmacologia. Sem si, quer o estágio, quer este trabalho não teria sido possível! Ao Dr. Hugo Vilhena, pelo conhecimento que me transmitiu, pela ajuda ao longo do estágio e na elaboração deste trabalho, pela confiança e amizade. O meu muito obrigado! Ao Professor Doutor Telmo Nunes, agradeço a maravilhosa ajuda na análise estatística que tão prontamente cedeu, bem como a paciência para tolerar a minha grande ansiedade, durante todo o processo. A toda a equipa do Hospital Veterinário do Baixo Vouga agradeço o companheirismo, transmissão de conhecimento, entreajuda e confiança demonstrada ao longo do estágio. Foi para mim um enorme privilégio os 5 meses que passei na vossa companhia! À Dra. Ana Lúcia Catarino, por acreditar em mim, desde o início do meu percurso académico, e me transmitir, e permitir aplicar na prática, conhecimentos de grande valor. Pela confiança, amizade e paciência durante estes 6 anos, o meu sincero bem-haja! Aos meus amigos da turma B, valorizo muito a amizade, o companheirismo e a interajuda que tivemos durante estes 6 anos. Um agradecimento especial à Sofia pela amizade incondicional, pela cooperação no trabalho, pela honestidade e sinceridade. Aos meus amigos de infância, pela incontável paciência durante este tempo, pelo apoio, pelas alegrias, pela confiança e orgulho que sempre demonstraram. E por fim, ao Maradona, a expressão do meu ser, o meu companheiro canino, que partiu cedo demais, e que me levou seguir este caminho! EVALUATION OF ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS
Cancer can be defined as an uncontrolled multiplication, in a widespread and abnormal way, of the cells of the organism itself and arises from a genetic mutation characterized as a neoplasm. From this mutation, the patient can receive various forms of treatment, one of which is the use of monoclonal antibodies (mABs). These are immunoglobulins derived from the same B lymphocyte clone and developed to react with specific antigens of some types of cells, ensuring greater preservation of healthy cells when compared to other treatments. The objectives of this work were to review cancer studies including symptoms, causes and drug treatments with mABs, to evaluate the action of mABs in the human body and to present their mechanism of action, to verify the available and updated therapeutic applications of mABs in the treatment of cancer and carry out a survey of the types available with active health registration. It was concluded that the mABs in immunotherapy are promising when used in the treatment of several types of tumors. They are directed against tumor antigens in different tissues and organs, such as T cell lymphomas, solid tumors such as colorectal, ovarian, prostate, pancreas, lung, hepatocellular, renal, breast, central nervous system glioma, head and neck cancer. neck, medullary thyroid carcinoma and also leptomeningeal, medulloblastoma. The production of mABs revolutionized the generation of immunoglobulins and their use implies a strategic advance, affecting the global pharmaceutical market for therapeutic proteins. However, cancer treatment based on mABs has achieved considerable success in recent years, since biological products, specific targets, have proved effective for the treatment of malignant diseases. It was identified that a large part of the active health records of mABs for cancer treatment in the Brazilian market is owned by the pharmaceutical company Products Roche Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals S.A.
Recomendações para a preservação do potencial reprodutivo no doente oncológico Resumo Objetivo: Proporcionar informação atualizada baseada na evidência disponível sobre a preservação do potencial reprodutivo em adultos com cancro. Métodos: Revisão da literatura publicada após 2006, com recurso à Medline e PubMed. A evidência foi analisada por especialistas das várias sociedades médicas e após reflexão baseada na prática clínica diária e discussão em grupos de trabalho foram elaboradas as recomendações. Resultados: Foram revistos e analisados os artigos científicos, bem como as recomendações e/ou orientações publicadas por sociedades científicas internacionais. Após revisão da melhor evidência científica, o painel de peritos selecionado para o efeito elaborou as recomendações a aplicar na população portuguesa. O texto esteve disponível para consulta pública e contributos dos elementos das sociedades envolvidas, que foram integrados quando adequado. Recomendações: Todos os profissionais de saúde devem abordar com o doente oncológico, o risco de infertilidade e as possibilidades de preservação do potencial reprodutivo. O risco individual de cada doente poder vir a sofrer alterações na sua função reprodutiva depende do tipo de cancro, idade e do plano de tratamento. É muito importante proceder à estratificação do risco de infertilidade e à avaliação da fertilidade antes de iniciar qualquer técnica de preservação do potencial reprodutivo. Nos homens, a opção mais comum e mais eficaz é a criopreservação de esperma que pode ser conseguida em 24-48 h. Nas mulheres, a opção preferencial é a criopreservação de ovócitos que pode ser completada em duas a quatro semanas. A referenciação deve ser o mais precoce possível, assim que esteja feito o diagnóstico da doença oncológica e se estabeleça a necessidade de terapêutica potencialmente lesiva da função reprodutiva.
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A Residência Multiprofissional em Oncologia, 2019
A Residência Multiprofissional em Oncologia
Gazeta Médica, 2017
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Brazilian Journal of Health Review, 2021
Revista Eletrônica Acervo Científico
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Biomédicas
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
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