Istituzione del mondo e custodia della verità (su Heidegger)

2024, Quaestio


The Heideggerian radicalization of the question of the world in the 1930s seems to us to be driven by the need for a double detrascendentalisation. It is not only a matter of freeing the thought of the world from modern subjectivism but also of overcoming the conceptual pairs a priori/a posteriori, condition/conditioned, transcendental/empirical. Hence the proliferation, in the Heideggerian texts of the 1930s, of a lexicon of the establishment, of the institution, of the foundation (Einrichtung, Stiftung, Gründung): it is necessary to think of the evenemential institution of the world from a singular thing, according to the exemplary model of the work of art. However, what we would like to show is that this detrascendentalisation can only be fully understood within the framework of the thought of the Ereignis and, in particular, within the framework of one of the «junctures» of the Beiträge (and therefore of the Ereignis itself), the Bergung, which more generally indicates a sheltering and preservation of the truth of Being in the beings, more precisely in the different types of beings and in the different correlative types of the Dasein’s action. It is in this institution of the world, in all acting and in all things, in the multiplicity of our practices and of the things to which we relate, an institution that is made with us and beyond us, that one can see the theoretical perspective opened up by these reflections of Heidegger.