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2002, Arxiv preprint physics/0205055
16 pages
1 file
Eprint Arxiv Physics 0606155, 2006
The third logically consistent and more rational space-time theory…..…………(4) 3. The Rationality Problems of the Principles of Equivalence and General Relativity...….…………………………......(13) 4. Singularities Appearing in the Gravitational Fields of Thin Circle and Double Spheres and the Rationality Problem of the Einstein's Equations of Gravitational Fields……………………………...……......(25) 5. Revised Formulas of Newtonian Gravity Based on the Schwarzschild Solution of the Einstein's Equation of Gravitation fields………….......(39) 6. The Gravitational Theory Established in Flat Space-time...…………..(62) 7. The Cosmological theory Established in Flat Space-time……………..(67) Authors who are not interested in the concept analysis of space-time and gravitation can start from Section 4 after reading introduction By the coordinate transformations of the Kerr and Kerr-Newman solutions, the solutions for the static distributions of mass thin loop and double spheres with axial symmetry are obtained. The results indicate that no matter what the masses and the densities of thin loop and double spheres are, the space's curvatures in the centre points of loop and the double sphere's connecting line are infinite. The singularity points are completely exposed in vacuum. The space curvatures nearby the singularity points and the surfaces of thin loop as well as double spheres are also highly curved even though the gravitational fields are very weak. It is obvious that all of them are actually impossible. The results show that the space-time singularities appearing in the Einstein's theory of gravity are not caused by the high density and huge mass's distributions. They are caused actually by the descriptive method of curved space-time, having nothing to do with the real world. After the geodesic equation described by the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein's equation of gravitational field is transformed into flat reference frame to describe, all space-time singularities are transformed into the infinite points of gravitations. This kind of infinites would appear in all theories based on the mode of point particles and not worth to be surprise. So we should give up the descriptive method of geometry, retuning to the classical descriptive method of dynamics and interaction for gravitation.
Cosmological observations indicate that the Einstein equation may not be entirely correct to describe gravity. However, numerous modifications of these equations usually do not affect foundations of the theory. In this paper two important issue that lead to a substantial revision of the theory are considered : 1. The significance of relativity of space-time geometry with respect to measuring instruments for theory of gravitation. 2. The gauge transformations of the field variables in correct theory of gravitation.
Using different viewpoints on mass, volume, and spacetime, we may associate well-known theories such as Le Sage, Higgs, and General Relativity, to go further in our understanding of the basic phenomena of modern physics. Such an association solves the three basic enigmas of General Relativity: "How does mass curve spacetime?" "What is the origin of mass (in accordance with the Higgs Theory)?" and "What is the mechanism behind the force of gravitation?". This paper does not intend to cast doubt on or undermine Higgs or General Relativity, but it goes further by taking different viewpoints. This article opens the way to many applications of modern physics, and may solve several enigmas of Astrophysics, such as "why is the mass of a black hole proportional to its radius instead of its volume?". New calculations of the Newton's third Law and Schwarzschild Metric, grounded on this viewpoint, are provided.
This Thesis is devoted to the study of phenomenologically viable gravitational theories, in order to address the most pressing open issues both at very small and very large energy scales. Lovelock’s theorem singles out General Relativity as the only theory with second-order field equations for the metric tensor. So, two possible ways to circumvent it and modify the gravitational sector are taken into account. The first route consists in giving up diffeomorphism invariance, which generically leads to extra propagating degrees of freedom. In this framework Horava gravity is discussed, presenting two restrictions, called respectively “projectability” and “detailed balance”, which are imposed in order to reduce the number of terms in the full theory. We introduce a new version of the theory assuming detailed balance but not projectability, and we show that such theory is dynamically consistent as both the spin-0 and spin-2 gravitons have a well behaved dynamics at lowenergy. Moreover three-dimensional rotating black hole solutions are found and fully studied in the context of Horava gravity, shedding light on its causal structure. A new concept of black hole horizon, dubbed “universal horizon”, arises besides the usual event horizon one, since in Lorentz-violating gravity theories there can be modes propagating even at infinite speed. The second route which is considered, consists in adding extra fields to the gravitational action while diffeomorphism invariance is preserved. In this respect we consider the less explored option that such fields are auxiliary fields, so they do not satisfy dynamical equations but can be instead algebraically eliminated. A very general parametrization for these theories is constructed, rendering also possible to put on them very tight, theory-independent constraints. Some insight about the cosmological implications of such theories is also given. Finally in the conclusions we discuss about the future challenges that the aforementioned gravity theories have to face.
AIP Conference Proceedings
It is demonstrated herein that:-1. The quantity 'r' appearing in the so-called "Schwarzschild solution" is neither a distance nor a geodesic radius in the manifold but is in fact the inverse square root of the Gaussian curvature of the spatial section and does not generally determine the geodesic radial distance (the proper radius) from the arbitrary point at the centre of the spherically symmetric metric manifold. 2. The Theory of Relativity forbids the existence of point-mass singularities because they imply infinite energies (or equivalently, that a material body can acquire the speed of light in vacuo); 3. Ric = R µν = 0 violates Einstein's 'Principle of Equivalence' and so does not describe Einstein's gravitational field; 4. Einstein's conceptions of the conservation and localisation of gravitational energy are invalid; 5. The concepts of black holes and their interactions are ill-conceived; 6. The FRW line-element actually implies an open, infinite Universe in both time and space, thereby invalidating the Big Bang cosmology.
International Journal of Physics, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 6, 267-276, 2014
This article intends to fathom a development by M.Tailherer which introduces a second gravitational equation devised to complete General Relativity (TGR), based on the ansatz of equating the curvature tensor opportunely contracted to the 4-vorticity by a new constant S as measure of the intrinsic inertia of the curved Space-Time. After justifying the need to deal with the 2nd fundamental tensor in Relativity in discussing the dynamics of Space-Time structure, it has been shown how the model exhibits unforeseen analogies with the electromagnetic theory. As direct continuation of the analysis of the gravitational wave propagation in free space, it has been seen that on asymptotic conditions the polarization state can be retrieved as mixture of two independent modes likewise TGR as from harmonic constraints on the homogeneous solution of wave equation. Actually, in this gravitational framework, at least for one polarization state, transverse waves propagate causing equal in-phase deformation displacement, not counter-phase as expected in gravitational interferometry experiments at present status. Computation of gravitational power losses for the keplerian system B 1913+16 in the solution by approximations of the inhomogeneous problem has been carried out to the 1st order, which has allowed the attempt of the assessment of a new universal gravitational constant for the first time ever.
Abstract. The interior of gravitationally collapsed objects in alternate theories of gravity in which event horizons and singularities do not occur in strong field gravity were generically investigated. These objects, called red holes, were found to contain dynamic configurations of matter, radiation and spacetime similar to inside out accretion disks well inside the photon orbit. Applications to astrophysical phenomena are briefly described. NATURE MIGHT PREFER RED HOLES Rather than general relativity, an alternate theory of gravity – in which event horizons do not form around collapsing compact bodies – might be true. In this case, black holes do not exist in nature. Instead, compact bodies that collapse gravitationally inside their photon orbit form a different configuration of matter, radiation and space-time, which can be called a red hole. The literature contains several theories, consistent with all known experimental evidence, in which red holes occur instead of black holes ...
Newton claimed the influence of gravity is instantaneous; Einstein insisted no influence could propagate faster than the speed of light. Recent experiments to test the speed of gravity have been controversial and inconclusive on technical grounds. Considerable effort is currently expended in the search for a Quantum Gravity; but there is no a priori reason there should be one. We propose that is not the regime of integration which instead occurs in the arena of the Unified Field, UF; further that a completed model of Geometrodynamics inherently includes a Newton/Einstein duality which introduces shock effects in certain arenas. The unified theory predicts that there is no graviton of the usual phenomenal form (an artifact of the incompleteness of Gauge Theory, i.e. gauge theory is only an approximation suggesting new physics). A new Large Scale Additional Dimensional (LSXD) M-Theoretic topological charge alternative is presented. We also attempt to show how the Titius-Bode Law for solar and exoplanetary configurations appears to provide indicia of this multiverse gravitational model. Applications of the dual geometrodynamics formulation include an interpretation of quasar luminosity as the result of gravitational shock waves in a manner countering explanations of large redshift, Z in Big Bang cosmology putatively based on Doppler recession. Instead redshift occurs as the result of a periodic minute photon mass anisotropy caused by periodic coupling to a covariant polarized Dirac vacuum.
International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2008
Already in the 1970s there where attempts to present a set of ground rules, sometimes referred to as a theory of gravitation theories, which theories of gravity should satisfy in order to be considered viable in principle and, therefore, interesting enough to deserve further investigation. From this perspective, an alternative title of this paper could be "Why Are We Still Unable to Write a Guide on How to Propose Viable Alternatives to General Relativity?". Attempting to answer this question, it is argued here that earlier efforts to turn qualitative statements, such as the Einstein equivalence principle, into quantitative ones, such as the metric postulates, stand on rather shaky ground — probably contrary to popular belief — as they appear to depend strongly on particular representations of the theory. This includes ambiguities in the identification of matter and gravitational fields, dependence of frequently used definitions (such as those of the stress–energy tensor o...
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Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2014
Eprint Arxiv Physics 0205033, 2002
Researchgate , 2019
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 2022
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2010
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1999
Arxiv preprint gr-qc/0406023, 2004
The European Physical Journal Plus, 2016