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2014, Engineering Optimization
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A Gearbox is a mechanical device that is used to provide Speed and Torque conversions from a rotating power source to output shaft. As the speed of the shaft increases, the torque transmitted decreases and vice versa. Gears are an integral and necessary component in our day to day lives. The field of gear design is an extremely broad and complex area, and a complete coverage in any research work is not possible. They are present in the satellites we communicate with, automobiles and bicycles we travel with. This paper presents the designing of the different gear on geometric conditions and finding the effect of tooth load. The present work describes the development of such a design methodology and diagnostic tool for determining the modes of failure for spur gear
One of the most important and unavoidable part of each and every rolling machinery is the gears. Gears are of many types and kinds, they are used in watches to colliders. As in the era of mass production and fast movement gears are inevitable, so analysis of gears should be carried out to find the merits and demerits, to correct them and to design new. In this paper we used to review the analysis of gear both in analytic (Hertizian & Lewis) as well as using software(ANSYS) and their comparison. Also the important findings about the properties of gear
Gear Geometry and Applied Theory, 2019
Gear Geometry and Applied Theory
The shape of the tooth profile affects the stress-strain state in the gear. In the case of a fatigue failure the stress state is a decisive criterion for the lifetime of the gear. The shape of the tooth flank affects the magnitude of the contact pressure in the contact of the meshing teeth. The consequence of which are surface cracks and pitting. The shape of the tooth root influences the magnitude of the root stress, which, when limit is exceeded, leads to root cracks and teeth breakage. Many different types of gearing are known, but in the practice most widely used is the involute one. Other types of gearing become interesting especially when polymer materials are being used. If the gears are injection molded the type of gearing does not affect the cost of the tool. In the case of metal gears, standardized tools for involute gearing make the use of other special types of gearing economically unjustified. Our research is focused on the S-gears, which got their name from the S-shape...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 1998
During the evolution of gearboxes, unwanted noise has been one of the most discussed subjects. Increasing demands on weight reduction and compactness of gearboxes, while preserving the same torque capacity, require optimal design of all parameters involved. Quiet running is especially desirable in a modern automotive gearbox. The very complicated geometry of helical gears, engenders the problem of a multi-variable optimization procedure. Errors of the microform as well as the macroform of the gears highly influence the sound activation. Effects of the macroform have been studied by many researchers and are widely known and predictable. Normally, f'mishing processes, such as grinding and honing, are used to achieve the predicted macroform of a gear tooth. As a consequence of applying these processes, the microform of the tooth is accomplished. This paper is concerned with the characterization of the gear tooth surfaces obtained with such processes. The characterization is performed with respect to the surface functional properties. These parameters which are interesting due to the noise activity, were identified when the literature available in the field of interest was reviewed. 3D measuring technique, form removal, functional filtering, and 2D spectral density analysis have been utilized in order to extract this information as surface functional parameters. Since the main aim of this paper is to discuss how to produce gears with optimal noise consequences, the principles of RZP-grinding, F~issler honing and Hurth green-shaving are discussed. During this work, the most significant process parameters have been identified utilizing two-level fractional factorial experiments, based on 3D evaluation of surfaces. The parameters identified together with the process principles were then used to predict the surface characteristics. Optimal strategies concerning all processes for production of low noise gears are suggested. The validity of arguments and results regarding the RZPprocess was examined, while gears from a real manufacturing shop-floor were evaluated. '(3 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd
Procedia CIRP, 2015
Gears as the key transmission parts of machineries are widely used in mechanical and aeronautical fields. GeoSpelling, a framework standardized as ISO 17450-2005 supported tolerancing process by a set of concepts and mathematical algorithms, is a coherent and complete model to manage the shape variations of geometrical parts. Considering current gear specification standards incline to inspection convenient ignoring tolerance quality control, so it is a realistic necessary to develop a coherent gear specification model based on GeoSpelling language. This model should not only consider integrating functional requirements involved in design stage but also be able to correspond to manufacturing and inspection procedures. In this paper a new approach based on discrete geometry is introduced to design gear specification model. It is also focus on a perspective discussion on how SSA (Statistical Shape Analysis) method could be a solution to analyze the gear integrated errors into different individual errors, such as tangential composite error, tooth-to-tooth tangential composite error, pitch accumulated deviation, tooth-to-tooth pitch accumulated deviation and geometric eccentricity. The fundamentals mentioned above provide a reliable methodology for analyzing gear manufacturing errors. As a result it is able to enhance the computational processing capability and metrological traceability for gear quality control.
International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 2021
The GearTeq 2021 software is a complex gear designer software which is capable to design different types of gears based on the initial geometric parameters by the user. Naturally, the users’ appropriate knowledge for the gear theorem and the manufacturing technology is indispensable for the design. The possibilities of the software are shown in this publication. The designed gear pairs are usable for different engineering fields (robots, working machines, vehicles, etc.).
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2013
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2005
In this paper the theory of gearing is presented by means of a new approach that does not need reference systems. All equations are written in terms of vectors and therefore are valid regardless of the reference system actually employed. The overall formulation becomes more compact and clearer. As an example, the proposed approach is applied to the generation of spiral bevel gears. To actually perform all calculations, only one reference system is required, thus avoiding the chain of reference systems typical of the traditional approach.
New perspectives such as harmonic mean, contact patch as translating third body, contact form factor, and service load factor are introduced in spur gear design. The harmonic mean rule characterizes the physical and geometric properties of the contact patch. The contact patch is construed as a body in translation during gear teeth engagement. The contact form factor may be used to compare the load capability of different pressure angle standards. The service load factor captures the influence of different conventional rated load modification factors. Gear design analysis is separated into design sizing and design verification tasks. Design sizing and design verification formulas are formulated and presented in simplified forms for the Hertz contact and the Lewis root bending stresses. Three design Examples are presented through which it is demonstrated that results from the contact and root bending stress capacity models compare very favorably with American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) results. The worst differences in the results are 5.23% for contact stress in design Example 2 and -6.59% for root bending stress for design Example 1. In design Example 3, it is shown that using pinion teeth number higher than 17 or 18 can leads to overall size reduction of gearset. This is important because of possible manufacturing cost reduction and higher mesh efficiency. Comparison of proposed approximations for mesh overload, internal overload and service load factors for design sizing and design verification tasks yielded very close results. The highest variance in the three design examples between proposed approximated and AGMA values of these parameters is -5.32%, indicating a slightly higher or conservative value for design sizing. Due to the very favorable results in comparison with AGMA values, the design approach appears to be an acceptable one in the preliminary design of spur gears because of simplicity and transparency.
Recent Advances in Gearing, 2021
The chapter starts with the theory defining S-gears and their properties and compares S- and involute gears. Most of the text deals with cylindric spur gears. S-gears are defined with the half-symmetric rack profile, which then uniquely defines the path of contact and gears. Reshaping of the gear flanks for external and internal gear pairs is presented here and thermal behavior discussed and compared with the involute gears. Experimental verification of S-gears theory, especially durability and thermal behavior of importance for plastic gears is presented. So, in this chapter a material combination of interest was alloy steel and POM (which was only heat stabilized). The chapter presents some specific information about this. And finally, the planocentric gearbox focused on high-tech industry (e.g., robotics) is presented. The problem is how to achieve required properties. So, all possible analytical tools should be used to minimize backlash and many other parameters which is also pr...
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017
The gears are today the most widespread and most frequently used mechanical transmissions, all over the world. They must be the factory on an industrial scale, everywhere and have a variety of uses, being extremely important for both the heavy machines of industrial buildings, as well as for domestic appliances, electronics, etc. meet the excessive size normal, big or even huge (used from ships, heavy machines or in energy), but also for the tools watches, or for devices of sizes micro. The work of front wishes to make an overview of the tools and then an introduction to the study of their general and a study customized for gears with fixed. The methods listed for the gears with fixed, can then be customized and used and the gears Planetary Drive (with axis elements). The work of the front and the original components, very much, such as: Geometry, forces, velocities, powers, outputs (gears), which form part of the actual dynamics of the mechanisms and also the most important criterion in respect of the performance of a mechanism.
The modern design of mechanical parts, such as gears, goes through the continuous demand for a high level of efficiency and reliability, as well as an increased load carrying capacity and endurance life. The aim of the present paper was to perform a review and to collect practical examples in order to provide interesting tips and guidelines for gear design, including both its dimensioning and its lubrication. From this point of view, this paper is particularly novel, as it is a full-comprehensive collection of all the tools supporting gear design. Several practical aspects have been taken into account, including the definition of the right profile shifting, the selection of a proper lubricant, and the definition of the quality grade and of the tolerances needed to obtain the correct backlash. Finally, a numerical example is provided, addressing the research of the best solution to fit a given space, while maximizing the transmittable torque over weight ratio for two mating spur gears.
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
The paper presents an original method for the determination of the yield of the gearbox, gears forces, gearbox and power. It analyzes the influence of certain parameters which affects the efficiency of the gearbox. Also an original method for the determination of the yield of the drive shafts oriented on the basis of the ratio of contact is presented the brief. The relations submitted, can be dynamic synthesis of the drive shafts oriented, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the mechanisms of mesh.
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