San Esteban of Guadalajara


Trabaja fundamentalmente en temas relacionado con el patrimonio arquitectónico, habiendo publicado numerosos libros y artículos en revistas. After the reconquest of the city of Guadalajara, a parochial network was built in which each Church or parish, in addition to fulfilling its religious function, it was a fiscal municipal cell and a military recruitment. Were founded ten parishes, that served to configure the urban fabric of a population founded to play, mostly, a defensive function. During the Middle Ages Guadalajara also had four convents, a number that was increased with six new foundations in the sixteenth century, and four more in the 17th century. The religious function was decisive in the configuration of the urban landscape of the city because there is a direct relationship between the configuration of any city and the functions that are developed in it, therefore, its evolution is, to a large degree, a consequence of the changes that have taken place in it. The drastic reduction of religious activity of the nineteenth century, with the different confisca-